

Studies on the Epidemiological Investigation and Prevention and Control of CanineRabies in Parts of Hunan

【作者】 郑文成

【导师】 李文平; 刘道兴;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 临床兽医, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来狂犬病的发生呈逐年上升的趋势,原因是多方面的,但是免疫程序不科学、缺乏免疫监测和免疫质量得不到保证仍是主要的原因。因此,调查了解湖南省犬狂犬病的流行情况、开展狂犬病的监测、制订出科学的免疫程序、确保免疫质量和摸索出有效的防控措施是湖南省防控狂犬病亟待解决的问题。对2003-2007年湖南犬饲养数量、免疫情况、疫情发生情况、疫情监测及疫情处置情况的调查表明,湖南近五年来犬狂犬病疫情较严重,疫点多,地域分布广,犬的常年存栏量和免疫数量均呈逐年上升趋势,但犬整体免疫率低,2007年湖南整体免疫率只有36.51%,与国际公认的70-75%常年免疫率形成免疫屏障的水平还相差很远。对湖南部分地域的8个县(市)区的8个城区、乡镇和农村的健康犬抽样采集脑组织标本142份,应用RT-PCR和直接荧光抗体试验(FAT)检测,检测结果142份犬脑样中均不含狂犬病病毒。调查上述监测点及周边近三年狂犬病的免疫情况,免疫率均超过70%。表明湖南部分犬免疫工作较好的地区,通过加大群免疫密度,可以使犬狂犬病病毒携带率降低,这可能与形成免疫屏障有关。对湖南长沙市区及其他部分市州的农村地区随机抽取的156份犬血清用ELISA检测狂犬病抗体,结果显示这些地区犬免疫后抗体阳转率较低,平均为32.05%,各县(区)犬狂犬病抗体阳性率存在一定差别,较低的犬狂犬病抗体阳性率可能是湖南省外观健康犬带毒的原因之一,与人间狂犬病发病率对比发现犬狂犬病抗体阳性率与疫苗种类等情况,得出犬免疫后抗体阳性合格率城区比农村高、1岁以上的犬比1岁以内犬高、进口单联苗比国产单联苗及多联苗高。这些结果可能与疫苗的质量、免疫操作、免疫程序有关。控制狂犬病的基本策略是控制动物狂犬病。因此,加强湖南的动物狂犬病免疫工作,特别是加大犬的免疫覆盖率,同时对家犬进行狂犬病抗体监测,对指导犬狂犬病免疫的制订狂犬病防控措施有重要意义。掌握湖南狂犬病的流行特点,为狂犬病的防制提供更为准确的动物流行病学资料,为制订狂犬病综合防制措施提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 There were many factors for the trend that the incidence of rabies increased year after year, mainly, unscientific vaccination program, lack of immunization surveillance and lack of guarantees for the quality of vaccine products. It was urgent need to solved the problem such as investigating the prevalence of canine rabies, surveying the hunan rabies, working out scientific immunization procedures, ensuring the quality of vaccination and exploring effective ways to prevent and control rabies in Hunan Province.According to the investigation results that the number of dog raising, immunization, the occurrence of the epidemic, the epidemic surveillance and disposition during the year 2003 to 2007 in Hunan Province, the epidemic situation of canine rabies is much more serious and distributed in wide geographical areas. The population quantity of dogs all the year round and the number of immuned dogs were gradually increased in the past five years, but the low coverage in dogs as a whole in Hunan Province in 2007 was only 36.51%, much lower than internationally recognized 70%-75% to form the immune barrier.In order to investigate the virus carrying state and test antibody level of vaccinated dogs in Hunan, 142 healthy looking dog brain tissue samples were tested from eight counties (cities) in eight urban and rural districts in Hunan. The RT-PCR and direct fluorescent antibody test (FAT) results showed that there no rabies virus was found in the 142 dog brain samples. Investigation for rabies immunization of the above surveillance areas and the surrounding areas, the average coverage was higher than 70%.the number of carrying state dogs could be decreased in the areas where good vaccination program was undertaken. It was shown that the raising coverage of the dog population may resulted in the formation of immunological barrier.For the ELISA test of rabies antibody on the 156 dogs, the sera were randomly collected from some urban and rural areas of Changsha, Hunan Province, and the result shown that firstly, the seroconversion was low after vaccination in some areas in Hunan Province, only 32.05% in average. Secondly, there were certain differences in canine positive antibody rate among the counties (districts). Thirdly, the lower antibody positive rate in canine may be one of the reasons that the healthy looking dogs carry virus in Hunan Province. Fourthly, compared with the rabies incidence of hunan, a negative correlation between the dog antibody positive rate and hunan rabies incidence rate was found. Comparing different regions, age groups, sexes,the vaccines used and so on, it was found that more vaccinated dogs showed acceptable antibody titer in urban areas than in rural areas, dogs at age of 1 year old or above showed higher antibody titer than dogs younger than 1 year old, imported mono vaccine or combined vaccine gave better antibody titer than domestic products, These results might be related to the quality of vaccines, immunization operations, and immunization programs.Controlling animal rabies was the basic strategy to control the hunan rabies, Thus it is important to strengthen the animal immunization work in Hunan province, especially maintain high coverage in dogs, carry on surveillance of rabies immune antibody to the domestic dogs for setting up rabies vaccination program and for the guidance of rabies prevention and control. It is more suitable for large-scale antibody surveillance in order to understand the epidemiology of the rabies and provide exact and scientific epidemiological data for drawing comprehensive control measures.
