

Research on the Structural Characteristics of the Southern Region of Ordos

【作者】 周正

【导师】 周立发;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 构造地质学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯南缘西接六盘山构造带,南邻北祁连—北秦岭构造带,横跨渭北隆起、渭河地堑、华北板块西缘南端等不同级别构造单元,在大地构造位置上比较特殊。各构造单元的构造特征主要受到加里东、燕山和喜马拉雅等多期构造运动的影响。特殊的构造位置、特殊的构造动力学环境及其叠加造就了不同时代、不同类型的岩石地层单元及其复杂的地质接触关系,从而也使该区现今地质构造特征极为复杂。本论文以现代构造地质学理论为指导,在对研究区各种地质及地球物理资料进行综合解释和研究的基础上,对研究区的基底和盖层分别进行了详细研究;划分了研究区的构造层和构造单元,并剖析了各构造单元的基本特征;对控制各构造单元构造特征的区域断裂系统进行了专门的研究和讨论。论文得出如下成果和认识:1、研究区以太古界及古元古界变质岩系为结晶基底,总体走向为北东向的磁异常和磁异常等值线均反映出呈北东向隆坳相间的基本构造格局,布格重力异常图也较好地反映了该构造格局。2、根据研究区盖层内部不同时代地层之间的接触关系,将研究区沉积盖层划分为主要七个构造层:晋宁构造层、泛非构造层、加里东构造层、海西构造层、印支构造层、燕山构造层、喜马拉雅构造层。3、在研究区主干断裂研究成果的基础上,结合区域地质、地球物理特征将研究区划分为四个构造单元:渭河盆地、渭北隆起、陇县—千阳构造带、小秦岭构造带。并对研究区内的前三个构造单元构造特征进行了详细的研究,渭河盆地主体构造特征表现为以“y”字型正断层控制的南深北浅的箕状断陷。根据渭北隆起断裂构造及其伴生的褶皱构造的变形差异,可以将其划分为麟游—永寿逆冲褶皱构造带和彬县-铜川构造带两个次级构造单元。麟游—永寿逆冲褶皱构造带中褶皱发育,断层多以近东西走向的逆断层发育为特征;彬县-铜川构造带东部地面、地下断层发育,断层走向复杂,北东、北西、东西走向的断层均有发育,该构造带西部断层规模较小,且以近东西走向的逆断层发育为特征。陇县—千阳构造带则主要以北西走向的逆断层及其所夹断块为特征。4、研究区一级断裂主要是秦岭北缘大断裂和八渡-虢镇逆冲断层,分别是华北地台与秦岭造山带和六盘山造山带的边界断层。二级断裂是草碧—老龙山—圣人桥断裂、华山北侧大断裂、渭河盆地北缘断裂、渭北隆起北缘断裂,这些断裂对区内各构造单元发育和沉积起着控制作用。研究区的三级断裂断裂发育,它们作为局部隆起和凹陷的边界断裂和内部断裂,对局部构造的发育起着重要的控制作用。

【Abstract】 The southern margin of Ordos Liupanshan west tectonic belt, south of Northern Qilian - North Qinling tectonic belt across Weibei uplift, Weihe Graben, the southern tip of the western margin of North China Plate and other tectonic units of different levels, tectonic position in the special. The tectonic units are the structural characteristics of the main Caledonian, Yanshan and Himalayan tectonic movements such as the impact of a view The structure of the special position of the structure of the particular environment and its dynamics to create a superposition of different times, different types of lithostratigraphic units and complexity of the relationship between geological contacts, and hence the characteristics of the area present a very complex geological structure.In this paper, the theory of modern structural geology as a guide, the study area in a variety of geological and geophysical data interpretation and research, based on the study area of the basement and cover were studied in detail; divided the study area structural layer and the structural units, and analyzes the basic characteristics of tectonic units; the control of structural characteristics of the tectonic units of the regional fault system specialized study and discussion. Papers and understanding the results obtained are as follows:1. the study area and in Archean Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic crystalline basement metamorphic rocks, the overall trend for the north-east of the magnetic anomalies and magnetic anomalies were reflected isogram NE Long Pass the basic structure and white pattern, cloth Lattice gravity anomaly map is also better reflects the structural pattern.2. according to the study area cover different times of internal contacts between stratigraphic relations, sedimentary covers the study area will be divided into six main structural layer: Jinning structural layer, the Pan-African structural layer, structural layer Caledonian, Hercynian structural layer , Indo-China structural layer, structural layer Yanshanian.3. according to the study area boundary tectonic units and the role of fracture characteristics, combined with geophysical field characteristics of the study area and geological characteristics of the study is divided into the Weihe River basin, Weibei uplift, Longxian - Qianyang tectonic belt, tectonic Xiaoqinling with four structural units. The study area and tectonic units of the first three structural characteristics of the study in detail, the Weihe River basin is characterized by the main structure in order to "y"-shaped normal fault-controlled deep South like the North Shaoji shallow faulted. Weibei uplift in accordance with faults and associated deformation of the fold difference could be divided into Linyou- Yongshou fold thrust belt and Binxian -Tongchuan structure with two sub-tectonic units.Linyou- Yongshou fold thrust belt development in the folding, faulting and more nearly east-west thrust fault is characterized by the development; Binxian - Tongchuan tectonic zone east of the ground, the ground floor of fault development, the complexity of faults, the North East, North West, east-west faults have developed, with the western fault of the structure a smaller scale, and nearly east-west thrust fault is characterized by the development. Longxian - Qianyang tectonic belt are mainly north of the West towards the thrust fault and the fault block is characterized by folder.4. the study area is mainly a fault of Qinling fault and the northern margin of Badu - Guo Zhen thrust fault, namely the North China platform and Qinling orogenic belt and the border Liupanshan fault. Bi-2 fracture is a grass - old Yongsan - saints bridge was broken and on the north side of Hua Shan fault, the northern margin of the Weihe fault basin, the northern margin uplift Weibei fracture, the fracture of various structural units of the region and sedimentation from development the role of the control. The study area at the three levels of fracture fracture development, as local uplift and depression of the boundary fault and internal fault, the development of the local structure plays an important role in the control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】805