

Research on Defect Cranioplasty Based on Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing Technology

【作者】 宋伟

【导师】 张雷;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类生活质量的提高,人类平均寿命延长,对人工骨骼的需求量日增。对骨损伤的修复要求也越来越高,人工骨的制造是骨损伤修复过程中的关键步骤,快速成型技术的医学应用是现代医学与制造技术相结合的发展趋势,已成为国内外研究的热点问题之一。基于快速成型技术的仿生制造(Bionic Manufacturing)是近年来迅速发展起来的先进制造技术的一个分支,是传统制造技术与生命科学、信息科学、材料科学等领域结合,采用生物形式实现制造或以制造生物活体为目标的一种制造方法通过逆向工程对人体缺损的颅骨组织进行三维重建,利用仿生造型与生物制造的原理和方法,采用快速原型技术制造的颅骨修复体在形状精度与尺寸精度上都得到很大的提高,减少并发症的发生,提高吻合度。因此,利用逆向工程与快速原型技术制作颅骨修复体有着一定的实际价值与意义。本文结合吉林省科技发展计划项目“人工颅骨生物活性材料及快速制造技术的研究”主要研究了颅骨缺损的重构并利用快速原型制造的技术。本文利用Visual C++开发出具有图像增强、分割、轮廓跟踪、坐标变换及坐标点数据输出功能的CT图像处理软件,利用Matlab软件实现对颅骨缺损区域的拟合,最后在CAD三维软件中成了颅骨修复体模型的三维重建并将模型以STL格式输出,最终在快速成型机中完成实体的原型制造。实验结果表明本文采用的图像处理技术和RP制造技术可以完成颅骨修复体从CT图像数据到实体模型的制作过程。

【Abstract】 In recent years, rapid prototyping technology based on bionic manufacturing is a research hot spot, which belong to the many cross-disciplinary research topics, related to manufacturing technology, computer graphics, biomedical, materials science and other technology, bones and organs in the body of the recycling and have a wide range of life-saving applications, the use of biological forms in order to achieve the manufacture or production of biological targets in vivo for a manufacturing method of reverse engineering on the human body through the skull defect organization of three-dimensional reconstruction, the use of bionic and biological modeling of the principles and methods of manufacture using rapid prototyping technology in the shape of the skull prosthesis precision and dimensional accuracy have been on a lot of improve, reduce complications, improve with degrees. Therefore, the use of reverse engineering and rapid prototyping technology production skull prosthesis must have a practical value and significance.This article is scientific and technological development project of Jilin Province "artificial skull Express Bioactive Materials and Manufacturing Technology Research", Study of the skull defect major restoration of the rapid prototyping manufacturing technology. Using Visual C + + developed with image enhancement, segmentation, contour tracking, coordinate transformation and the coordinates of the CT data output function of image processing software, use of Matlab software implementation of the skull defects of the fitting region, and finally in the CAD software has become a three-dimensional skull repair The three-dimensional reconstruction model to STL format and the model output, and ultimately rapid prototyping machine at the completion of the prototyping and manufacturing entities. In this paper, experimental results show that the image processing technology and manufacturing technology can achieve RP prosthesis skull CT image data from the solid model to the production process. The following is a brief introduction of the course of the study:(1) skull CT image processingIn this paper, in cooperation with Jilin University hospital X-ray radiation the second section of the German Siemens Sensation 16 machine spiral CT scan of the skull entities have been the fault of skull CT images, using Visual C + + has developed a simple CT image processing software system, completed a CT scan images obtained from the median filter, image segmentation, such as a series of image processing operations, and ultimately get a better edge image information; to prepare for the back of the curve fitting, such as the use of surface modeling.(2) curve of the skull images to build bridgesAccording to the theory of Bezier curves to identify the type curve and point out the need for bridging the curve fitting, and then curve out to the bridge test, on the basis of the use of Matlab software development on the curve of the bridge system, implementation, including fault data entry, curve fitting and data implementation of the output. Curve in the process of building a bridge, the bridge in order to make both ends of the curve and achieve a better cable connection, the paper start from the point of view of graphics, design with G2 continuous link to reach the bridge algorithm - generated through the interactive general Bezier curve of the control points, thus bridging the curve configuration. At the same time, taking into account the surface characteristics of the skull, but also realize the G1 curve for building a bridge. In this paper, the development of the corresponding bridge system so that visualization of bridge lines, and referred to the bridge to verify the theory and algorithms. Through the system and the analysis of experimental results to verify the proposed hydro-bridge skull algorithm can achieve the perfect outline of the edge of bridge lines. (3) Construction of the surface defects of the skull domainWe can get at the skull defect region based on the fitting curve of the construction of surface, and surface construction are the focus of this issue, but also difficult. First of all, the use of "interactive Bezier curves have the general control point" approach, and ultimately form a complete curve can be shown. Moreover, the formation of the Q curves are Bezier curves of five bands, three of the four boundary surfaces Bezier curves are Bezier curves, so that the skull defect to build up the surface region. And to build a quality analysis of the surface, consists mainly of two aspects:①error analysis;②smoothing quality inspection. Finally the use of image processing software received a document, in three-dimensional modeling CAD software Pro / E in the human skull were reconstructed three-dimensional solid model for rapid prototyping and manufacturing foundation.(4) skull prosthesis produced rapid prototyping modelFirst stage in the three-dimensional modeling to generate STL file into the MEM-300-II Express molding machine comes with the Aurora data processing software, the operation as follows: "File→input→STL", select a STL file, the system start read into the STL model, and in the bottom section shows the status of the surface film to read a few and Vertices. Cark software to run, read into the skull of the CLI model paper at molding temperatures of the temperature settings, click the main menu "System Initialization→Modeling", then system interface equipment will be prompted to the lower-left corner of the state of the current "system XY axis back to zero, you can start modeling, "preparation work is fully completed, we can carry out the processing, after processing the model, the model should not be removed immediately, but declined to table some distance from the model remain in the forming section of room time to make the model the temperature gradually dropped out immediately to avoid damage the shape of the model. Figure 2 for the skull and prosthesis prototype ABS model. (5) ConclusionThis article is scientific and technological development project of Jilin Province "artificial skull Express Bioactive Materials and Manufacturing Technology Research," Study of the skull defect major restoration of the rapid prototyping manufacturing technology.In this paper, the use of Visual C + + developed with image enhancement, segmentation, contour tracking, coordinate transformation and the coordinates of the CT data output function of image processing software, use of Matlab software implementation of the skull defects of the fitting region, and finally in the CAD software has become a three-dimensional skull Repair of three-dimensional reconstruction model to STL format and the model output, and ultimately rapid prototyping machine at the completion of the prototyping and manufacturing entities. In this paper, experimental results show that the image processing technology and manufacturing technology can achieve RP prosthesis skull CT image data from the solid model to the production process. Its flow as follows:

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP391.7
  • 【下载频次】268