

Research of Method of Middle-Low Voltage Distribution Network Programming under the Environment of Electrical Market

【作者】 吴劲

【导师】 毛弋; 唐海军;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 电力系统及自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经济迅猛发展,各种资源最大限度的发挥着它在经济建设中的作用,但资源的耗竭及其资源的浪费已经成为我们关注的焦点问题,因此,创建资源节约型、环境友好型社会已成为时代的主题。建设现代化城镇和社会主义新农村,基础设施是保障,而电力是基础设施的重要支柱,建设社会主义新农村必须建设坚强、供电可靠、经济环保的电网。电力网是现代化城市及新农村的重要基础设施,城市和农村的发展离不开电力事业的发展,而中低压配电网是电力供应的末端环节,其安全可靠的运行直接影响到千家万户的生活,因此,对于一个城市的发展及人们生活水平的提高,中低压配网规划具有十分重要的意义。为加快和促进电网基础建设进程,适应电力体制改革的需要,保障县级电力工业持续、稳定、健康发展,满足国民经济及社会发展对用电快速增长的需求,针对目前中低压配网网络薄弱的现状,中低压配网规划迫在眉睫。本文以石门县城区及典型集镇中低压配网规划项目为依托,详细介绍了中低压配网的现状和规划方法,并依据现状对石门县城区2008-2010年的中低压配网逐年做了规划。本文首先对电力市场的产生及特点、电力市场的基本理论、中低压配网规划研究背景及现状进行了概述。接着详细介绍了电力负荷预测及其几种常用方法,并详细地从10kV中压配电网络、低压配电网络、变压器台区改造、中低压计量装置规划和无功补偿规划等方面介绍了中低压配网规划的技术原则。在规划原则的基础上从中压配网(10kV线路)的现状分析、规划方法、石门县城区中压规划等三方面详细介绍了中压配网规划的方法研究。低压台区和低压线路是与用户连接的桥梁,因此着重在接下来分别从配变台区和低压线路介绍了低压配电网的规划方法和研究成果。在本文最后介绍了计量装置和无功补偿的规划方法。通过以上内容的详细介绍,结合石门县城区的具体规划效果和评审情况,证明了本文的中低压配网规划方法及其研究具有较强的实践性和理论性,规划的方法具有可行性及实用性,对中低压配网规划具有一定的应用价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economical development, the resources must be made most effective use. The consumption and waste of resources have become very concerned problems, therefore it has become a major theme of the present era to construct a conservation-minded and eco-friendly society. The infrastructure construction is fundamental to building a new socialist countryside, and electrical power industry is the pillar of infrastructure construction. In order to build a new socialist countryside, a robust and environmentally friendly power system of strong capacity of power supply must be provided. Electrical power network is an important infrastructure of modern city and new countryside, and it is indispensable to the development of both urban and rural area. The middle-low voltage distribution network is the terminal part of power supply, its safety and reliability are directly interrelated to daily life. Therefore, middle-low voltage distribution network programming is of vital importance to the development of the city and the improvement of daily life. Due to the weak existing condition of middle-low voltage distribution network, to plan the distribution network is extremely urgent in order to promote the power system construction, meet the needs of electrical system reform, guarantee the sustained, rapid and sound development of country level electrical power industry, meet the growing needs of electricity.The method of current situation analysis and programming is presented in this paper on the base of urban area of ShiMen town and some typical market towns. The 2008~2010 middle-low voltage distribution network programming of ShiMen town is made yearly according to the methods provided. The chapters of this paper are organized as follows: The article gives a general overview of the middle-low voltage distribution network programming firstly. And then summarizes the methods of electrical load forecasting and describes three commonly used methods. elaborates the technical principles of middle-low voltage distribution network programming in the areas of middle voltage(10KV), low voltage, the reformation of transformer, the planning of gauging device and reactive power compensation in the planing the foundation of principle. the method and research of middle voltage distribution network programming is presented on the base of current condition analysis of middle voltage(10KV), planning method and the middle-low voltage network planning of ShiMen town. The district of low voltage and the line of low voltage are the bridge with user connection, therefore stress in receive the planning methods and research results of low voltage distribution network is introduced in the aspect of low voltage line. The planning method of gauging device and reactive power compensation is introduced in the end of.By the explanation of the above Content and the programming results of ShiMen town, the method and research of middle-low voltage distribution network programming provided in this paper are proved to be of theory and practicability, and it is of utility value to middle-low voltage distribution programming.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期