

Korean Homemade Idiom

【作者】 金相圭

【导师】 方一新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 语言作为文化的载体,随着人类的形成和发展而产生、发展,在人类交往中担当必不可少的交流工具。人们通过口头语言和书面语言这两种语言形式,表达他们想要表达的思想和感情,并进行不同民族之间的文化交流。中韩两国是一衣带水的邻邦,在历史、文化、地理上有着十分密切的关系。尤其是,古代韩国没有自己的固有文字时,借用中国文字(汉字)用作书面表达的形式。汉字以汉韩民族的交往和中国各种文献为桥梁进入韩半岛,影响到需要书面语言的古代韩国的各个方面,因而中国和韩国,包括周围其他国家,如日本、越南等地,形成了以汉字为书面工具的汉字文化圈。汉语传入韩半岛后,以四字格为主的成语渗透到韩国语言中,对韩国人的口语和书面语产生了极大的影响,人们在口语会话和书面表达时为得到更好的说服力,使语言、文笔增色生辉而常常选用恰当的成语。为此,中韩两国学者自两国正式建交以来对中韩两国的成语进行了初步的研究,取得了一定的成果。本文旨在对韩国自创成语进行研究,力求对中韩语教学、教材编写以及翻译工作起一定的参考作用,并为从事中韩语比较研究的研究者、对此有兴趣的学习者,特别是中韩两国的成语研究方面提供一些帮助。本文运用对比分析法,主要从来源典故、结构形式、语义内容这三个方面进行探讨。第一章介绍选题缘起与价值、研究对象、研究范围与方法、到目前的先行研究及其主要内容。第二章探讨韩国自创成语的来源,主要分为三个来源,即来源于韩国,来源于中国,来源于佛教。这一章力求根据古代文献,分析中韩两国之间的成语,探讨其成语来源。第三章主要分为汉语形式、韩语形式这两部分了解汉语成语对韩国自创成语的影响,分析韩国自创成语的结构形式。第四章研究韩国自创成语的语义。古代韩国不但借用汉字表达书面语,而且也借用汉字来创造了韩国独有汉字。我们在此章考察韩国独有汉字,分析它在韩国自创成语中如何使用以及所表达的意思。最后,第五章为结论,作总体性、全面性的总结。

【Abstract】 As a cultural carrier, the language formed with humanity’s formation and the development, also takes on the essential exchange tool in interpersonal relationship.China and Korea are the close neighboring countries, and their history, culture and geography have a very close relationship. Especially, in ancient times, Korea did not have the inherent writing, so it borrowed the Chinese writing (Chinese character) to express the language. The Chinese character enters the Han peninsula through the two nationalities’ contact and many kinds of literature of China, affecting entire domain of Korea, thus China and Korea, including periphery other countries, such as Japan, Vietnam, have formed Chinese character culture circle. After Chinese spreads to the Korea peninsula, the idiom seeps by four character primarily infiltrates into the Korean language phenomenon, influencing Korean’s view and the mode of writing, and for obtaining a better persuasive power in oral and writing language and for more ornament, the people selects the appropriate idiom frequently. Therefore, the China and Korean scholars have carried on the idiom research since the official diplomatic relations to China and Korea’s idiom established.This article is for the purpose to conducts the research take the Korean homem ade idiom and Chinese idiom relations as the central Korean homemade idiom, hoping to provide some help for the Chinese and Korean teaching, the teaching material compilation as well as the translation works, especially for the research in comparison of Korean and China’s idioms. This article utilizes the contrast analytic method, mainly from three aspects—the origin literary reference, the structural style and semantic meaning. The first chapter introduces the origin and value of the research, object of study, range and method of study, the present advance research and primary coverage. The second chapter discusses the origin of the Korean homemade idiom, mainly divided into three origins, namely originates from Korea, originates in China, originates in Buddhism. This chapter made every effort to act according to ancient times the literature, analyzed between China and Korea’s idiom, the proof idiom’s origin. The third chapter understands Chines e idiom to Korean homemade idiom influence, mainly analyze the structural style of the Korean homemade idiom in two parts—Chinese form and Korean form. The fourth chapter studies the semantics of the Korean homemade idiom. Ancient times Korea not only borrowed the Chinese character to express the written language, but also borrowed the Chinese character to create the Korean peculiar Chinese character. We inspect the Korean peculiar Chinese character in this chapter, and analyzes its meaning. Finally, the fifth chapter is a conclusion, namely a bulking property and a integrity summary.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】H55
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】513