

Study on the Main Nutrient Situation of Flue-cured Tobacco Growing Soil and the Relatively Fertilaization Application Techniques in Yunnnan Province

【作者】 刘江

【导师】 朱列书; 李天福;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文系统地研究了云南省植烟区的主要土壤类型的pH值和有机质、全氮、速效氮、全钾、速效钾、全磷、速效磷、水溶性氯含量等理化指标,明确了不同土壤的养分丰缺状况,依据测土配方施肥的要求,制定了合理的施肥对策。其研究结果如下:1、植烟土壤有机质和全氮含量较高,平均含量分别为33.0g·kg-1和1.9g·kg-1,两者处于Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级高水平含量的土壤样本分别占总样本量54.3%和68.3%。速效氮含量平均140.8mg·kg-1,处于Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级高水平含量的土壤样本占63.1%。不同植烟土壤类型有机质和全氮含量差异较大,其含量表现为水稻土>紫色土>红壤及黄壤。2、云南烟区全磷和速效磷在大多数的土壤上较缺乏,速效磷含量平均为25.05mg·kg-1,全磷含量平均为0.95g·kg-1。不同烟区土壤速效磷含量表现为:滇中烟区>滇东烟区>滇西烟区>滇东南烟区>滇西南烟区>滇东北烟区;而全磷含量表现出:滇东烟区>滇中烟区>滇东南烟区>滇西烟区>滇西南烟区>滇东北烟区。不同植烟土壤类型速效磷含量排序为:红壤>水稻土>紫色土>黄壤;全磷含量为:红壤>水稻土>黄壤>紫色土。3、云南省植烟土壤速效钾含量平均为222.8mg.kg-1,全钾含量平均为10.06g·kg-1。不同烟区土壤速效钾含量表现为滇东烟区>滇中烟区>滇东北烟区>滇西烟区>滇东南烟区>滇西南烟区;而全钾含量表现为滇东北烟区>滇中烟区>滇东南烟区>滇西烟区>滇东烟区>滇西南烟区。不同植烟土壤类型的效钾含量表现为:红壤>黄壤>紫色土>水稻土;全钾含量则表现出:黄壤>紫色土>水稻土>红壤。4、云南全省植烟区土壤pH在4.31~8.37之间,其中0.88%的土壤样本pH小于4.5,处于极酸性状况;27.67%的土壤样本pH介于4.5~5.5之间;34.55%的土壤样本pH在最适宜范围,15.81%的土壤pH>7.6处于偏碱性状况。总的来说,云南12个植烟州(市)的土壤pH总体上都在,均在5.4~6.7适宜范围,变异系数不大。总之,云南植烟土壤有机质和速效氮含量较丰富,其中25.48%的土壤有机质含量超过了40 g·kg-1,78%的土壤速效氮含量在100mg·kg-1以上;绝大部分土壤pH值在植烟的适宜范围,只有少数(约16.69%)的极酸或碱性土壤;大部分植烟土壤速效磷的含量较为适宜,但变异系数较大,均匀性较差,局部地区存在磷含量过高或过低现象;全省土壤钾含量总的较丰富。在12个地州中,昆明、玉溪、大理、楚雄等老烟区的土壤养分较丰富,在生产上施肥要适量控制;新烟区(丽江和临沧)的土壤养分较高,注意合理平衡施肥;而土壤养分相对较贫乏的烟区如普洱在生产上需适量增加施肥量,并注意各种肥料的合理搭配比例。

【Abstract】 In this paper,soil pH,the content of organic matter,total nitrogen,potassium and phosphorus,available nitrogen,potassium and phosphorus,water-soluble chlorine of the main soil types was studied in the Yunnan Tobacco-growing areas.The paper provides the soil fertility for rich or deficiency evaluation,and the fertilizer application and techniques were also recommended.The results showed that:1、Organic matter and total nitrogen were rich in tobacco growing soils in yunnan, the average value was 33.0g.kg-1 and 19.0g.kg-1,respectively.The content of organic matter and total N inⅠandⅡclasses accounted for 54.3%and 63.8%,respectively. The mean of available nitrogen was 140.8mg.kg-1 of all the samples and inⅠandⅡclasses accounted for 63.1%.Both organic matter and nitrogen varied greatly among different soil types.In general,paddy soils had the highest value followed by purple soil, while red soil and yellow soil had relatively low value.2、Total phosphorus content were rich in most of tobacco growing soil,but available phosphorus content were deficient in some new tobacco growing soil.The average available and total phosphorus content were 25.05mg/kg and 0.95 g/kg respectively. The available phosphorus content from high to low in tobacco growing areas in Yunnan ranged from Center to East to West to Southeast to Southwest and then Northeast;and the total phosphorus content from high to low ranged from Center to East to Southeast to West to Southwest to Northeast.For the major types of tobacco growing soil,the available phosphorus content,from high to low,ranged from red clay to paddy soil to purple soil to yellow soil,and the total phosphorus contents,from high to low,ranged from:red clay to paddy soil to yellow soil to purple soil.3、In average,the mean of available K content was 222.8mg.kg-1 and total K content was 10.06 g.kg-1.The available K content in tobacco growing regions in Yunnan,from high to low,ranged in East to Center to Northeast to West to Southeast to Southwest; and the total K content from high to low ranged in Northeast to Center to Southeast toWest to East to Southwest.For the major types of tobacco soils,the available K content,from high to low,ranged in red clay to yellow soil to purple soil to paddy soil and the total K,from high to low,ranged in:purple soil to paddy soil to red clay.4、The value of soil pH was range from 4.31 to 8.37,only 0.88%of samples was strong acid and the percentage between 4.5~5.5 was 27.67%,34.55%of samples is in an appropriate amount,15.81%of samples was greater 7.6.In general most soil pH is in an appropriate amount for the tobacco and varience was not greater.In general,the high soil organic matters and available nitrogen were found,and 25.48%of the soil organic matters is over 40g/kg and more than 78%the soil available nitrogen is over 100 mg/kg.Most soil pH is in an appropriate amount for the tobacco, only few(16.69%) has the low or high value.Soil available P has the same results,but the C.V is so greater,high or low value is found at some areas.For the soil available K, the result showed that soil available K is rich.For the soil nutrients of different areas,in general,nutrients of Puer area is less than other areas,and it means that fertilizer application is easy controlled.On the contrary the long history planting areas such as Kunming,Yuxi,Dali and Chuxiong have rich soil nutrients and fertilizer application should be pay more attention.New planting area such as Lijiang also has the high soil nutrients and balance fertilizer application is commended.

【关键词】 云南烟草土壤养分施肥
【Key words】 Yunnantobaccosoil nutrientsfertilizer application
  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】2
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