

The Study on the Quality Management in the Housing Fund Information System

【作者】 苏兴旺

【导师】 刘震宇; 卢伟吾;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着住房公积金业务的不断发展以及人们对住房公积金关注度的不断增加,住房公积金信息化管理水平正在逐步提高。一方面,信息化为住房公积金日常工作和管理决策带来了很大帮助,而另一方面,一些弊端正在阻碍住房公积金信息化的进一步健康发展。这些弊端中一个很重要的问题就是信息系统质量问题,如系统软件质量低劣、软件可维护低,导致了服务对象不满意,也导致了各地住房公积金管理中心之间无法实现联网,与其它政府部门及承办银行的信息也无法实现数据共享,上级监管机构无法跟踪了解各地住房公积金管理中心住房公积金运行动态情况等现象。本文将针对住房公积金信息化过程中存在的问题,剖析原因,研究信息系统项目管理体系应用,探讨信息系统软件项目质量管理方法,及如何利用全面质量管理思想来确保住房公积金信息系统建设质量。通过A市信息系统实证案例,讲述了如何运用技术手段和软件项目质量管理方法来进行信息化规划与建设,如何在软件开发过程中贯彻执行全过程质量管理的思想,如何坚持事前计划、事中控制、事后评估的工作方法,及在软件质量保证过程中如何进行软件项目评审,引用软件工程“缺陷放大模型”理论来消除软件缺陷,确保信息系统的开发质量。A市住房公积金管理信息系统的成功案例,已在全省范围内推广使用,对国内住房公积金行业的系统建设推广具有一定的借鉴意义。基于面向服务架构的住房公积金管理信息系统建设之路,对于进一步加快住房公积金业务信息化建设进程,提高整个住房公积金体系监管、运作、管理和服务的现代化水平,加强住房公积金综合运作效率,保障我国全面实现住房公积金业务现代化、信息化和促进国民经济增长,都有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 With the continual development of Housing Fund’s business and more and more people’s attentions to it, the informationization management of the housing fund was improving step by step. While the information system was great helpful to the daily work and management decision-making of Housing Fund, some issues also came into being which got in road of Housing Found informationization developing rapidly. One important issue of these was the quality issue of the information system, such as the inferior software, bad maintainability. It resulted to a series of problems. For example, neither did its customers satisfy, nor could the intranet be set up among the different housing found management centers, nor could the data be shared by other governments and relative banks, nor could its superior organizations track and know of the operation of different housing fund management centers.Focusing on the issues existing in the process of Housing Fund informationization, I analyze the causes, study the practice of project management in information system and discuss of the project quality management methods of information system software and how to use overall quality management methodologies & skills to assure Housing Fund informationization in this article. According to the case from City A, it tells how to design and set up the information system of Housing Fund with technologies and methodologies of software’s project quality management, how to execute the overall process quality management during software research and development, how to practice the methods that are planning at beginning, control in time during the process and evaluation at ending. It also indicates how to audit software projects during its quality assurance system and get rid of software defects with the theory Defect Amplification Model, so as to achieve good quality of information system development.It was introduced to all cities of the province and was a good example for the organizations of Housing Fund to set up the relative information systems, which the successful case came from the housing fund information system of City A. It is vital important for us to fast the informationization process of Housing Fund business, achieve the progress in the supervising, operation, management and service of the whole housing fund system, get high efficiency, insure its modernization and informationization carry out, and accelerate our National Economy increase rapidly, which is management information system of Housing Fund based on service-oriented construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】349