

Assets Securitization and Its Application Dealing with Non-performing Assets of Industial Bank CO. LTd

【作者】 王良杰

【导师】 杨胜刚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,不良资产问题已经成为困扰国内外银行业的难题,国内商业银行的不良资产问题也相当严重,不仅影响着我国银行业的改革进程,而且影响银行、企业的正常、稳健经营,成为我国金融业的隐患。证券化作为不良资产的特殊处置方式,以其低成本、结构化融资、表外业务化而受到重视。对资产证券化的理论研究起源于美国,并在西方发达国家得到广泛、深入的研究,有关文献数不胜数。近年来,国内学者对资产证券化的研究不断深入,制度与法规逐渐完善,包括兴业银行在内的多家商业银行进行了资产证券化的尝试。资产证券化的实务操作必须建立在对其概念进行界定、对其原理进行分析、对其运行机制进行考察的基础之上。资产证券化的原理可以概括为“一个核心原理”和“三个基本原理”,核心原理是指被证券化资产(或基础资产)的现金流分析;而通过资产证券化过程使不流动资产得以流动,主要依赖于三个基本原理:资产组合原理、风险隔离原理、信用增级原理。资产证券化的运行机制则需要考虑其基本结构及交易参与者、基本运作程序、证券化方式和内容。国内商业银行不良资产一般界定为贷款五级分类中的次级贷款和可疑贷款、损失贷款:近年来国内商业银行的不良资产比率得到控制,但仍不能被忽视,需要探求其产生的内外部因素,借鉴现有的处置模式,寻求合理的化解途径。结果发现证券化在国内商业银行不良资产是必要的、可行的。尽管不良资产的证券化面临相关法律制度不健全、资产池的构建、信用评级、证券估值、缺乏多元的机构投资者等方面的困难,但借鉴国内外的经验,仍旧可以为兴业银行设计出合理可行的不良资产证券化方案设计,方案设计的主要环节有:交易结构的设计、资产池组建、信用增级、产品设计和发行的有关安排。在对兴业银行不良资产证券化方案设计中,遇到的很多困难与障碍,是来自宏观层面的,和其他商业银行、企业、金融机构的资产证券化有着共性,需要监管部门采取措施才能解决,也即需要出台或完善资产证券化所必需的宏观政策、法律法规及相关的配套措施。

【Abstract】 Non-performing Assets is a difficult problem for international banking, and it is quite serious for domestic commercial banks, which affects the reformation of banking, the normal operation of commercial banks and enterprises, and becomes hidden trouble of finance industry. Securitization, as a special disposal of non-performing assets, with its low-cost, structured finance, and operation has been attended.The theories on Assets Securitization started in America, and have been studied widely and deeply in Western Countries; the related documents can’t be counted. In recent years, many researchers have begun to attend Assets Securitization, the related regulations and laws have been perfected and quite a few commercial banks include Industrial Bank CO. LTD have securitizes their credit assets.Assets Securitization must be based on its definition, principles and operating mechanism. The principles of Assets Securitization can be generalized one core principle and three basic principles, and the core principle is cash flow analysis, the basic principles include portfolio, risk segregation and credit enhancement. The operating mechanism of operating mechanism involves trade structure and its participants, operating procedure, modes and contents.Non-performing Asset is defined with sub loans, questionable loans and loss loans in domestic commercial banks. In recent years, Non-performing Asset in domestic commercial banks has been controlled, but can’t be neglected, and we should search the reasons of Non-performing Asset and use for reference of existing disposals. The analysis indicates that Assets Securitization is necessary and feasible to depose Non-performing Asset for domestic commercial banks.In spite of the difficulties such as absence of laws, construction of assets pool, credit appraise, securities valuation and scarcity of institutional investors, based on use for reference of experience, Industrial Bank CO. LTD may design the scheme to securitize Non-performing Asset, and the main steps include difficulties of trade structure, construction of assets pool, securities valuation, credit enhancement and the related arrangement of issuing.Many difficulties in designing the scheme to securitize Non-performing Asset for Industrial Bank CO. LTD, is common for all domestic commercial banks, and should adopt many countermeasures to promote Assets Securitization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】F832.51;F832.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】346