

A Study on the Provincial Examination of Shandong Province in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘希伟

【导师】 刘海峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 乡试作为科举考试各层级中规模最为宏大、竞争最为激烈、而影响也最为重大的选拔性考试之一,是各省人文教育活动的重大事件,对于区域政治、文化以及民风等具有重大而深远的影响。以往的乡试研究更多是着眼于制度层面的,而关于直省乡试的系统研究则相对较少,基本上还是处于起步状态,具有广阔的拓展空间。乡试在科举制中具有重要的地位与影响,若能对之进行系统、深入的探讨,对于丰富科举学研究、丰富中国教育史研究而言无疑具有重要的理论意义,同时对于当今的各类大规模考试也具有重要的观照意义。鉴于此,本研究选取了“清代山东乡试研究”为题,从教育学、文化学、地理学、社会学以及经济学等多个学科的视角,对于清代山东乡试的经费、竞争、举人的区域分布以及社会出身等几个方面进行了较为系统的探讨。本研究共分六章。绪论部分主要对于研究的缘起与意义、文献综述、研究的思路与框架以及主要的研究方法进行了阐述。第一章清代乡试规制,从乡试科年与乡试考场、乡试考官、乡试内容与形式、乡试定额与乡试中额等几个方面勾勒了清代乡试规制的大致轮廓。第二章清代山东乡试简况。这一部分对于清代山东乡试贡院、乡试科年、乡试中额与定额、乡试考官与解元、乡试科场案及其它违式情形几个方面进行了简略的介绍。第三章清代山东乡试经费研究。在简略回顾“科举经费”已有研究的基础上,从考官路费银、科场经费银、地方宾兴资助银及举人赏银等几个方面对于清代山东乡试的经费状况进行了探讨。第四章清代山东乡试竞争研究。这一部分主要以乡试录取率、乡试人均中式率为指标,分前后两个时期对于清代山东乡试竞争状况进行了追溯与考察。同时,对于乡试人均中式率的省际差异进行了比较研究。第五章清代山东举人的区域分布研究。在剖析明代山东举人区域分布的基础上,从不同维度探讨了清代山东举人的区域分布特点,并对于两代举人区域分布格局的异同状况进行了比较,最后从经济因素、地方儒学与书院以及文化传统的角度对清代山东举人区域分布格局的成因进行了多维度、多视角的透视与探析。第六章清代山东举人的社会出身研究——以《清代朱卷集成》为中心的考察。这一部分在简要回顾科举与社会流动的已有研究及相关争论的基础上,依据《清代朱卷集成》所载山东籍举人的家世资料进行了通过相关的统计分析,以此来管窥清代山东举人的社会出身状况。同时,对于究竟该如何看待科举制的阶层公平性问题进行了论述。余论部分对于本研究所取得的进展及有待于进一步推进的后续研究进行了阐述。

【Abstract】 Provincial examination is one of the most competitive, large-scale and influential levels in Imperial Examination System. As a kind of important cultural activity, provincial examination had influenced regional politics, regional cultures, social customs and morals in a very deep way. The previous Imperial Examination study were basically about its "system", and systematic study about provinces’ Provincial examination are very few. Because Provincial examination is very import and has great influences in Imperial Examination System, so to study it systematically can enrich Imperial Examination study and Chinese educational history study, also this is very referential to modern large-scale examinations. This paper discussed Provincial examination of Shandong procince in Qing dynasty on the aspects of its funds, competition, juren’s regional distribution and social backgrounds from perspectives of education, culture, geogrophy, socialology, ecnomics and so on.This paper includes six chapters. The introduction part is mainly about the subject-selecting origion, research significance, study review, research frame, and research methods. Chapter 1 makes a brief introdution about Provincial examination system from the perspectives of examination year, examination place, examineer, examination content, quota of Juren, ration of examinee. Chapter 2 introduced provincial examination from several aspects, such as Shandong Provincial examination places, quota of Juren, ration of examinee, examineer, fraudulent practices and malpractices. Chapter 3 is discusses about examination funds in provincial examination of shandong in qing dynasty. Chapter 4 probes into competition Provincial examination of Shandong in Qing dynasty according to admission ratio and admission ratio per capita. At the same time, it makes a provincial comparison about admission ratio per capita in different provinces. Chapter 5 is about the regional distribution of Juren in shandong in Qing dynasty. In this part, the paper also discusses regional distribution of Juren in shandong in Qing dynasty, and makes some distribution comparisons between two dynasties. In addition, it makes some analysis on the reason of distribution traits. Chapter 6 is about the social backgrounds of Shandong Juren in Qing dynasty. This chapter makes some statistics about social backgrounds of Shandong Juren in Qing dynasty according to Collection of Zhujuan of Qing Dynasty, and makes a discussion about how to see the stratum mobility in the Imperial Examination ages. The last part is about the progress the study has made, and the questions that need to be researched in the future.

【关键词】 清代山东乡试
【Key words】 Qing DynastyShandong ProvinceProvincial Examination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K249;D691.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】451