

Engineering Test for Cleaning Tail-gas Technology of Industry Boiler

【作者】 王晟

【导师】 朱文亭;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上最大的煤碳生产国和消费国,煤碳占我国能源需求总量的75%左右,煤碳燃烧产生的硫、氯、氮氧化物是大气污染的主要污染源,它除了形成酸雨,破坏生态环境,还能形成光化学烟雾,危害人类健康。大型电站锅炉和众多的工业锅炉是主要排放源。国内外对于脱硫除尘有一定研究,但脱硫除尘的问题到目前为止仍然没有彻底解决。本文结合工程的需要,开展了实际工程的脱硫除尘设备的设计与调试;为能够对煤碳的燃烧机理有一定的认识,文中还进行了煤热解特征的分析研究,试验煤样为大同烟煤(DT)和元宝山褐煤(YB),铁法烟煤(TF)。酸性气体主要是HCl、SO2,其净化机理是利用了酸碱中和反应。论文中的工程试验是天津市河西区艺林路原有锅炉房的尾气处理技术与设备的更新与改造,经运行试验检测,达到地方标准严格规定的排放要求,满足天津市DB12/151-2003《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》规定的Ⅱ时段要求,处理后烟尘排放浓度≤50mg/m3;脱硫效率≥90%,处理后二氧化硫排放浓度≤200mg/m3。

【Abstract】 China is the biggest coal production and consumption country in the world.Coal occupies 75 percent of the total energy demand in our country. Sulfur, chlorin and nitric oxides which emitted from coal burning are the main air pollutants. Also coal burning contributes to formation of acid rain which damage of ecological environment and the Photochemical Smog which threaten human health. Large capacity utility boilers and numerous industry boilers are the main these gases emission source. Although significant amounts of research in Domestic and Overseas on desulfurization and dedusting had been carried out, the problem on the techniques still have not been solved thoroughly until now. The paper carried out the design and debugging of desulfurization and dedusting equipments combining engineer demand as well as the analysis of coal pyrolysis characteristics in order to get a deep coginition of coal combustion mechanism with the samples of Datong soft coal (DT), Yuanboshan wood coal (YB), Tiefa soft coal (TF). HCl, SO2 was main acidic gases. The gas clean mechanism was utilization of acid-base neutralization. The engineer experiment was performed on the reform and update of tail-gas treatment technology and equipment of boiler room located in Yilin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin. By test, tail-gas emission reached local emission standards, met theⅡprescribed requirements in DB12/151-2003 < The Standards of Boiler emissions> in Tianjin. After tail-gas treatment, the concentration of dust discharge was less than 50mg/m3; desulfurization efficiency was more than 90%; the concentration of sulfur dioxide emission was less than 200mg/m3.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期