

Research for Water Environmental Capability of Seaside City

【作者】 金先奎

【导师】 刘云国;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 由于地质和地理条件的特殊性,沿海地区生态环境极其脆弱和敏感。随着改革开放,沿海经济特区、经济开发区的建设和沿海石油化工、火电厂、港口码头的建设,生活污水和工业废水向沿海的排放量不断增加,水资源短缺、水环境污染、海水入侵、生态环境退化和海平面上升,已构成中国沿海地区实现可持续发展战略面临的重大资源和环境问题。北海市南临北部湾,日照充足,雨量充沛,境内河流共有93条,均注入北部湾,广西沿海最大的独流入海河流—南流江贯穿境内,全市水资源较为丰富,但由于时空分布不均,局部地方还存在缺水现象。尤其是近几年,随着经济的发展,污染源增加,加上缺乏水环境保护意识,盲目开发利用水环境资源致使地表水和近海海域遭受到严重污染,水环境容量下降:油类、有机物污染相当突出;赤潮、海藻出现频繁;由于地下水使用过度,还出现了海水入侵现象。对北海市人民生活质量的提高、经济的可持续发展和生态环境的保护构成了威胁。本文根据实测资料分析了北海市水环境的现状,通过污染源评价,确定主要污染源和污染物。通过水质评价,确定河流的水质污染状况,分析水环境问题。根据北海市河流江海相接、水量丰富但时空分布不均以及受径流、潮流以及人为因素、排污特点等因素的影响和制约、时空差异显著等特点,对非感潮河流及感潮河流分别选用一维稳态模型及感潮河段一维模型来模拟水质,根据水文资料来确定参数,以河流的功能分区情况为基础,利用选定模型对研究范围内河流的特征污染物CODcr和氨氮,在河流设计条件下进行环境容量的测算;根据测算结果,汇总容量,结果表明,目前,北海市地表水尚有剩余环境容量,但南康江沿岸因有糖厂排污,现状排污量已超其允许排污量。北海市水环境功能区的污染物排放与其水环境容量分布是不匹配的。根据北海市水环境容量特征,按照总量控制的原则,提出水环境容量控制利用对策如下:(1)调整和优化产业结构,提高生产效益、减少污染。(2)重点治理工业和生活污染源。(3)发展生态农业,减少面源污染。(4)根据本次容量测算结果,制订总量控制指标,制定和实施污染物限期削减计划。(5)加强水质检测与监测,建立健全水质监测网络,作好水资源的保护和管理工作。(6)建立水环境管理信息系统,为水资源管理和决策提供依据。

【Abstract】 Because of the special nature of the geological and geographic conditions, the ecological environment is extremely fragile and sensitive coastal areas. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the coastal special economic zones, economic development zones and coastal petrochemical building, fire power plant, port terminal building, sewage and industrial waste water emissions to the coastal increasing water shortage, water pollution, salt water intrusion, ecological degradation and sea level rise, China has a strategy for sustainable development of coastal areas facing significant resources and the environment.Beihai City lies in south Gulf of Beibu, opulent sunshine adequate rainfall, a total of 93 rivers are injected Gulf of Beibu, the largest Guangxi coastal river-Nanliu river go through the territory of city flowing southward into the sea., The city has the more abundant water resources, but because of an uneven distribution of time and space, there are still some local water shortages. Especially in the last few years, with economic development, increasing pollution, the lack of water environmental awareness and environmental resources conspired with blind exploitation of water surface and coastal waters have caused serious pollution, water capacity of the environment to decrease : oils, organic pollution are very conspicuous; Red tide, seaweeds appeared frequently; Because of excessive use of groundwater, also emerged seawater invasion. To the Beihai City People’s improved quality of life, sustainable economic development and environmental protection constitutes a threat.The analysis based on validated information of the status of Beihai City’s water environment through pollution evaluation, identifying the main sources of pollution and pollutants. Through water quality evaluation, make a judgment of river water pollution, water analysis of environmental issues. According to the Beihai City jointed river water, water-rich but time and the uneven distribution of runoff, and the tide of human factors, sewage characteristics and other factors and constraints, significant differences in time and space characteristics of the non-flu flows of rivers and river flows sense of a different choice models and Victoria produced a sense of one-dimensional wave pool simulation models to water quality, according to hydrological data to determine the parameters to the functional area of the river, on the basis of use within selected models to the study of the characteristics of rivers and ammoniac nitrogen pollutants CODcr Environmental conditions in the river design capacity measurement; According to results measurement, the results show that at present, Beihai City of surface water remaining capacity of the environment, but because of a sugar refinery along river of Nankan pollution, the status quo emissions beyond its permitted emissions. Beihai City District pollutant discharge water environment functional capacity of the environment and its water distribution is not matching. According to the Beihai City water capacity of the environment, in accordance with the principles of total control, environmental capacity to control water use responses as follows :(1) Adjust and optimize the industrial structure, increase production efficiency, reduce pollution.(2) Cleaning up and to improve pollution source especially Industrial and life(3) Development of ecological agriculture, and reduce pollution(4) According to the current capacity measurement results for total control targets, formulate and implement a plan to reduce pollutants deadline(5) Strengthen water quality testing and monitoring, and establish a water quality monitoring network for the protection and management of water resources(6) Establish water environmental management information systems, provide a basis for management and decision-making for water resources management

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】X52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】328