

Study on Sustainable Development of Rural Toural in Sangzhi County Hunan Province

【作者】 曹红

【导师】 张云英;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国乡村旅游是20世纪80年代发展起来的新型产业。随着中国工业化、城市化进程的发展,越来越多的人选择到乡村去旅游,这是人们释放心理压力、回归大自然的需求,因此乡村旅游发展异常迅速,这也引起了较多研究学者的关注。桑植县的旅游业早在张家界旅游起步时就已开始发展,但旅游产业化进程比较缓慢,经济效益不太明显。近几年来,为了宣传红色旅游资源,桑植先后举行了一些活动,如“重走长征路”,“弘扬长征精神,建设绿色家园”等活动,很好地宣传了桑植的红色旅游资源。与此同时,以自然风光和民族文化为主题的其他乡村旅游资源也得到了应有的重视与相应的开发。目前,桑植县旅游业存在缺乏整体规划,基础设施薄弱,娱乐项目、旅游商品无特色等问题,乡村旅游的持续发展压力大。桑植县发展乡村旅游的客观优势是明显的,劣势多是由于认识观念和管理等主观因素造成的;桑植县目前面临着发展乡村旅游的极佳时机,而面对的挑战则是竞争形势下普遍的客观存在,并非桑植县所独有。因此,起主导作用的是优势+机遇,乡村旅游开发过程中的劣势和挑战完全可以转化为强大优势。通过宏观统筹、制定规划,加强旅游基础设施建设,开发旅游商品,打造精品旅游线路,围绕“绿色”、“民俗”两个核心,加大宣传力度,促进桑植县乡村旅游的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Rural tourism is a new industry that developed at 1980s.With the development of industrialization and urbanization,more and more people choose to travel to the rural, which is the release of psychological pressure, the demand for return to nature,so the rural tourism has been developing extremely rapidly, which caused more concern to the researchers.Sangzhi county’s tourism industry has began as early as the start of Zhangjiajie Tourism Development, but the process of the tourism industry is relatively slow and economy is obvious benefitsless. In recent years, in order to promote red tourism resources, Sangzhi has held a number of activities, such as "re-take the Long March Road"、"developing the spirit of Long March, building a green home" and so on, well publicized red tourism resources of Sangzhi county. At the same time, Other rural tourism resources with the theme of natural scenery and national culture have also been given due attention and the corresponding development. At present, with a lack of planning integrally, weak infrastructure, characterless with entertainment and travel goods in the tourism industry of Sangzhi County, the sustainable development of rural tourism has a heavy pressure.Objective advantages of rural tourism development of Sangzhi County is obvious, disadvantages due to the subjective factors of the concept of awareness and management; Sangzhi County’s tourism industry is currently facing with an excellent opportunity to the development of rural tourism, the challenge of competition that is a situation common objective reality and Sangzhi County is not unique. As a result, playing a leading role is the advantage and opportunities, disadvantage and challenges of rural tourism development in the process can be transformed into a powerful advantage.Through macro-planning, working out plans, strengthening construct of the tourism infrastructure, exploiting tourism products, creating extractive travel lines, stepping up publicity around the two core of "green" and "folk", Sangzhi County promote sustainable development of rural tourism.
