

Some Implications of the Theory of "the Zone of Proximal Development" for the English Teaching in Senior Middle Schools

【作者】 刘红霞

【导师】 朱全红;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以“最近发展区”基础理论为出发点,深入了解“最近发展区”理论的研究现状以及与“最近发展区”理论相联系的各种教学模式,并通过对江苏省三所重点中学的“学困生”现象、特征及研究现状分析,将“最近发展区"理论研究运用到高中英语教学过程中,尤其是在英语“学困生”提高方面做了重要尝试。首先确定“学困生”的“最近发展区”,然后在实际教学过程中,努力培养他们的学习兴趣、激发他们的学习动机,并通过“认知—行为干预”与“整体干预”的方式,以及家教十大方略、“小目标”训练法、成功激励法、学法指导、加强自我控制等方法对他们进行教育干预与转化,消除非智力因素对英语“学困生”的影响。本论文从高中低年级的英语“学困生”问题入手,经过将近一年的教学一线的实践,成功地将“最近发展区”理论运用到如何解决英语“学困生”问题的研究中。在运用“最近发展区”理论研究“学困生”问题期间,取得了以下重要成果:1)分析“学困生”心理特征和形成原因,通过相关调查和实证分析,为“学困生"找到自身存在的“最近发展区”;2)通过“认知—行为干预”与“整体干预”的方式对“学困生”进行教育干预,培养学习兴趣,激发学习动机,消除非智力因素对“学困生”的影响,“学困生”的学习热情与兴趣大大提高,而且“学困生”的学习主动性也得到了空前增强;3)根据“最近发展区”理论,通过并运用家教十大方略、“小目标”训练法、成功激励法、学法指导、加强自我控制等方法对他们进行教育干预与转化,消除非智力因素对英语“学困生”的影响,从而达到转化“学困生”的目的,其转化策略实际运用成效显著,“学困生”的学习效果有了明显提高。

【Abstract】 This paper takes the basic theory of recent development area as a starting point, deeply understanding its research status,various teaching models associated with the theory and uses.the theory of the zone of proximal development in senior English teaching,trying to help English underachievers learn English well,based on the analysis of the phenomena,characteristics,and the present research situation of at-risk English learners in three key middle schools in Jiangsu Province.Determining the zone of proximal development of the at-risk English learners, English teachers should try their best to cultivate their study interests,stimulate their study motives,educationally interfere with their learning styles and transform their learning attitude through the method of cognitive behavior intervention,whole intervention,ten family education strategies,"small target" training,successful encouragement,guidance of learning-method and the way of self-controlling, eliminating the effect of non-intellectual factors on at-risk English learners.Starting with the problems of at-risk senior one English learners,the problems of English underachievers are successfully studied based on the theory of recent development area.The main achievemeuts are as follows:(1) Analyzing the psychological characteristics and forming reasons of English underachievers,the zone of proximal development of the at-risk English learners are found through the investigation and the empirical analysis of at-risks.(2) By cultivating the English at-risks’ study interests,stimulating their study motives,educationally interfering with their learning styles,transforming their learning attitude and eliminating the effect of non-intellectual factors on at-risk English learners through the method of cognitive behavior intervention,whole intervention,the learning enthusiasm and interests of the at-risks are improved and their learning initiatives are raised.(3) Based on the theory of recent developmont area,using ten family education strategies,"small target" training,successful encouragement,guidance of learning-method and the way of self-controlling,eliminating the effect of non-intellectual factors on at-risk English learners to transform them,the learning effect of the English underachievers are largely improved.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
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