

Research on the Spatial Security of Children’s Outdoor Space

【作者】 吴爽

【导师】 丁绍刚;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 户外活动对儿童生理、心理和社会属性发展的作用是不可取替的,而且对儿童成年后的身心健康具有深远影响。然而,许多调查却显示从事户外活动的孩子越来越少,孩子们进行户外活动的时间越来越短,我们在户外活动空间中越来越难见到孩子们嬉戏的场景。究其原因,空间安全品质的低下是这一现象产生的最重要原因之一,也是必须要首先解决的问题。通过改善儿童户外活动空间的安全品质来促进儿童的户外活动,从而保障儿童身心的健康发展是本文研究的根本出发点。国内外关于儿童户外活动空间安全的系统性研究还很匮乏。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,通过问卷调查、现场调研以及系统的理论分析和研究取得了以下几个方面的进展:(1)本文初步构建了以环境心理学、儿童心理学、犯罪心理学、犯罪地理学、空间可达性和CPTED等理论和方法为核心的儿童户外活动空间安全研究的理论框架,希望对国内外儿童户外活动空间的研究和建设具有一定的借鉴意义。(2)本文对南京市鼓楼区的学龄初期儿童进行问卷调查,全面了解了儿童户外活动空间的安全现状。在户外活动空间中,交通安全隐患、防范隐患和环境要素隐患是大量存在的,可能或者已经对儿童造成伤害。不同年龄、不同性别的儿童在空间危险认知水平上存在显著差异,同时,儿童与成年人对空间危险的认知也有明显不同。对现状情况进行分析和研究是用“儿童的眼光”来设计户外活动空间的现实依据。(3)本文利用Mapinfo软件对南京市鼓楼区儿童户外活动不空间空间的分布情况进行了分析,发现儿童户外活动不安全空间的分布格局呈现非均匀渐变的圈层结构,商业金融用地比例、对外交通和道路用地比例的主导作用以及其它用地类型的叠加作用是形成此结构模式的原因所在。对不安全空间分布格局的研究是为了有针对性的对不安全空间要素进行改善和管理,避免城市资源的盲目浪费。(4)本文对空间开敞度、空间易达性等多个空间特征的量化算法进行了研究,并且探讨了各个空间特征对儿童户外活动空间安全的影响。通过分析发现,空间易达性、空间开敞度、邻里关系是影响儿童户外活动空间安全的主要空间因子。(5)综合区域环境要素和空间特征,本文利用SPSS软件初步建立了儿童户外活动空间安全的综合评价回归方程,此方程不仅可以用于对设计中的户外活动空间的安全性进行预测,还可以用于对已建成户外活动空间的不安全因素进行改善。(6)本文提出了若干提高儿童户外活动空间安全性的安全化对策和措施。

【Abstract】 Outdoor activity takes an irreplaceable role in children’s physical, psychological and social properties’ development, and also has far-reaching implications on the physical and mental health when kids grow up. However, many surveys have shown that children engaged in outdoor activities are fewer and fewer, their outdoor activities’ time is getting more and more shorter. It is more and more difficult for us to see the scene of children’s playing in outdoor spaces. Low secure quality of outdoor space, as one of the most important reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon, must be the first to be solved. The fundamental starting point of this paper is how to promote children’s physical and psychological development through improving the safety of outdoor space.The systematic study on the security of children’s outdoor space is still very deficient at home and abroad. Through questionnaire surveys, on-site investigations and systematic analysis, this paper made some progress in the following aspects:(1) This paper initially constructed a theory framework of the research on outdoor space’s safety, which took Environmental Psychology, Child Psychology, Criminal Psychology, Criminal Geography, Space Accessibility and CPTED as its core.(2) Through carrying on a questionnaire survey on early school-agers in Gulou District of Nanjing, this paper gained an overall view of the actuality of children’s safety in outdoor spaces. In children’s outdoor spaces, potential space dangers of traffic, defense and environmental elements are widely exited, which may cause or have caused harm to children. Children with different ages and genders have remarkable difference in the awareness of spatial dangers. Besides, the differences in the cognition of unsafe spatial factors between kids and adults are also significant. These analyses and researches are the reality basis of design with "children’s eyes".(3) By using the software Mapinfo, this paper analyzed the insecure spaces’ distribution of Gulou District of Nanjing, and discovered that the distribution pattern of unsafe outdoor spaces presents an annular structure which turns non-uniform. The dominant actions of "commerce and finance land" and "transport and street land" and the additional actions of other land-use types are the reasons why this pattern can form. Research on the distribution pattern of unsafe outdoor spaces targeted to improve the management of city resources and avoid blindly wasting.(4) This paper explored the quantitative methods for space opening degree, apace accessibility and many other spatial characteristics. At the same time, it also analyzed each characteristic’s influence on the safety of children’s outdoor space, and finally found that space opening degree, space accessibility and neighborhood relationship are the main spatial factors that affect the safety of children’s outdoor space.(5) Through integrating regional elements and spatial characteristics, this paper initially established a regression equation by using the software SPSS in order to comprehensively evaluate the safety of children’s outdoor space. This equation can be used not only to forecast the safety of will-be-constructed outdoor spaces, but also to improve the security of build-up ones.(6) This paper proposed several security countermeasures on how to improve children’s safety in outdoor spaces.
