

The Study of Ecological Safety Analysis and Rational Design on the Urban Area of Changsha City

【作者】 靳羽东

【导师】 龙岳林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长沙城区处在众河流交汇所形成的冲积平原上,因而水患连连。随着城市的扩张,防洪需求的增大更是凸显人水争地的矛盾,人口剧增所带来的资源和环境的压力不断升级,严重影响到城市河流的景观生态安全格局。本论文针对城市河流生态安全问题开展了较全面的实地踏勘研究。首先,通过对长沙城区范围内湘江、浏阳河、捞刀河、龙王港、靳江河、圭塘河、白沙河以及沙河等8条河流展开调查,发现生态安全问题主要集中表现在生境的单一、生物多样性下降以及生态服务功能衰退三个方面;其次,综合分析生态系统结构和生态服务功能这两个方面受损的原因;再次,采用层次分析法对长沙市区河流生态安全状况进行综合评价,依据权值分布的分析结果,针对长沙市区河流生态安全问题,提出具有针对性的决策方法;最后,综合上述调查与分析,制定城市河流恢复的目标与任务,提出城市河流理性化设计的构思。针对城市河流生态安全问题,笔者提出了理性化设计构思即河流回归设计。河流回归设计是一种指导性的设计,其实质是通过辅助性手段,依靠生态系统自我调控和自我恢复的功能,使城市河流回归到近自然的状态。笔者根据生态学、地貌学、生物学、水工学、景观学等学科的理论,探讨以自我设计理论、演替理论、河流理论以及洪水脉冲理论作为设计的依据;归纳了自然法则、经济可行性原则和美学原则等三原则为设计应遵循的基本原则;在此基础上笔者率先提出了“丁坝-浅滩-深潭模式”、“仿自然断面模式”、“乡土植物配置模式”等理性化设计模式,再现城市河流的蜿蜒性和生物的多样性,藉此解决城市河流顺直化所带来的景观生态安全问题,形成人水和谐的景观生态安全格局。论文最后以捞刀河城区段为例,运用上述理论进行了例证设计。例证设计中,三种设计模式在河段相应的位置得到了充分而灵活的应用,使河流回归设计理念得到了进一步诠释。

【Abstract】 The Changsha city locates at the alluvial plain formed by many rivers, and thus is flooded again and again. With the expansion of the city, the demand for flood control is increasing, which highlights the contradiction for limited lands. Meanwhile, the increase of population resources and environment caused a serious impact on the landscape eco-safety pattern of urban rivers.The paper carried out a more comprehensive study on-spot survey on the urban eco-safety of city rivers. Firstly, a survey on Xiangjiang River, Liuyang River, Laodao River, Longwang River, Jinjinag River, Guitang River, Baisha River and Sha River in the area of Changsha City showed that the eco-safety mainly focused on the performance of single habitat and the decline of biodiversity and ecological services; Secondly, a comprehensive analysis of ecosystem structure and function of ecological services in these two areas of damage causes, together with a comprehensive assessment of the security situation in Changsha city by the use of Meta-analysis came to the result of weight distribution; and then analyzed these results and put forward the decision to solve the river’s ecological safety in Changsha city was put forward; Finally, based on the above analysis and results, made a target and task to restore the city rivers and put forward a rational idea to design the city rivers.To resolve the ecological security of urban river, a rational design idea called river regression design was proposed. River regression design is an instructional design, and its essence is to make the city river return to the one near the natural state through the means of supporting, and relies on the ecosystem of self-regulation and self-recovery function.Based on the theory in ecology, geomorphology, biology, water engineering and landscape science, the idea of self-design, succession, stream flow and flood square pulse theory was discussed to be the basement of the design. And the physical law, economic feasibility and esthetics were concluded as the basic principle followed in the design process. And several rational design models such as spur-dikes-shadows- deep pools model, natural-imitating model and indigenous plant array model was proposed to reproduce the meandering of urban rivers and the diversity of organism, and then to solve the landscape ecological security resulted from the linear stream of urban rivers and create a harmonious landscape ecological security pattern between human beings and water resources.As an illustration, the above theories were applied to the ecological landscape in the Laodao River district at the end of this paper. And the three design models in the illustration had been fully and flexibly applied making the river regression design been further interpretation.
