

【作者】 池媛

【导师】 刘永革;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,传统GIS技术受到了巨大的冲击,特别是GIS应用范围的扩大,人们迫切需要操作简单、价格便宜的地理信息系统,由此促成了WebGIS的诞生。WebGIS是当前GIS应用的热点问题和发展趋势,作为GIS与网络的有机结合,使GIS的应用领域从专家系统扩展到社会的方方面面,成为了大众化的信息工具。城市建筑管理系统其管理的方式主要是通过管理平台实现对工程项目建设流程中重要环节及其有关企业和专业技术人员的静态管理和动态管理。而目前通过城建管理系统所呈现出来的只是一些局部的信息,它不能从整体上统计出一些重要的信息,不能给人一种直观全面的认识,随着社会的不断进步发展,这种需要必定会越来越迫切。开发基于WebGIS的城建管理系统的目的是为了给工作人员以及终端用户提供一个对建筑市场进行全方位管理的平台,提高建筑设施管理水平,帮助用户从繁杂零乱的手工整理建筑资料进行分析的困境中解脱出来,运用先进的科学技术和先进的管理思想来帮助用户管理建筑市场。同时也是为了提高各个管理的职能部门的协作能力,人们希望能够通过网络共享资料,把最新的改动信息发布到网络,让相关的工作人员能够及时准确的掌握最新的信息,帮助他们做出合理的决策。本文基于以上背景展开,详细分析了WebGIS应用开发技术现状,提出了在SPATIALLY AWARE公司的Map Suite GIS组件技术基础上通过分离地图元素和属性数据的方法,结合ASP.NET高效的数据访问能力和高可靠性的INTERNET身份验证模式,解决了该课题所需的Web GIS系统的效率、数据安全性等问题。通过将Web GIS应用到城建管理系统中可以从整体上实现对建筑市场的管理,可以让工作人员以及终端用户从整体上掌握整个建筑市场的相关信息,提高人们的工作效率。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer and network technology, the Geographical Information System was impacted on, GIS is particularly the expansion of the scope of application. The urgent need of simple and inexpensive geographical information system led to the birth of WebGIS. The Web GIS is the organic wedge bonding of the GIS and the Internet, it makes the GIS expand from expert system to the square aspect noodles of the society and become a popularized information tool.The City Building Management System mainly by the platform, managing the important progress and relevant business enterprises and professional technical personals. But currently there is only segmental information presented by the management, it can’t statistic any important information from the whole up and give person a kind of keep overall understanding of view. Along with the improvement and development of the society, this need apparently become more and more urgent.The City Building Management System Based on the WebGIS is designed to give staffs as well as end-users an all-round construction market management platform, to improve construction management facilities and to help the user away from the messy complexity of the manual finishing construction data and to use f advanced science and technology and advanced management ideas to help users manage the construction market. At the same time, to improve the management of various functional departments of the collaboration capabilities, it is hoped that through information sharing networks, the most recent changes to the information could be released to the network, so that the relevant staff members to have timely and accurate up-to-date information to help them make a reasonable The decision-making.Based on the above background. after analyzing the Web GIS application development technique present condition in detail the article puts forward passing the disconnect map chemical element and the attribute data based on the Map Suite GIS module technique of the company of SPATIALLY AWARE, combining the efficient data interview capability of the ASP.NET and the identity verification mode of the INTERNET, and resolves problems such as the efficiency of the Web GIS system and the data safety this topic needed. By applying the Web GIS to the city building management system it can manage the building market from whole top, and let staff member and end user get the related information of the whole building market from whole up to raise working efficiency of humans.

【关键词】 GISWebGIS城建管理Map Suite
【Key words】 GISWebGISCity Building ManagementMap Suite
  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】85