

The Application of AVR Microprocessor to Testing Machines’ Development

【作者】 牛君

【导师】 刘玉岭;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 试验机设备是检测设备的一个分支,多数属于计量产品。我国的试验机设备绝大部分属于中低档技术水平,可靠性、稳定性等关键性指标尚未全部达到要求,在科技创新方面跟国际潮流相比滞缓太多,形势非常严峻。为了弥补国内该行业的不足,我们选择了先进的AVR单片机构建试验机设备的开发平台。在国内试验机设备开发中,偏重于使用51系列单片机和16位、32位嵌入机。随着设备功能的扩展、外围芯片性能的提高以及提升试验设备整体性能的要求,51单片机已经不能满足开发要求;而高档嵌入式处理器应用到试验设备又过于复杂,大材小用,不能满足实时性的要求,平台不完善,对旧机器兼容不好,成本过高。ATMEL公司的AVR单片机是快速低功耗的新型单片机,它的各项性能指标更适合当前试验设备的开发需要。使用AVR单片机的试验设备开发平台在国内还没有公开的先例,本文的研究对国内试验设备的开发具有非常重要的意义。本文在详细了解AVR单片机的结构及各相关模块的基础上,应用AVR单片机完成了试验设备的人机界面、数据采集系统、以及相关控制等功能模块的设计方案,设计了硬件电路及软件系统。利用ATMEGA64和触摸屏设计的新型试验设备人机界面,显示信息量大,数据显示快捷,触摸按键响应快,可靠性好,充分满足了现代试验设备对人机界面的要求。利用ATMEG169设计的试验设备数据采集系统,有效地减少外围芯片数量,实现多路高效率的数据转换,同时提高了数据处理速度。利用AVR单片机的PWM功能实现了热变形维卡软化点测定仪中对加热功率的控制,以及滴灌综合试验设备中实现恒定压力源。最后探讨了AVR单片机在开发过程中采用的抗干扰技术。通过对上述各模块的开发,构建了一套以AVR单片机为核心的试验设备开发平台,提高了系统整体性能。承继了原有51开发平台的模块,大大缩短了s新机型的开发周期。

【Abstract】 The testing machines is one branch of test facilities,most of them belongs to measuring instrment.These machines made in our coutry was on the middle or low class.The reliability and stability were not able to meet with the demands,especially for the innvation,cannot compete with international products.So it’s emergency for us.In order to makeup for it,we construct the development platform of testing machine with the more advanced microprocessor—AVR chips,In our country ,it’s partial to use 51 series microprocessor ,16 data bit and 32 data bit embeded processor in the development of testing machines.Following with the extend of the machine’s fuction and with the improvement of peripheral chip,also for the demand of improving the properties of the machine,the 51 series microprocessors unable to adapt to it. But for the advanced embeded processor,it’s too complicated and expensive to use,and it’s defficult to compatible with the old system. The AVR microprocessor of ATMEL,a new rapid and low power consumption microprocessor,is better to adapt the demand of developing testing machine. It’s new to use AVR microprocessor in developing testing machine,there was no other open example in our country.So this article is important to the development of domestic testing machine.In this paper,based on being familiar with structures and interelated modules of the AVR microprocessor,the followings had been finished with the application of AVR microprocessor:the designed plan of man-machine interface of testing machine,data acquisition system,controling system and other functional modules,the hardware circuit and software had been designed too.The new man-machine interface of testing machine by application of ATMEGA64 and touch LCD was satisfied to the demand for modern testing machine,which with the advantage of big displaying information,rapid and reliable key respondence.The new data collecting system designed with ATMEGA169,the arround chips was retrenched,the hignly actived multi-channal data exchang was achieved,improved the speed of data processing.By the application of PWM function,the stable heat rate control was achieved in the HDT&VICAT meassure instrument,the stable pressure source was also achieved in the drip irrigation testing machine.The antijamming technique in the developing was confered at the last part.The developing platform of testing machine was built by the above mentioned designs,with the core construction of AVR microprocessor. The properties of whole system was improved,compartible with the modules of 51 developing platform,and reduced the developed cycles of new type machine greatly.
