

Whirlpool of Memory: Study on Li Longyun

【作者】 黄丽洁

【导师】 苏琼;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 李龙云是中国当代最优秀的剧作家之一。他具有多方面的创作才能,文学创作涉及诗歌、小说、电影、纪实文学,凭借精心耕耘的戏剧创作,他在中国当代文坛占据了一席之地。1978年,李龙云的剧本《有这样一个小院》发表,在中国话剧界引起了轩然大波。“李龙云”这个名字由此进入人们的视野。从那以后,他先后发表了《小井胡同》、《荒原与人》、《正红旗下》、《万家灯火》等多部影响力较大的话剧作品。与李龙云在话剧创作上取得的重大成就相比,学术界给予他的关注显得极不相称。“李龙云研究”具有重要意义,而目前有关李龙云的研究却存在着巨大的欠缺,对李龙云的生平和剧作的研究都不够。因此,做一篇关于李龙云研究的硕士论文是必要的,也是必须的。本文从李龙云原创的六部剧作入手,将它们看作一个整体,与剧作家本人的生活经历相结合。从童年与青年时期的生活,爱情经历以及剧中人物四个方面,潜入李龙云“记忆漩涡”的深处,分析其作品中贯穿始终的一条主线——“记忆”。全文结构及主要内容如下:导论:介绍李龙云及其主要话剧作品,阐述李龙云研究的现状、存在的问题及本文研究的范围和思路。第一章:着重分析李龙云童年经历与他话剧创作之间的关系。第二章:研究李龙云对荒原上度过的青春岁月的思考。第三章:研究李龙云剧作中关于女性的描写。第四章:将李龙云创作的几部重要话剧作品视为一个整体,研究反复出现于这些剧作中的几个人物。结语:总结全文主要观点并分析李龙云对待艺术时态度上的矛盾。

【Abstract】 Li Longyun is one of the best writers in the contemporary China literary. He is a prolific writer. His literary creations involved in poetry, novel, movie and documentary, while the most successful one is drama. Li Longyun wrote a play named "Such a small courtyard" in 1978. Its publishing caused a tremendous controversy. From then on, the name "Li Longyun" entered into people’s vision. By now, he has created many influential plays.Although, Li Longyun has gotten many outstanding achievements, the academia paid a little attention to him. "Research of Li Longyun" has a great significance, and it has a great lack too, so writing a Master’s thesis about Li Longyun is necessary.This paper focuses on six plays written by Li Longyun. They are studied as a whole and combined with Li Longyun’s own life. My paper named "Whirlpool of memory", there are four parts on childhood, youth, love experiences and characters. Finally, it conclude that the main line of Li Longyun’s plays is "Memory".The whole structure and contents are as following:Introduction: Make a description of Li Longyun’s main drama works, the research status, the existing problems, the scope and the train of the paper.ChapterⅠ: Comparing the life of Li Longyun’s childhood with his plays.ChapterⅡ: To find the relations between plays and Li Longyun’s youth.ChapterⅢ: Analyzing the women in Li Longyun’s plays.ChapterⅣ: Studying the figures that repeated many times in Li Longyun’s plays.Conclusion: To summarize the main points of the whole text.

【关键词】 李龙云记忆乡土荒原
【Key words】 Li LongyunMemoryHometownWilderness
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I207.34
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】208