

Studies on the Space Variability of Active Aluminum Form of Sandstone Red Soil, Northwest Guangxi

【作者】 刘勋鑫

【导师】 王翠红; 肖润林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业遥感与资源利用, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由土壤酸化引发的铝胁迫所带来的农林生产损失问题已成为世界性共同关注的研究课题。土壤酸化问题不仅集中表现在热带和亚热带地区土壤,而且对温带地区的土壤也构成了潜在危害,我国广泛分布着红、黄壤等酸性土壤,酸害和铝毒害是农业生产和生态环境建设的主要障碍之一。桂西北环境移民安置区作为移民安置示范区是重要的水果生产基地,其土壤质量不仅关系到环境问题更是与水果生产的质量和数量息息相关,而该区土壤酸化可能导致土壤中活性铝的增加,因此为指导农业耕作与施肥,了解该区的土壤中活性铝的形态以及活性铝形态的空间变异显得十分重要。本研究应用地统计学和GIS及GPS相结合的方法,以桂西北环境移民安置区砂页岩发育的红果园土壤为研究对象,采用50×50m网格布点法采取0-20cm耕层土样110个以及0-20cm、20-40cm、40-60cm、≥60cm 4个层次的土壤剖面样共计7个,通过分析测定土壤交换态铝、吸附态羟基铝和有机络合态铝以及pH值和有机质等含量,研究探讨了其空间分布特征和变化规律。主要研究结果如下:土壤pH值的分布特征。土壤pH值一般在3.50—5.50左右,其中强酸性土壤和酸性土壤为95.5%,pH值较低,基本上都在5.00以下,在5.00以上的为极少数。总体上看来桂西北环境移民安置区红果园土壤酸度很低,极易导致铝的释放,对植株产生铝毒害。土壤有机质的分布特征,桂西北环境移民安置区红果园土壤的有机质含量一般在15.0g/kg-30.0g/kg左右,有机质含量较低,基本上都在30.0gkg以下,在30.0g/kg以上的为极少数。总体有机质含量最小值是10.2g/kg,最大值是35.6g/kg,大多数在15.0-25.0g/kg之间。总体上看来桂西北环境移民安置区红果园土壤有机质含量很低。耕层土壤中活性铝的形态变化特征,桂西北环境移民安置区红果园土壤的交换性铝(Ex-Al)含量为123.95-2282.56mg/kg,均值为917.29mg/kg,变异系数为54.31%,属于较高变异;吸附态羟基铝(Hy-Al)含量为726.33-2246.39mg/kg,均值为1439.44mg/kg,变异系数为21.24%,属于中等变异;有机态络合铝(Or-Al)含量为59.73-837.16mg/kg,均值为346.75mg/kg,变异系数为31.92%,属于中等变异。土壤剖面各层次土壤活性铝的形态变化特征,剖面各层次土壤活性铝的形态变异系数较大,尤其以0-40cm内的土壤交换性铝与吸附态羟基铝的含量明显高于40cm以下的土壤中的含量。土壤中活性铝与土壤pH值和有机质的关系。换态铝和吸附态羟基铝与pH值呈极显著负相关,有机络合态铝与pH值相关性不明显;交换态铝与土壤有机质呈负相关,而吸附态铝和有机络合态铝与土壤有机质呈正相关。土壤中各形态铝的空间变异分析,采用克里格插值法,选用球状模型对三种形态的土壤活性铝进行插值,得到交换性铝、吸附态羟基铝和有机络合态铝以及pH值和有机质的空间变异分布图。

【Abstract】 It has become cosmopolitan common attention study on subject about aluminum stress lead to of agriculture and forestry production loss problem,aluminum stress is from soil acidification,soil acidification concentration manifestations on the tropical and subtropical,but the temperate area according to report.Yellow red soil and red soil is acid soil,it widely distribution in china,it is a main factors on aluminum toxicity about agricultural production and ecological environment.It is one of the most important fruit production base in immigrant demonstration area with karst topography in northwest of guangxi.Soil quality direct effect fruit production and environmental problems.Aluminum activity is increased because of the soil acidification.It is very important to Aluminum toxicity of the soil improvement is the theoretical foundation,The guidance of farming and fertilizing, soil in the area understand the activity of aluminum and aluminum shape the form of spatial variation is very important.Al activity in the form of soil spatial variability of the study on the environmental northwest Guangxi resettlement area of orchards in this study,through field survey sampling,analysis and in the computer room on the application of space ArcGIS9.2 software and statistical analysis functions and Methods,including analysis of the contents of the exchange of aluminum.The main findings are as follows:pH value of the distribution in the soil.pH value of around 3.50-5.50 in general, strongly acidic soil and acidic soil for the sum of 95.5%,pH value lower,basically following the 5.00,5.00 and above in for a very small number.It seems that on the whole orchard soil acidity is very low in northwest Guangxi environment resettlement areas,it easily lead to the release of aluminum,the plant produced aluminum poisoning.The distribution of organic matter in the soil.Organic matter is an important indicator of the impact of the activity of aluminum in the soil,organic matter and activity can produce aluminum complex,which can reduce the activity of the aluminum content.It seems on the whole a very low content of organic matter in soil.Changes in the shape of aluminum in the soil.Exchangeable aluminum,hydroxy aluminum,aluminum-organic complexation Although the volume of less than 2 per cent of total aluminium,it is more active part,in accordance with the activation of aluminum solid phase chemical forms that are being implemented in the soil. Exchangeable aluminum content 123.95-2282.56mg/kg,the mean 917.29 mg/kg,the larger of variation is 54.31%higher variability,adsorbed hydroxy aluminum content 726.33-2246.39 mg/kg,the mean 1439.44mg/kg,the coefficient of variation is 21.24% belong to the middle variation,organic of complex aluminum is 59.73-837.16 mg/kg, the mean 346.75 mg/kg.Relatively small changes in pH,value is 3.92-5.63 with an average of 4.60.The area was strongly acidic soil was showed that the coefficient of variation and the coefficient of variation in the minimum pH.Grading on the form of aluminum in the soil profile.Soil profile at all levels of various forms of aluminum larger coefficient of variation,in particular the exchange of 0-40 cm soil absorption of aluminum and aluminum-hydroxy were significantly less than 40 cm high content of the soil.The relationship between the activity of aluminum and pH,organic matter in soil.Exchangeable aluminum and aluminum hydroxy-absorbed and the pH value was significantly negative correlation with the Al-organic complex pH value of no significant correlation,in addition to the exchange of state aluminum in the soil with organic matter was negatively correlated,absorbed aluminum and organic complexation State and aluminum in the soil organic matter is positively correlated.Spatial variation of the various forms of aluminum in the soil.Kriging interpolation used to choose spherical model of the three forms of aluminum for interpolation,by pH,organic matter,the exchange of aluminum,absorbed hydroxy aluminum,aluminum-organic complex spatial variation map.
