

【作者】 朱雯婷

【导师】 刘景一;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 经济法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 商品房预售合同在商品房预售制度中占有重要的地位。学术界曾经对商品房预售制度的存废有过激烈的争论,实践证明,如果能够改变现在预售所存在的一些弊病,预售的好处很快便会显现。商品房预售是我国《城市房地产管理法》确立的一项制度。世界上的许多地区与国家均有类似的制度。从近些年的实践来看,它是与我国现有的国情相吻合的。因此,对商品房预售合同的法律研究是有很重要的意义的。由于我国的商品房预售制度以及商品房预售市场的经营方式尚未定型,管理手段与监督手段还不够成熟,原有的商品房预售法律制度及其配套的监督管理体制不够完善,使得众多购房消费者对商品房预售合同还不甚了解,进而导致其预售房风险意识和依法维权意识不够强烈。另外,开发商的信用与守约意识仍然比较薄弱,房地产开发企业侵犯消费者利益的情况时常出现,近年来,商品房交易领域一直是消费者投诉的主要对象,如虚假广告、一房几卖、预售房重复抵押、不能过户、烂尾楼、开发商携款潜逃,等等。商品房预售合同是一种格式合同,许多开发商利用其强势地位,在预售合同中加入了一些不公平、不合理的格式条款,从而破坏了买卖双方之间公平平等的交易关系。此外,一些开发商自制商品房认购合同、对定金使用等问题的规定过于简单、模糊,进而引发了不少可以避免的误会与纠纷。因此,通过对商品房预售合同的法律研究,我们能够对商品房预售合同予以修改与完善,去弊存利,它将有利于维护双方当事人之间的公平、公正的交易秩序,引导、促进房地产业健康发展。商品房预售制度在中国大陆及香港、澳门地区均运行了较长时间,三地预售制度设计虽有差异,但制度本质以及总体运作方式相同。我国理论界也长期存在着关于商品房预售存废制度的争议,但是从常远来看,商品房预售制度还是应该继续存在,因此,我们应该对商品房预售合同予以完善。本文概述了商品房预售合同的理论,对商品房预售合同的现状进行了分析,针对不同的问题提出了解决的办法,例如:从协调预购人与预售人之间的利益纠纷、规范定金条款、完善免责条款、规范物业条款、防止一房二卖,加强法律宣传,提高消费者的维权意识等方面来提出完善的建议。本文的创新之处在于以下几个方面:第一,《物权法》虽然规定了不动产登记制度,但是这并非是一种强制登记,而是一种自愿性的登记,不能有效地防止“一房多卖”现象,因此,应该把不动产预告登记制度设定为强制预告登记;第二,当预售人一方违约时,另一方有权取得惩罚性赔偿,本文对如何确定惩罚性赔偿的数额提出了自己的观点;第三,虽然不少地区对商品房预售设立了监管制度,但是规定的比较笼统,并没有确定具体的程序与做法,本文就如何实施监管提出了自己的建议。

【Abstract】 The future housing contract plays a significant role in the future housing system . In the academic area ,there was once a heat argue ,it is evidentd that if we can change some drawbacks which existed at present ,the advantages of the future housing system will be brought up sooner . The regulations and rules of the future sale are established under the guidance of "The Real Estate Management of PRC", other areas and countries have many similar regulations and rules in the world . It is seen that the system was matched well recently . Therefore ,the research on it is very significant extensively . Since the regulations and rules and the series are not formed in China ,the manners of management and supervisor are na(?)ve as well , lots of people are lack of knowledge of the real estate ., which leads to the lack age of the awareness of preventing risk . In addition ,the faith and awareness of dealers is still fail . The enterprises of the real estate invade the interests of customers regularly . Nowadays ,the area of the real estate is the main objective which was complained by customers ,such as fabricate advertisement ,illegal exchange and fraud action . The future housing contract of the real estate is a type of formed contract ,many dealers take advantages of their strong statute ,they add some unfair and unreasonable articles to the sale of future housing contracts ,which will destroyed the relationship between dealers and customers . Moreover ,some dealers use their own contracts ,which is the main reasons to many conflicts . As a result , maybe we can amend and improve articles of contracts by the legal research on the sale of future housing contracts . It is sure that it is benefit for the development of the market of the sale of the real estate . As we know ,the regulations and rules existed in the Mainland , Hong Kong and Macao in China for a long time ,although there were many difference among these three areas ,the regulations and rules are similar in fact . However ,the system of the sale of future housing of the real estate will remain exist in the market . Thereupon ,we must improve articles of the contracts . This paper illustrated the principles of the sale of future housing of the real estate and brought up some solutions to the problems . For example, coordinating the conflicts between deals and customers ,regulating the articles of deposits ,improving the articles of responsibilities and expanding the promotion of legal awareness . The innovations of this paper are those below :Firstly ,although the law regulated the register of the real estate ,it is not a mandatory register ,which can not prevent the repeat sale of the real estate ;Secondly ,when one party obey the law ,the other party have the right to ask for compensation ; Moreover ,although many areas established the regulations and rules of the special funds separately , they were not regulated the details ,so I bring up some suggestions in this paper.
