

Estimate of Water Amount in the Tunnel Across Yellow River on East Route of the South-North Water Transfer Project

【作者】 张怀军

【导师】 练继建; 高玉生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 水利工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文为论证水下隧洞开挖涌(渗)水这一主要地质问题,以南水北调东线穿黄河工程过河隧洞为例,较详细地论述了该工程的地质条件,特别是水文地质条件。由于该隧洞自黄河河底以下可溶岩层中穿过,其主要工程地质问题为黄河水、潜水和岩溶裂隙水“三水相通”,隧洞开挖会发生涌水。采用地面钻探、物探等勘探手段很难将隧洞地质情况进一步搞清,为此,开挖穿黄勘探试验洞不仅能查明隧洞的地质条件(重点为岩溶和水文地质条件),而且在开挖探洞中探索在岩溶地区用预先灌浆堵漏的方法开挖水下隧洞的可能性,进行各种科学试验,为以后隧洞的设计和施工提供必要的科学依据。勘探试验洞开挖成功至今已历经近二十年,实践表明,只要采用合理的工程处理措施,在复杂的水下岩溶区开挖隧洞是完全具备可行性,从而为工程实施奠定了重要基础。本论文通过收集探洞各个时期的资料,进行分析整理归纳,采用各种方法对隧洞开挖时涌(渗)水情况进行预测和论述,并对涌(渗)水提出具体的工程处理措施。

【Abstract】 In order to demonstrate the key geological problem of the rushing condition during the underwater tunnel excavation, this essay takes the east route of the South-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) as an example to give a minute description to the geological condition of this project, particularly its hydrological condition.Due to cutting through the rock under the bottom of the Yellow River, the key engineering geological problem is the meeting of the Yellow River water, phreatic water and Karst fissure water. To excavate the tunnel will result in the rushing of water.It’s different to make further clear of the tunnel’s geological condition by means of the following methods, such as drilling & geophysical exploration, etc. Therefore, excavating prospecting tunnel can not only finds out the tunnel’s geological condition (the focal point is Karst & hydrological condition), but also explores the possibility of excavating the underwater tunnel by grouting beforehand in the Karst area in the process of the excavation and carries out all kinds of scientific experiments, which can prove necessary scientific basis for the further design and construction of the tunnel.Up to now, the successful excavation of prospecting tunnel has gone through for nearly twenty years. The practice shows that it is completely possible to excavate the underwater tunnel in the complicated Karst area as long as reasonable measures being used. All the above has established the important foundation of the construction.This essay collects, analyses and concludes the excavation information of different periods, predicts and demonstrates the rushing condition during the tunnel excavation, and also raises the special step of the treatment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】TV221.2;TV672.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】135
  • 攻读期成果