

The Study on the Red Tourism Resources Development in Xinjiang

【作者】 张珏

【导师】 帕尔哈提·艾孜木;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生活水平的提高、休闲时间的增多、加之交通工具的便捷,人们拓展精神文化生活的欲望越来越强烈,要求也越来越高。红色旅游正是在中国新的历史条件下,随着有组织的革命传统教育和爱国主义教育活动的开展产生和形成,并随之不断推进而快速发展起来的一种专项特色旅游活动形式和产品类型。早在2004年,中央领导同志就做出“要积极发展红色旅游”的重要指示,这对于推动“红色旅游”发展,起到了促进作用。全国旅游工作座谈会也对发展“红色旅游”做了全面部署,积极推进红色旅游的发展。随着全国红色旅游的不断升温,不少地区也开始大力挖掘本土的红色旅游资源,开发红色旅游资源项目。以自然风光和民族风情为优势旅游资源的新疆也不例外。在此背景下,笔者对新疆红色旅游资源的开发进行了研究。新疆有着极其独特的红色旅游资源。对新疆红色旅游资源进行开发,将有利于实现社会主义市场经济条件下,新疆社会效益同经济效益的结合以及精神文化财富向经济财富的转化。红色旅游的发展将成为新疆旅游经济的又一个新的增长点。因此,本论文以新疆红色旅游资源为研究对象,从旅游资源开发的角度对新疆红色旅游资源进行研究,文中运用SWOT分析方法,通过对新疆红色旅游资源开发的相关条件和背景的分析,提出红色旅游资源具体的开发原则、开发模式以及产品线路的开发设计和营销对策;论文的最后提出新疆红色旅游资源开发过程中应注意的资源可持续发展问题。通过对本论文的撰写,以求为新疆红色旅游资源开发提供新思路,为新疆红色旅游资源的开发提出可行性建议。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of living standards and the increase in leisure time, coupled with a convenient means of transport, people develop spiritual and cultural life of increasingly strong desire for increasingly high. Under the new historical conditions, with the organized revolutionary tradition and patriotism education activities, red tourism in China have generated, formation, and then continuously promote and accelerate the development of the special characteristics of a form of tourism activities and products types.As early as in 2004, the central leading comrades issued to make important instructions about "Actively developing red tourism", this will promote "red tourism" development, and has played a facilitating role. National tourism forum also done a full deployment on the development of "red tourism", and actively promoted the development of red tourism. Along with the rising nationwide red tourism, and many regions have begun to vigorously exploit and develop the local red tourism resources and projects. It is no exception to Xinjiang which have advantages for the tourism resources about natural scenery and ethnic customs. Under this background, the writer made a study on the red tourism resources in Xinjiang.There have many unique red tourism resources in Xinjiang. To exploit the red tourism resources in Xinjiang, there will be conducive to the realization of the socialist market economy under the conditions of social benefits and economic benefits of Xinjiang, the combination of the spiritual and cultural wealth into economic wealth. Red tourism will be the development of tourism economy and a new point of economic growth in Xinjiang. Therefore, this paper is focused on the red tourism resources in Xinjiang for the study, from the perspective of the development of tourist resources to analysis and study the red tourism resources development in Xinjiang, using the SWOT analysis method, according to analysis the red tourism resources development related conditions and background analysis in Xinjiang, put forward the red Tourism Resources specific pattern of development, the product lines, as well as steps to the development and design; The final in papers, there will pay attention to sustainable development issues in the process of developing the red tourism resources in Xinjiang. Rely on the paper, in an attempt to provide new ideas and feasibility proposals for Red tourism resources development in Xinjiang.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】580