

Computer Aided Discrimination System on Vehicle Identification Number

【作者】 贺培

【导师】 林成德;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 机动车辆出厂时,在发动机和车架上均要打上识别号,这两个号码统称为车辆鉴别码。在车辆管理部门登记时,要对其进行拓印并保存,这时的拓片我们称之为原始拓片。在日后的车辆年审、过户、改装等业务时,均要对发动机号和车架号再次进行拓印,并与车辆注册登记时的原始拓片进行比对,以排除非法偷换发动机或车架等违法行为。车辆鉴别代号相当于车辆的“身份证”,甄别发动机号和车架号的非自然改动情况,是车辆年审时判断车辆合法性的重要依据。随着我国经济的发展,机动车数量急剧增长,国内大中型城市机动车平均保有量已达50万辆以上。如此庞大的数量,全都依靠技术人员手工和经验来鉴别;加之近年来盗抢机动车的犯罪活动不断增多,给公安交通管理部门的工作带来极大的难度。使用计算机辅助识别,提高工作效率和精度已成为交通管理部门、乃至全社会的迫切需求。本文将图像处理技术应用于车辆鉴别号码的甄别,它主要由图像预处理和图像比对两部分组成。对图像的预处理,主要通过图像数字化、边缘检测、去除噪声、定位目标、字符分割等步骤,建立发动机号和车架号的样本信息,包括:拓片的图像数据(原始拓片样本图像和待检测拓片的比对图像)、以及这些图像中字符对象的坐标数据。在图像预处理中,噪声的去除程度对后面的比对效果有极大的影响,车辆鉴别码拓片图像中噪声呈现连续性、块状性的特点,使用综合方法去噪是本文研究的重点之一;结合拓片字符的几何特征,本文使用基于模板匹配的方法,通过两次分割将单个字符分割出来,有效克服字符的粘连和断裂;比对算法将原始拓片图像和待检测拓片的比对图像进行图像配准,生成比对信息,比对信息包括两幅图像中所有字符对象的坐标信息和对应区域的重合程度。比对系统的使用可以缩短交通管理部门的业务处理时间,提高工作效率;可以为发动机号和车架号的甄别提供一个直观和科学的依据,其具有很大的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Vehicle identification number(VlN) will be put on engine and frame as a seal when vehicles leave factory. A new vehicle’s numbers must be stamped and the rubbings, which is called original label, must be perserved in the Traffic Department. The numbers will be stamped again and compared with the original label in the operations for Annual vehicle check-up, refit or transfer etc., and it will protect against that the numbers have been illegal changed. VIN is one and only ID of vehicles. Discriminating the numbers which have been factitious changed is important and it is the key to identify the validity of vehicles.With the rapid development of economy in our country, the quantity of vehicle become more and more. There are more than 500 thousand vehicles in the medium and large cities of our country on average. It’s hard to discriminate such a large number of rubbings by human work. And with the increasing of criminal activities, it becomes more difficult to identify the validity of vehicles for Traffic Department, so it’s necessary to improve efficiency and precision by using computers.In this thesis, a technique of image processing and its application in VIN is demonstrated. The two important parts of the technique are the image preprocessing algorithm and the image comparison algorithm. The image preprocessing algorithm is used in the register of vehicles, which includes Image Digitization, edge detection, de-noising, characters segmentation. This will set up data of the image, which includes the coordinate information of all the characters in the image.Image de-noising will greatly influence the latter compared results, so it is one of the emphases of study; On Character segmentation, template matching method is improved to overcome characters’ conglutination and rupture effectively; The image comparison algorithm is used in image registration and to test the validity of vehicle through the similarity degree between the relevant characters.The use of comparison system will minimize the time of affair transaction and increase the efficiency for the traffic apartment; It will provided direct basis for the validity of vehicle, and has a great value of practicality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】U464;TP391.41
  • 【下载频次】46