

Digital Diagram: Diagram Functioning as "Abstract Machine" in Architectural Design

【作者】 陶晓晨

【导师】 徐卫国;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “图解”是当代建筑创作的核心工具和讨论的核心话题,而国内对“图解”一词的概念还有很多误解,本文从剖析图解概念开始,简述图解理论的产生与发展,最后通过完整呈现一次教学实践中的图解实验讨论了图解方法在参数化设计中应用的可能。本文要讨论的是一种来源于德勒兹哲学的“生成性”图解。建筑学中的图解分为两种:解释性和生成性。解释性的图解为对某种关系的解释,属于再现的范畴。在建筑史上,每当新的解释性图解出现,都标志着“再现”的转型。在上世纪70年代,以埃森曼的自动主义为代表,建筑界产生一股试图逃脱“再现”机制的思想。而德勒兹的“图解”概念,成了他们逃脱“再现”最好的武器。德勒兹将图解定义为:抽象的机器。它是既不可见亦不可述的,但却创造了可见的结构和可述的内容,具有生成新意义的作用。德勒兹还以画家的工作介绍了图解式艺术创作在现代艺术中的意义。在建筑领域,埃森曼的“自动主义”和库哈斯的“社会学研究”实践分别从两个方面探索了图解式建筑设计。上世纪末,复杂科学的思想和计算机技术对新一代建筑师的帮助使他们得以将图解技术与计算机技术融和,形成了“数字图解”的设计手段。在他们的设计中应用的数字图解有拓扑形,模拟软件和遗传算法。这些图解蕴含着形态发生的可能,具有生成作用。本文系统探讨了数字图解的设计方法,并将其应用于教学中进行实验。数字图解步骤包括:1.场所调研,得到影响设计的参数,分析参数间的联系2.根据参数间的关系建立参数模型。3.将参数模型具象化,得到设计雏形(三维)。三个步骤。这三个步骤环环相扣,是一个逻辑推导的过程。由此图解方法排除了所有主观设计因素,成为一个建筑自发生成的过程。在论文的最后,本文对数字图解方法进行了总结。笔者认为,虽然至今为止对数字图解的探索仍具有一定的局限性,但不可否认的是,这种方法已将建筑设计带至一个新的领域,使建筑学的知识得到一次显著扩展。

【Abstract】 “Diagram”is the main instrument both in contemporary architectural discourse and practice, while the domestic discourse still has some misunderstanding about“diagram”. This paper begins with articulating the concept of“diagram”, introducing the origin and development of the theory of diagram and its historic applications. At the end, introduce a series of experimental designs which were aimed to explore the possibility that diagram could bring into architectural design.Peter Eisenman claimed that diagram is historically understood in two ways: as an explanatory device and as a generative device. This paper talks much about the generating function of the diagram, the concept of which was endowed by G·Deleuze and M·Foucault. When used as an explanatory device, the diagram functions to represent some latent relationship or organization. In the history of architecture, when new diagram emerged, it always meant some transformation in the representation. From the 1970s, pioneered by Eisenman’s automatism, there was a desire to be free from representation. Diagram became their best instrument. Deleuze defined it as: Abstract Machine, neither Visible nor Articulable, which enables both visible structure and articulable content. Deleuze set forth this concept by giving an example: the work of Francis Bacon (painter). In the architectural field, we can find similar attempt in Peter Eisenman’s and Rem Koolhaas’work.Influenced by the Complexity theory and the computer science, contemporary avant-gardes developed their own working method, merging Deleuze’s diagram concept with digital technology. In this way they redefined the diagram to be topology, simulating environment and genetic algorithm, which contains generative possibilities. Inherit much from their work, we defined a set of“Digital Diagram”design method, and in order to try out the feasibility of this method started a series of design experiments. The process include: 1. Site analysis: To obtain relative parameters 2.Set up parametrical model. 3. Visualize the model to a 3D configuration. These three steps linked logically, repelled all subjective opinions, making the project a self produce process.In the end of the paper, a conclusion is drawn out to claim that although the diagram method being explored so far has its own limitation, undeniably, the method has bring architectural design into a whole new field. It will leads to a great expansion in our architectural knowledge.

【关键词】 建筑设计德勒兹图解参数化设计复杂
【Key words】 Architectural DesignDiagramDeleuzeComplexityParametric Design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期