

Protection and Renovation of Industrial Heritages during the Recombination of Cities’ Industrial Areas

【作者】 王月

【导师】 夏青; 运迎霞;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 工业遗产的保护利用与更新改造是我国近年来才开始关注的一个新课题。当大多数近现代工业的代表城市进入建设高速发展期后,都面临着原有工业用地重组或迁移所造成的原工业遗产是否得以生存和发展的严峻问题。由于我国目前缺少相关规范标准要求又难以界定为文物,从而使得许多见证我国近现代工业发展历史和文明的珍贵工业遗址、建筑物或其他设施没有得到有效保护而急速从城市中消失。可以说工业遗产是遭受破坏最为严重的特殊遗产之一。本研究正是基于亟待抢救濒临消失的珍贵工业遗产这一现实,以中国近现代工业的代表城市天津的塘沽地区为实证,通过系统的理论研究和实证检测,试图探索出一套科学、规范、可操作性强的工业遗产价值评价及认定体系,为各类工业遗产进行科学筛选、价值评价及认定提供科学依据和技术支持,并结合城市工业用地的重组情况,制定相应的保护与更新策略,从而使工业遗产的保护与更新工作能够更加科学、有序的进行。

【Abstract】 The issue on protection, utilization and renovation of industry heritages is a new subject which becomes attractive to our community recently. For most of those typical modernized and industrialized cities experiencing a period of fast construction, recombination and transference of industrial areas bring a serious problem on the survival and development of original industry heritages. Due to the lack of canonical standards or requirements and the issues on the definition of cultural relics, many of those valuable industry heritages, buildings and related establishments, as eyewitnesses to the history of industrialization and civilization of the country, were not protected enough, resulted in their rapid vanishing from cities.Urged by the need of saving valuable industry heritages, taking the Tanggu county of Tianjin, a typical industrialized city in modern China, as a demonstration, an evaluation system for industry heritages was explored by theoretical research and demonstration systematically, making it scientific, standardized and executable. This system offers scientific method and technical support for the classification, evaluation and definition of various industry heritages. Together with the situation of recombination of industrial areas in the city, corresponding strategies for the protection and renovation can be made by this system, therefore the work can be carried out in a more scientific and ordered way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期