

Study on Relationship between Inorganic Elements and Quality of Cortex Moutan

【作者】 郭敏

【导师】 徐迎春;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 中药学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 丹皮是临床上应用广泛的大宗药材,安徽铜陵凤凰山一带所产的凤丹皮因质量佳疗效好而被誉为地道药材,安徽亳州、山东菏泽、重庆垫江和湖南邵阳均有引种栽培。来自不同产区的丹皮在质量上存在很大差异,目前对丹皮的质量评价主要以丹皮酚等有机成分含量为标准,而越来越多的研究发现无机元素对人体具有药理作用,同时无机元素对中药材的有机成分具有一定的影响,因此从无机元素角度研究药材的质量已成为中药材质量研究的热点。关于无机元素对药材质量的影响研究已有相关报道,但在丹皮上尚未见报道。本研究从无机元素角度出发,寻找铜陵丹皮的无机元素特征,研究无机元素与丹皮道地性质量之间的关系,在此基础上选择三种无机元素作为微肥,研究其对丹皮质量控制的作用,为丹皮质量标准的建立和GAP建设提供技术支持。采用电感耦合等离子体-原子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)测定了安徽铜陵凤凰山、安徽亳州、山东菏泽、重庆垫江和湖南邵阳五个产地同一种质(凤丹)的丹皮药材及其产地土壤中铝(Al)、砷(As)、硼(B)、钙(Ca)、镉(Cd)、钴(Co)、铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、钾(K)、锂(Li)、镁(Mg)、锰(Mn)、钼(Mo)、镍(Ni)、磷(P)、铅(Pb)、硫(S)、硒(Se)、硅(Si)、钛(Ti)和锌(Zn)等22种无机元素含量,并进行相关性分析,结果显示:铜陵丹皮中的Cd、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Ti、Zn含量显著高于其他产地丹皮并且两两正相关,可作为铜陵丹皮的特征无机元素。丹皮药材和土壤中的Al、B、Ca、Co、Cu、Mg、Mn、Pb、Ti、Zn、K和Ni共计12种元素中除Co和Ni表现负相关外,其他均呈正相关关系。对上述五个产地丹皮药材的主根长度、主根粗度、韧/木、丹皮酚含量和丹皮多糖含量等质量指标进行比较,结果表明:五个产地丹皮的外观无显著差异,内在有机成分丹皮酚和丹皮多糖以铜陵丹皮最高且显著高于其他产区。对无机元素和有机成分含量进行相关性分析,结果显示:铜陵丹皮七种特征无机元素Cd、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Ti、Zn均与丹皮酚和丹皮多糖呈正相关,因此可以认为,上述七种元素是铜陵丹皮质量优良的原因之一。根据以上研究结果,选取Cu、Mn、Zn三种元素作为微肥,对山东菏泽三年生大田丹皮同时进行叶面喷施和根部浇灌试验。采样分析丹皮的折干率、根系活力、可溶性蛋白含量、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性、可溶性糖和淀粉含量等生理指标和药材的主根长度、主根粗度、韧/木、丹皮酚含量、丹皮多糖含量及无机元素含量等质量指标,结果表明:三种微肥的叶喷和根灌两种施用方法均提高根皮的折干率,提高丹皮酚和丹皮多糖含量,对根系活力无显著影响,均可不同程度地提高丹皮根系蛋白质、可溶性糖、淀粉含量及PAL活性。Cu、Mn、Zn无论是叶喷还是根灌均能不同程度提高丹皮药材中Cu、Mn、Zn元素的含量,叶面喷施情况下,Cu、Zn、Cd三种元素之间、Mn和Ni、Cu和Pb、Cu和Zn、Ti分别和Cu、Mn、Zn之间表现出了协同效果;在根灌情况下,Zn和Ni、Mn和Pb、Ti分别和Cu、Mn、Zn之间表现出了协同效果。

【Abstract】 Cortex Moutan is a commonly used Chinese medicinal material, Fengdan Peony (Paeonia ostii Andr.) from Fenghuangshan of Tongling, in Anhui province, is known as genuine medicinal materials because of excellent quality and curative effect. Fengdan Peony is transplanted in Bozhou of Anhui province, Heze of Shandong province, Dianjiang of Chongqing, and Shaoyang of Hunan province. Drug quality of Cortex Moutan from different regions are different. At present, the quality of Cortex Moutan is mainly evaluated by the content of paenol and such organic components, and meanwhile, more and more research shows that, inorganic elements have pharmacological effect on human, inorganic elements also have influence on the organic components. Studying on drug quality from the view of inorganic elements has become a research hotspot. Currently, some accomplishments have been made on the relationship between inorganic elements and drug quality, but there’s no study on Cortex Moutan. The experiments were conducted to find the characteristics of inorganic elements of Cortex Moutan from Fenghuangshan of Tongling city and the relationship between inorganic elements and drug quality. Three kinds of inorganic elements selected according above results are used on Fengdan as trace fertilizer to aim at improving drug quality of Cortex Moutan. Technology support for establishment of Cortex Moutan quality standard and GAP will be gained through this research.The contents of twenty-two kinds of inorganic elements in the same germplasm of Cortex Moutan crude drugs and soils from different regions were determined by ICP-AES, and the obtained data were analyzed. The results showed that the contents of Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, and Zn were higher in the geo-authentic Cortex Moutan, and they were found to be related with each other. So these seven kinds of inorganic elements were treated as characteristic elements of high quality Cortex Moutan. Positive correlation was observed between the contents of Al, B, Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Ti, and Zn in Cortex Moutan and soil, and negative correlation was observed between the contents of Co and Ni in Cortex Moutan and soil.Length, coarseness, phloem/xylem, content of paeonol, content of polysaccharides of Cortex Moutan from five different regions were determined and compared, the results showed that there was no significant difference on their appearance, but there was significant difference on the content of paeonol and polysaccharides. Correlation analysis between inorganic elements and organic components showed that Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, and Zn were positively related with paeonol and polysaccharides respectively. Therefore, these seven kinds of inorganic elements are important reason of high quality of Cortex Moutan in Tongling.Three kinds of inorganic elements selected according above results were used on Fengdan as trace fertilizer. Foliage spray and root watering were taken on 3-year-old Fengdan in Heze of Shandong province. The drying rate, root activity, content of soluble protein, PAL activity, content of soluble sugar, starch, Length, coarseness, phloem/xylem, content of paeonol, polysaccharides, and inorganic elements were determined. The results showed that drying rate, content of paeonol and polysaccharides were increased by both applying methods of three kinds of trace fertilizer, and root activity was not influenced. The content of soluble protein, soluble sugar, starch and PAL activity were increased in certain degree. The contents of Cu, Mn, and Zn in Cortex Moutan were enhanced by both applying methods of three kinds of trace fertilizer. By the treatment of foliage spray, Cu, Zn, and Cd; Mn and Ni; Cu and Pb; Cu and Zn; Ti and Cu, Mn, Zn exhibited synergistic relationship. By the treatment of root watering, Zn and Ni; Mn and Pb; Ti and Cu, Mn, Zn exhibited synergistic relationship.
