

【作者】 常琳

【导师】 李晓洁;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 传播学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 西方女权主义者西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦在《第二性》中说:“女人不是天生就是女人,而是被变成女人的。”女性主义的一致观点是:“女性”的概念是被建构的。本文用社会建构主义和符号学的研究方法探究《瑞丽伊人风尚》化妆品广告的女性形象,选取的摄影图片的符号元素包括女主角的容貌、妆容程度、服饰、职业、国籍、表情、修饰色彩等,对这些符号的分析包含“表面涵义”、“迷思”、“意识形态”三个层面。研究发现,其中的女性形象呈现千篇一律的特点——她们的外表美轮美奂,突出的表现是“身体美”,性格气质上呈现出“柔顺”、“魅惑”的统一的女性气质,其形象作为一种商品符号被商家“物化”,她们在展示自己美丽外表的同时却处于一种“被看”“被凝视”的地位。作为一种流行文化现象,在这些表征的背后是后现代社会的各种权力机制的制约,是社会、政治、经济、文化因素共同作用的结果。传统的社会性别意识发挥着其主导作用,后现代社会的商业机制和传统的父权文化合谋制造了女性形象,《瑞丽》在市场化的经营方式中被商业机制和父权文化利用,共同制造了虚假和刻板的女性形象。

【Abstract】 Western feminist Simone de Beauvoir in "The Second Sex", said: "Woman is not born a woman, but was turned into a woman." Feminist consensus view is that: "women" concept is to build of. In this paper, the views of social constructionism to explore postmodern social media, Selected elements of photography, including the female lead of the symbols of the face, look the level of dress, occupation, nationality, facial expressions, such as modification of color, the analysis of these symbols include "the surface meaning," "myth," "ideology of the" three levels.Its images of Women in cosmetics ads.The study found that the image of women which showed the characteristics of size-fits-all - they look beautiful, showing a unified women’s temperament, their image of their symbol as a commodity to be businessmen, "materialized", they show their beautiful appearance at the same time but in a "be seen" "has been gazing" position. As a pop culture phenomenon, the underlying representation in these post-modern society is the power of the mechanism of various constraints, it is social, political, economic, and cultural factors results.Sense of traditional gender plays a leading role in its post-modern society and traditional commercial mechanisms of patriarchal culture conspire to create a female image, In the market-oriented mode of operation were commercial mechanisms and the use of patriarchal culture, a common manufacturing false images and stereotypes of women.

【关键词】 女性形象社会性别建构主义
【Key words】 Images of WomenGenderconstructivis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】C913.68
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】883