

Research on the Optimal Operational Water Level of Ebinur Lake in Xinjiang China

【作者】 刘永泉

【导师】 王晓峰;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 湖泊最优水位的研究属于湖泊——流域综合管理学的研究领域,其意义在于通过协调流域各部门的用水结构,指导流域走上生态良好、经济发展、社会文明的道路。艾比湖是我国西北干旱区为数不多的湖泊之一,它不仅具有涵养水源、保持水土等诸多生态功能;而且也具有开展科学考察和旅游探险等活动的社会功能;此外,艾比湖中还蕴藏着丰富的盐矿资源和珍贵的卤虫资源,同时具有重要的经济功能。艾比湖的存在对于沿湖绿洲社会经济的持续发展具有举足轻重的作用。20世纪中叶以来,艾比湖水域面积的萎缩导致湖滨荒漠生态环境的严重退化,使沿湖地带饱受风沙之苦;20世纪90年代之后,艾比湖流域连续出现了七年的丰水局面,水域面积的扩大又引起土地盐渍化面积的扩大并威胁到沿湖交通线路的安全运营。本文从艾比湖低水位运行和高水位运行的危害出发,对艾比湖最低生态水位和防洪限制水位进行了分析。在此基础上,运用层次分析法和可持续发展理论对艾比湖最优运行水位进行了综合评价。其主要结论如下:1、艾比湖最低生态水位从艾比湖低水位运行的主要危害着手,根据湖泊形态分析法、天然水位资料法、生物最小空间需求法以及综合指标法等方法对艾比湖最低生态水位进行研究,本文认为570km~2作为艾比湖最小湖面面积和最低生态水位是合理的。(考虑到面积变化值比水位变化值更能体现出艾比湖水位的幅度,故文中水位值皆以对应面积值表示,下同。)2、艾比湖防洪限制水位艾比湖面积超过950 km~2的局面不仅会加剧湖滨湿地的盐渍化,而且会对沿湖铁路线和淡水养殖业构成威胁。根据艾比湖水位年际和年内变化特点,运用湖泊水量平衡理论对艾比湖防洪限制水位进行分析。分析发现当艾比湖年内最小面积为800km~2时,次年艾比湖年内最大面积可达950km~2甚至更大。建议每年10月份之前控制艾比湖面积在800km~2左右,则次年春季艾比湖最大面积可以控制在950km~2左右。3、艾比湖最优运行水位根据艾比湖流域水资源利用结构对艾比湖湿地社会经济和生态环境的影响,优选了七项指标,构建了艾比湖流域水资源利用效益评价模型。评价结果表明:流域社会经济用水和生态用水之间的矛盾在现有的发展水平下是不可调和的。以压缩经济用水来扩大艾比湖面积的设想是不现实的。在现阶段,保证艾比湖年内最低水位不低于其最低生态水位是当务之急;如果跨流域调水项目得以实施,可以考虑加大艾比湖入湖水量,使艾比湖年内最小面积稳定在800km~2左右,年内最大面积则以不超过950km~2为宜。

【Abstract】 The research about optimal operational water level of the lake is one of the most important branches of Integrated Management about lake-Basin, for the work can help to direct the developing modle of the area by coordinating the interest of all the department which relied on the water and controlling the utilizing structure of water resourse.Ebinur Lake is one of the largest lakes in northwest arid desert area of China, the lake not only has many ecological functions:such as restrainting water sources, maintaining soil, regulating climate, conserving biodiversity and so on; but also has some social functions,for instance: carring out scientific observations and adventure tourism activities such as the; In addition, there are rich and valuable Salt Mine in Ebinur Lake, the lake has important economic function as well. So the existence of Ebinur Lake is of great importance for the socio-economic sustainable development of the oasis around the lake.From mid-20th century to the later 0f 1990’s, the area of Ebinur Lake has rapidly shrinked because of the strong disturbance of globle change and human activities. The thrinking of lake not only leaded the ecological environment of Lakeside seriously degraded and the biological diversity sharply declined,but also caused the area of desertification increased . The vast land of desertification and the persistent gale coming from Ala mountain pass seriously threatened the health and property of the people. For the past few years, the lake area once restored to the scale of 1950s because of the impact of global warming. However the expansion of water make the land salinized and threatened the the railway along the lake.Ground on the changing feature of water level and its impact and some date from field survey, this article pay close attention to the minimum ecological water level and the limitative water level of flood-prvented. Then, using the theory of system,cybernetics and sustainable development to assess the optimal water level. The main conclusions are as follows:1.The minimum ecological water level of Ebinur Lake In view of the potential hazard which would caused by water scarcity of Ebinur Lake.This paper use the method of morphological analysis of lakes, natural data of water level, the minimum space of creatures, as well as the composite indicator to consider the lowest ecological level, The result shows that taking 191m(570km~2) as a minimum ecological water level is reasonable.2.The limitative flood-prevented water level of Ebinur LakeThe temporary high level of water not only made the salinity land increased but also threaten the railway and the enterprise along the lake, according to the changing feature of the lake area and some reports orrecords which made by predecessor,it is found that when the minimum area exceed 800km~2, the maximum area will be up to 950 km~2 next year.So taking 800 km~2 as the limitative flood-prevented water level is suitable in october every year.3. The optimal water level of Ebinur LakeSelected seven main indexes and quatificated them in accordance with national standards, the paper designed a assessing modle of the optimal level and assessed the current situation of the lake area.Summed up the result mentioned above,the study shows that keeping the lake area about 800 km~2 is propitious to the development of all valley.

  • 【分类号】P343.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】198