

A Study of Hydrochemistry and Geyser of Thermal Groundwater in the Banglazhang Geothermal Field in Longling, Yunnan

【作者】 刘永涛

【导师】 周训;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 邦腊掌温泉群位于云南省龙陵县,区内有温泉泉眼600余处,有沸泉、喷气孔、间歇喷泉等,泉区内泉华分布广泛。邦腊掌温泉出露于高黎贡山群变质岩地层,龙陵-瑞丽大断裂带附近,区内由于亚欧板块与印度板块碰撞导致构造活动强烈,该地区是我国地震多发区,附近火山活动遗迹较多,对邦腊掌温泉的研究有助于认识该地区复杂的构造活动,有助于分析地热活动与地震之间的关系,为地震监测预报提供帮助。本文从邦腊掌温泉的水文地质条件出发,采用水文地球化学方法、同位素化学方法对邦腊掌温泉的水化学特征、同位素特征分别进行分析研究,对邦腊掌温泉的出露特征、形成模式及间歇喷泉的成因进行了综合分析。邦腊掌温泉位于邦腊掌-黄草坝地热异常带,该地热带温泉平均水温达68.1℃,而邦腊掌温泉的水温最高达98℃,属于高温热水。泉群总流量为15 L/s,水化学类型是HCO3-Na型,矿化度为0.904 g/L,低矿化度,pH值9.15为碱性水。邦腊掌温泉氢氧同位素位于大气降水线附近,说明温泉水的主要来源为大气降水。通过计算得邦腊掌温泉水的补给高程为1879 m,地下水年龄为78 a,热储温度在190-220℃之间,水循环深度为3.285 km。邦腊掌温泉是大气降水经深循环加热形成的,从区域地质上分析,温泉补给区可能在高黎贡山附近地区。从温泉出露的地质条件分析,热储层为断裂破碎带,温泉类型为断裂深循环型。邦腊掌温泉区内的间歇喷泉是由于地震活动而形成的,其喷发高度为0.5 m,间歇期平均为70 s,喷发期平均为48 s。间歇喷泉形成的主要有三个条件:热源、水室和水的补给。间歇喷泉的主要特征是间歇性的喷发,其成因是能量和水在水室中不断聚集,达到临界时喷出地表。通过分析间歇喷泉的成因建立数学模型,对间歇喷泉的活动进行了数学模拟,间歇喷泉的活动与热源、地下水补给及水室大小有密切关系。邦腊掌温泉为我国少有的间歇泉区,其旅游开发价值较高,通过对地热资源的开发利用带动当地经济的发展,但要重视在开发过程中对地热现象的保护。

【Abstract】 The Banglazhang hot springs are located in Longling country of Yunnan province. There are more than 600 vents of hot springs, include boiling springs, fumaroles, geyser, etc. The tufa is distributed widely in the hot spring area. The hot springs are emerged from the bedrock of metamorphic rocks, abided by the great Longling-Ruili fault of. Because of the Asia-Euro plate collided with India plate, the structure activity in the research area is strong. There are many volcano remains in the research area, and earthquakes occurred frequently. This research of Banglazhang hot springs is benefit for making sense of the complex structure activity, and be helpful for analysis the relationship between the hot water and the earthquakes, which will suppose the forecasting earthquakes.The research in this paper based on the hydrology conditions, geochemical methods and isotope method, are used to analyze the geochemical characteristics and the isotopic features, and to study the evolution mechanism of the Banglazhang hot spring and the formation mechanism of the geyser.The Banglazhang hot spring is belong to the Banglazhang-Huangcaoba geothermal abnormal area, in which the average temperature of the hot water is reached to 68.1℃, and the water temperature of Banglazhang hot spring is high reached to 98℃, which belong to the high temperature hot water. The total flow is 15 L/s, the chemical type is HCO3-Na type, the total dissolved mass is 0.904g/L, which is lower TDS, pH is 9.15, which is alkaline water. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope is lined in the vicinity of the global meteoric water line (GMWL), no significant drift phenomenon. So the main sources of spring water are deprived from the precipitation. The elevator of recharge is 1879 m by calculating, the residence time is 78 a, the temperature of storage energy zone is between 190-220℃, the deep of recycle is 3.285 m. Banglazhang hot spring water is recharged from precipitation, heated by the high temperature in the storage energy zone, then discharge through the fracture zone. The recharge area of hot spring is in Gaoligongshan mountain area, the storage energy stratum is fracture zone, the hot spring is fault-deep circulation type.There is a geyser in the Banglazhang hot spring area, which is induced by earth quake, the geyser eruption height is 0.5 m, and the average interval time is 78 s, the eruption time is 48 s. Geyser has three features: hot resources, water box, and water recharge. The main features of geyser is intermittent eruption, the reason is energy and water gathered in water box, when the water fall upon the water box and the pressure of water in the box is higher than the atmospheric pressure, the eruption occurs. Through the modeling the activity of the geyser, the relationship between the activity of geyser and the hot resources, recharge of groundwater and scale of water box can be found.Banglazhang geyser is seldom seen in our country, so it worth to be explored in travel. Through the development of the geothermal resources, the economic develop of local country will get improvement, but the protection of the geothermal remains is necessary.

  • 【分类号】P314.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】313