

Research on Teacher-Student’s Communication Strategy in Bohai Petroleum Vocational Colleage

【作者】 谢卫娟

【导师】 万杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 科学管理与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师与学生之间的沟通是进行教育教学工作的重要一环,高职院校要想培养高素质的应用型技能人才,就必须加强师生间的沟通与交流。本论文在参考相关研究成果的基础上,采用问卷调查法,对渤海石油职业学院师生沟通现状进行了调查和分析,并提出了师生沟通策略。本论文的研究,除了参考沟通及师生沟通理论和研究成果外,还把管理沟通策略框架应用于师生沟通策略问题的研究,这在一定程度上丰富了师生沟通策略。同时,由于本研究是在对渤海石油职业学院师生沟通现状调查和分析的基础上进行的,因此,具有针对性强和可操作的特点。此研究可以为改进本学院师生沟通提供理论和策略方面的指导,同时也为各高职院校提供借鉴。本文主要观点和研究内容如下:首先,界定了沟通及师生沟通的概念,阐述了管理沟通的一般模型和策略框架,介绍了沟通及师生沟通理论。其次,简单介绍了学院概况,包括学院培养目标和历史沿革、组织结构、师资队伍、课程设置和班级规模等情况。第三,分析了师生沟通中存在的问题,指出学院对沟通机制建设重视不够、主客体之间缺乏理解和信任。最后,论文从主体和客体策略、信息策略、渠道策略、文化策略和策略实施保障等方面提出了师生沟通策略。

【Abstract】 Inter-communication between teachers and students is an important tache in educating and teaching. The higher colleges must strengthen the teacher-student’s communication in order to educate practical skill talents. Based on related research results, this paper adopts questionnaire investigation. It puts forward the strategies by investigating the present position of the teacher-student’s communication in BOHAI Petroleum Vocational College. The paper refers to the research results of communication theory and teacher-student’s communication theory. In addition, it applies the frame of the management communication to the research of teacher-student’s communication strategy, it enriches the teacher-student’s communication strategy at a certain degree. This paper is characterized with strong pertinency and operability. The research results can provide instruction in theory and technique for this college. Besides, the other higher vocational colleges can use it for reference. The major opinions and research content are as follows.First, this paper definites the concepts of communication and teacher-student’s communication, expatiates the nomal model and strategy frame of the communication, expatiates the theory of communication and teacher-student’s communication.Second, it introduces the college survey briefly, including development object, history evolution, organization and structure, faculty procession, courses setting and class scale, etc.Third, the paper analyses some problems exsiting in teacher-student’s communication. It indicates that the college doesn’t pay enough attention to the construction of communication system; the subject and the object lack understanding and trust.Finally, the paper puts forward teacher-student’s communication strategies, including subject and object strategy, information strategy, channel strategy, culture strategy and the secure of carrying out the strategy.
