

The Present Situation and the Future of the Middle School Japanese Education in Shanghai

【作者】 王颖芳

【导师】 陈永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 日本国际交流基金每隔两年开展一次全球日语教育情况调查,2006年的调查发现,全中国有68万人学习日语,人数仅次于韩国,位列全球第二。在大量的日语学习者中,有近20%的中小学生。中国的中小学开展日语教学最早始于上世纪30年代的台湾地区,后来扩展到东北的伪满洲国。旧中国的日语教育带有被侵略性,日本统治者废除了中小学的中文课程,妄图进行文化侵略,二战后中国废除了这种不合理的教育。新中国的中小学日语教育始于中日邦交正常化,为了增进中日友谊,也为了实现中小学外语课程的多样化,国家有选择地开展了初中等日语教育,学校较多集中在延边、东北和大连地区,上海当时有两所中学:甘泉外国语中学和上海外国语大学附属外国语中学开设了日语班。上世纪80年代第一次中日友好的浪潮使两所学校的日语教育飞速发展,教育水平很快超过了国内同类中学,在高考和日语能力水平测试中都取得了令同行瞩目的成果。进入21世纪,中日关系发生了急剧变化,国内很多城市的中学日语教育萎缩甚至消失,中学日语教育面临极大挑战。但是,在上海,中学日语教育却是另一种命运。上海的城市综合实力和国际化程度进一步提升,大学教育已不能满足城市对外语人才的需求,上海开始在中学发展多语种教学和第二外语教学,这使上海的中学日语教育在中日关系的冰河时期不减反增,不仅第一外语日语教育稳定发展,而且第二外语日语教育从零起步发展壮大,部分学校还尝试开展了英、日双外语教学,寻求日语教育的突破口。但也应看到,在全国的中学普遍把英语作为第一外语的大形势下,中学日语教育始终摆脱不了小语种的地位,在上海,其规模、实力、投入和受到的支持力度不能与中学英语教育同日而语,上海的中学日语教育正在面临第一外语学生减少、高考受限、总体水平下降等问题;另一方面,上海的中学日语教育的目的需要引起关注。受到高考制度的影响,中学日语教育演变成为单纯的应试教育,高考日语卷难度低于英语卷成为学生在中学阶段选择日语作为第一外语的最大目的,更有甚者,有些学生学习日语的目的仅仅是为了能看懂日本的动画片和打日本的游戏,中学日语教育正在失去为了加强中日友好和培养知日家的最初目的。上海作为中国重要的经济中心和国际性大都市,外语教育有良好的环境和众多机会,上海的外语教育不能仅仅停留在语言运用方面,而且要成为语言研究、异文化研究领域的领军者。中学开始开展多语种教育是使外语教育走向深远的必要准备,上海的中学日语教育如何突破瓶颈、在不偏离目的的道路上发展壮大是一个值得探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 Japan carries out a survey about Japanese education of the whole world every two years. The survey in 2006 shows that 680,000 Chinese people learn Japanese, second only to Korea of the whole world. About 20% learners are middle school and primary school students. The teaching of Japanese in middle school and primary school in China first started in Taiwan, and then spread to Northeast China. The Japanese education in old China was invasive. The Japanese abandoned the Chinese course in the primary and secondary school in order to carry out cultural invasion. After World War II, China abolished this kind of unreasonable education. The Japanese education in primary and secondary school in new China began with the normalization of the Sino-Japanese relationship. In order to develop the Sino-Japanese friendship, and to diverse the foreign languages courses, our country started the Japanese course, which was mainly set up in Yanbian, Northeast China and Dalian District. At that time, two schools in Shanghai, Ganquan Foreign Languages Middle School and the Foreign Languages Middle School attached to the Shanghai Foreign Languages University, started the Japanese course. In 1980s, Owing to the Sino-Japanese friendship, the Japanese education in these 2 schools developed rapidly and overtook the other schools of the same kind soon. Besides, in the university entrance examination and Japanese proficiency tests, these two schools got outstanding results.In the 21st century, the Sino-Japanese relationship changed rapidly, which led to the shrink or even the disappearance of the Japanese education in many cities in China. The japanese education faced a big challenge. Meanwhile, with the internaitonalization of Shanghai, the foreign languages education in high school alone cannot meet the needs for the talent, so multilingual teaching and second foreign languages teaching began in the secondary school in Shanghai. As a result, the Japanese education in Shanghai still developed in such a difficult situation. Not only did the Japanese teaching as the first foreign language developed steadily, but also Japanese teahing as the second foreign language grew quickly. Some school attempted to carry out bilingual teaching both in English and Japanese.However, in China, most middle schools consider English as the first foreign language. In such a situation, Japanese is always the the relatively rare foreign language. In Shanghai, compared with English, its scale is smaller and its strength, investment and gained support are less. The Japanese education in Shanghai is faced with many problems, for example, fewer students choosing Japanese as their first foreign language, the restrictions in the university entrance examination and the lower overall level. On the other hand, more attention should be paid to the students’ purpose for choosing Japanese as their first foreign language. Influenced by the rules of university entrance examination, the Japanese education is changed into an examination-oriented education. That the Japnanese examination paper is easier than the English examination paper has been the major cause for most students to choose Japanese as their first foreign language. Some students learn Japanese even only for the purpose of understanding the Japanese cartoon and playing Japanese video games. The Japanese education is losing its original aim to develop the Sino-Japanese friendship.Shanghai, as the important economic center of China and an international metropolis, provides good environment and many opportunities for the people to learn a foreign language. The foreign language education should not only focus on the usage of the language, but it should also be the head of language and culture research. It is a necessary to develop multiligual teaching in middle school. How to develop Japanese education in Shanghai further in the right way is a problem worth discussing.

  • 【分类号】G633.46
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