

A Study on the Collaboration Culture of Middle School English Teaching Group in Rural Areas

【作者】 孙惠清

【导师】 王俭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 新课程的实施需要教师素质的保障,“合作”是新课程实施中的一个重要取向。对于教师来说,他们的合作意识与合作能力具有十分重要的意义,它不仅影响着教学的效益,而且影响着教师工作与生活的状态,同时也影响着学生合作意识与合作能力的培养。因此,如何在建设良好的合作文化过程中提高教师合作意识与合作能力,是一个值得研究的问题。为此,本研究结合JY中学英语教研组的实际情况,分析JY中学英语教研组在“合作”方面所存在的问题,并借鉴有关安迪.哈格里夫斯的合作理论和罗伯特·G·欧文斯的教育组织行为学理论,探求建设JY中学英语教研组良好的合作文化的方法和途径。本研究分为四个部分。第一部分主要分析选题的背景、研究的主要问题和主要意义,并界定相关概念,提出研究的基本思路与主要方法。第二部分主要在分析国内外教师合作文化研究的历史、国内教师合作的现状、以及影响国内教师合作的因素和变革的基础上,为JY中学英语教研组的教师合作分析做好准备。第三部分对JY中学英语教研组的合作文化进行分析。从JY中学英语教研组的概况和JY中学英语教学常规入手,通过访谈等手段调查JY中学英语教研组的合作文化状况,分析现有合作文化对教研组的影响,并从四个方面对影响进行原因分析:学校内部管理体制原因、学校制度原因(考试评价制度、教师考核制度和导师制度)、公开课原因和教师自身因素等。第四部分是在前面的分析基础之上,提出了建设JY中学英语教研组良好合作文化的有关建议:以合作共贏的价值观为核心,引领教研组良好合作文化的建设;以改革学校组织结构为抓手,为建设良好合作文化提供组织保障;以学校制度建设为关键,为建设良好合作文化提供制度保障;以教师的实践行动为基础,逐步营造良好的合作文化。

【Abstract】 New Curriculum demands teachers with good qualities in teaching and learning based on win-win collaboration rules in order to get adjusted to the difficult and complicated situation of middle school teaching. Collaboration is particularly important for the teachers to accomplish their teaching goals, to promote their abilities in teaching and learning and to cultivate the students’ abilities and foster their spirit of collaboration. The best way to accomplish this aim is for the middle school teachers to center on the all-round development of the students instead of only on the performances of the students. Hence, this dissertation aims at solving the collaboration problems existing in the English Group of JY Middle School and providing approaches to collaboration culture by means of analyzing the problems of the group based on Andy Hargreaves’ collaboration theory and the theory of Robert G Owens’ Organizational Behavior in Education.This dissertation consists of four parts. The first part analyses the background knowledge, the existing problems and the importance of the research with some relative concepts defined and research design and methods adopted in this part.The second part deals with the history of teaching collaboration at home and abroad by analyzing its collaboration situation in China, the factors resulting in teaching collaboration and the approaches to better its existing collaboration situation, aimed at getting well prepared for the solution to collaboration problems in the English teaching group in JY Middle School.The third part aims at discovering how the existing collaboration culture affects the English teaching group by looking into the existing collaboration culture in the English teaching group depending on the general situation of the group and the English teaching rules of JY Middle School. And the factors affecting the collaboration culture of the English group are dealt with from the following four aspects: the school managing mechanism, school systems including evaluation system, assessment system and tutor-student system, open-class mode, and teachers’ qualities.Based on the first three parts, the last part deals with suggestions to foster healthy collaboration culture in the English group in JY Middle School. Suggestions are given in this part to establish a win-win collaboration culture in the English teaching group in JY Middle School including cultivate a win-win collaboration value, reforming school organization, promoting school collaboration culture, enhancing teachers’ collaboration spirit and forming real collaboration culture.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】310