

【作者】 石琳

【导师】 孙华志;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的迅猛发展,当今社会已进入网络时代,计算机网络已经成为社会和经济发展强大动力。高校的教务管理工作是整个学校管理的核心和基础,利用网络技术提高教务管理水平已刻不容缓。近几年来,各高校的教务部门对各种教学信息的处理与分析工作越来越繁杂,现有的教务管理系统已经明显不能满足日益增多的各种需求。面对庞大的信息量,如何充分利用紧缺的教学资源,提高资源的使用率,做到信息的规范管理、科学统计和快速查询,已成为制约教务管理乃至整个学校管理工作的瓶颈。本文在认真分析了高校教务管理工作的基础上,对利用基于ASP.NET技术开发B/S模式教务管理系统中所涉及到的关键技术进行了探讨,并给出了相应的解决方案,运用软件工程的方法设计并实现了具有实用价值的高校教务管理系统,该系统基于微软.NET平台,采用B/S三层结构,并以SQL Server2005作为后台数据库,利用ASP.NET技术开发。系统实现了高校教务管理系统的主要功能模块,具有公告管理、教师管理、学生管理、学院管理、专业管理、课程管理、成绩管理、信息查询、系统管理等功能。系统采用Visual Studio.NET平台构架,使用流行编程语言C#开发,基于ASP.NET技术实现。本文对系统设计及实现过程中涉及到的相关理论与实践问题进行了较为全面的阐述,重点分析了ASP.NET技术在系统开发过程中的实现方法。经过一段时间的实际运行,该系统运行稳定、安全可靠、维护方便、操作简单、支持网络办公模式,达到了预期效果。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the Internet, network era has come. Computer network has become a powerful driving force of the development of the society and economy. The college academic management is the core of the entire school management. Using network technology to improve the educational administration is very important. In recent years, the work of the academic departments of colleges and universities in dealing with all kinds of information and analysis is more and more complicated and the existing system of educational administration has not met the variety of growing demand. Facing the huge information, how to make full use of scarce teaching resources and improve the utilization rate of resources to improve the information management has become a tough problem of the college management.This paper analyzes the colleges and universities academic management which based on ASP.NET technology and B/S mode of educational administration system and gives the appropriate solution. Using the software to construct the valuable college academic management. The project is designed on Microsoft.NET platform, B/S mode, and SQL Server 2005 as the background database with ASP.NET technology. This educational management system has main function modules with BBS management, teachers, students and college management, subject management, performance management, information system management. This system uses Visual Studio.NET platform system architecture, and C# based on ASP.NET technology.This paper, develops the related theory and practical problems in designing and using the system especially analyzing the methods of using ASP.NET technology.After a period of practical operation, the system is stable, safe, reliable, easy to operate and supporting office network model. It reaches the expected result.

【关键词】 教务管理系统B/S架构ASP.NET
【Key words】 Academic Management SystemB/S modeASP.NET
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】761