

Harmonious World and WTO Multilateral Trading System

【作者】 吴超

【导师】 肖伟;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 WTO多哈回合多边贸易谈判从2001年正式启动以来,一波三折,至今仍陷于僵局,暴露出现行WTO多边贸易体制面临的种种问题和挑战:WTO无法实现其宗旨、WTO基本原则受到侵蚀、WTO无法履行其基本职能等。本文通过分析指出,WTO既无法实现其宗旨,又无法坚持其基本原则,甚至无法履行其基本职能,这说明现行WTO多边贸易体制已经病入膏肓,只有对其痛下决心进行改革才能帮助WTO多边贸易体制走出困境。造成这些问题和挑战的原因有很多,但毋庸置疑,各成员方在参与WTO多边贸易体制的过程中缺少和谐世界理念是其中的一个重要原因。而中国政府倡导的和谐世界理论恰恰能在这方面为WTO多边贸易体制走出困境提供思路。本文就旨在研究现行WTO多边贸易体制面临的问题与挑战以及如何运用和谐世界理论改革现行WTO多边贸易体制以解决这些问题与挑战。自我国政府提出和谐世界理论以来,国内国际法学界涌现了一大批讨论和谐世界理论与国际法关系的文章。但笔者在搜集资料的过程中发现,这些文章的立论角度多是从国际法在构建和谐世界过程中可以为和谐世界提供法治保障的角度来探讨两者之间的关系。笔者认为,两者之间的关系不应该只是单向的,和谐世界理论作为一项划时代的国际关系理论,其实践同样可以对国际法相关制度的发展起到积极的促进作用。本文就拟从这样一个全新的角度来研究和谐世界理论与现行WTO多边贸易体制改革之间的关系。本文共分为四个章节,其主要内容概括如下:第一章首先列举了现行WTO多边贸易体制面临的三个方面的问题与挑战,分别是:第一,WTO无法实现其宗旨,这主要是指WTO无法实现《关于建立世界贸易组织的马拉喀什协定》规定的“提高世界范围内人民的生活水平,保证充分就业和大幅度稳步提高实际收入和有效需求”等关于发展的根本宗旨;第二,WTO的基本原则受到冲击,这主要是指WTO多边贸易体制的基石——最惠国待遇和非歧视原则不断受到区域贸易安排泛滥的侵蚀;第三,WTO履行其基本职能的能力受到质疑,这主要是指其五项基本职能中的作为谈判场所、促进协议实施和争端解决等三项基本职能的履行陷入困境。之后,本文对WTO陷入困境的原因进行了分析,指出缺乏和谐理念是WTO陷入困境的重要原因之一。第二章首先分析了现有的一些国际贸易和国际关系理论,指出它们都不能解决现行WTO多边贸易体制中缺乏和谐理念的问题。之后,本文介绍了和谐世界理论的内涵和理论框架,指出只有和谐世界理论可以解决现行WTO多边贸易体制中缺乏和谐理念的问题。第三章首先论述了和谐世界理论为缺乏和谐的WTO多边贸易体制走出困境提供的几个方面的思路,具体包括:坚持对话和协商,促进WTO决策机制和程序的民主化;坚持多边主义,重视多边机制在促进各成员国合作中的作用;坚持互利合作,实现各成员国共赢的局面等等。其次,本文分析了运用和谐世界理论改革WTO多边贸易体制的过程中可能遇到的思想上、政治上、经济上等三个方面的障碍,并提出了相应的解决办法,指出运用和谐世界理论改革WTO多边贸易体制虽然会遇到各种各样的困难,但该构想是切实可行的。最后本文论述了运用和谐世界理论改革WTO多边贸易体制的具体构想,主要包括:第一,实现WTO决策机制和程序的民主化;第二,多边贸易协议的实施机制;第三,完善WTO争端解决机制;第四,建立和完善促进发展机制;第五,在WTO框架内规范区域贸易安排等等。第四章讨论了构建和谐的WTO多边贸易体制对我国的特殊意义及我国应采取的具体政策措施。

【Abstract】 Multilateral trading system has faced many challenges since the begining of the WTO Doha Round multilateral trade negotiation. WTO cannot achieve its goal, insist on its principle, and carry out its basic functions. This paper analyzes the reasons and points out that lack of harmonious thinking is one of the most important reasons. Harmonious world theory could help solve this problem in this way. This paper mainly focus on analyzing the problems faced by the multilateral trading system and how harmonious world theory could help solve these problems.Since the birth of the harmonious world theory, many scholars have discussed the relations between harmonious world theory and international law. Their discussions, however, mainly focus on how international law could contribute to the establishment of harmonious world, but seldom focus on how harmonious world theory could change the international law. The author believe that the harmonious world theory could bring positive influence on international law. This paper aims to study the relations between the harmonious world theory and the reform of multilateral trading system from this approach.This paper includes four chapters, which are listed as follows:Chapter one points out three main aspects of the problems and challenges: firstly, it cannot achieve its goal, it cannot achieve the goal stated in Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization; secondly, it cannot insist on its basic principles, the principle of non-discrimination has been greatly infringed by RTAs; thirdly, it cannot carry out its basic functions. After the above, this paper analyzes the reasons and points out that lack of harmonious thinking is one of the most important reasons. Harmonious world theory could help solve this problem in this way.Chapter two analyzes current theories of international relations and international trade and finds out that they cannot solve the problems. And this chapter then introduces the meaning and framework of the harmonious world theory, and points out that only the harmonious world theory can help solve the problem of lack of harmonious thinking.Chapter three firstly discusses several solution under harmonious world theory approach, including democratize the WTO decision-making machanisms and procedures through conversation and consultation; insist on multilateralismand promote international cooperation through multilateral system; insist on reaching win-win agreement among all members through mutually beneficial cooperation. Secondly, this chapter discusses three main obstacles which may exist in the process of the reform of current multilateral trading system, and finds solutions for each obstacles respectively. Thirdly, this chapter discuss the specific framework of the reform of current multilateral trading system, including democratize the WTO decision-making machanisms and procedures; reform the implementation machanisms of multilateral trade agreement; reform the WTO dispute settlement machanisms; create the development promotion machanism; govern the RTAs within the framework of WTO.Chapter four discusses the special meaning of harmonious multilateral trading system to China, and the policies which should be adopted by China in this process.

【关键词】 和谐世界多边贸易WTO
【Key words】 Harmonious WorldMultilateral TradeWTO
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【下载频次】191