

Priority of Compensation of Construction Project Contractor

【作者】 陈钊丰

【导师】 刘丹;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 1999年10月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国合同法》第286条确立了建设工程承包人优先受偿权制度,最高人民法院于2002年6月20日、2004年10月25日分别公布的《关于建设工程价款优先受偿权问题的批复》和《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》,对人民法院适用《合同法》第286条的规定处理有关建设工程承包人优先受偿权的若干问题作了解释,以及对审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件如何适用法律进行了说明,为司法实践提供了可依之据,但是它们还只是作了局部的规定,并没有对已经确立的工程承包人优先受偿权这一法律制度进行全方位的明确。对实践中提出的诸多问题也没有完全澄清,特别是对该优先受偿权的性质、实现范围以及实现程序等方面均未作出明确具体的规定,导致该条款的操作性差,在司法实践中实现该权利难,从而引起广泛的争议。本文在对建设工程承包人优先受偿权的法律性质进行辩析的基础上,针对建设工程承包人优先受偿权的成立时间和该权利在行使中涉及的权利主体、标的物范围、受偿范围、行使方式等问题,以及建设工程承包人优先受偿权与抵押权、商品房预购人的权利发生冲突时的受偿次序确定等方面问题进行理解,并对完善建设工程承包人优先受偿权制度进行初步的探讨。遵循上述思路,笔者对本文的结构设计如下:(一)建设工程承包人优先受偿权的性质。本部分在对学界存在的主要理论观点进行了比较分析之后,提出建设工程承包人优先受偿权从性质上应当属于法定优先权的观点。(二)建设工程承包人优先受偿权成立的时间。建设工程承包人优先受偿权是担保工程价款主债权实现的从权利,建设工程承包人优先受偿权成立的时间是建设工程承包合同生效之时,它随着建设工程承包合同的成立生效而成立。(三)建设工程承包人优先受偿权的行使。通过对理论界存在广泛争议的有关问题进行比较分析,得出如下结论:只有建设施工合同承包人才享有优先受偿权,并且建设工程分承包人也应享有此权利;实践中承包人已物化为建设工程的垫资应纳入工程价款的范围,赋予其优先受偿权;发包人未按约支付工程价款时,承包人可行使优先受偿权直接向法院申请拍卖建设工程。(四)建设工程承包人优先受偿权与与其他权利竞合时优先次序确定。主要针对建设工程承包人优先受偿权与抵押权和商品房预购人权利发生冲突时的受偿次序问题进行探讨。笔者认为,建设工程承包人优先受偿权优先于抵押权,但有必要引进登记制度加以完善,以平衡承包人优先受偿权与抵押权等担保物权的关系;而建设工程承包人优先受偿权与商品房预购人的权利发生冲突时,应区分不同情况处理,但应考虑优先保护消费者的权利。(五)对完善建设工程承包人优先受偿权制度的思考。通过上述部分的探讨,对建设工程承包人优先受偿权制度提出完善建议。在本文的写作过程中,笔者主要运用比较分析法对建设工程承包人优先受偿权的有关问题进行研究。因笔者功底浅薄,资料匮乏,时间有限,文中错漏和不妥之处在所难免,敬请专家们批评指正。

【Abstract】 The system of priority of compensation of construction project contractor was established by Section 286 of Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China enacted on October 1st,1999.The Official Reply on Issues of Priority of Compensation of Construction Project Price and the Judicial Interpretation on Issues of Applying Laws to Cases of Contractual Disputes of Construction Project published by the supreme court respectively on June 20th,2002 and October 25th,2004 made clear the several problems related to the people’s court applying Section 286 of the Contract Law while determining priority of compensation of construction project contractor and accounted for how to apply laws to cases of contractual disputes of construction project,however,they are only partial regulations and achieve neither to specify the decided system of priority of compensation of project contractor from all aspects nor to fully clarify such many problems occurring in practice,in particular,they fails to give definite regulations about legal nature,scope and procedures of exercising of the priority of compensation.All these defects result in lack of operability of the Section and difficulty of enforcing the right in judicial practice and give rise to extensive disputes.In this essay,based on analysis of the legal nature of priority of construction project contractor,Ⅰwill try to comprehend the problems of commencement time of priority of contraction project contractor and such problems involved in exercise of the right as subject of right,scope of subject matters,scope of compensation and ways of exercising the fight as well as the problems of determining the rank of compensation where the priority of compensation of construction project contractor conflicts with claim secured by mortgage or the right of forward purchaser of marketable housing and make a study of how to perfect the system of priority of compensation of construction project contractor.Guided by the above-mentioned consideration,Ⅰarrange this essay into five parts as follows:(1) Legal nature of priority of compensation of construction project contractor.In this part,Ⅰpresent the point that priority of compensation of construction project contractor belongs to legal priority in nature after comparing and analyzing the major existing academic viewpoint.(2) The time for priority of compensation of construction project contractor to come into effect.Priority of compensation of construction project contractor is a kind of secondary right to secure enforcement of principle credit of project price,therefore priority of compensation of construction project contractor commences simultaneously with commencement of the project contract.It comes into effect when the construction project contract is concluded and takes effect. (3) Exercising of priority of compensation of construction project contractor.After comparing and analyzing relevant problems being extensively disputed in academies,Ⅰdraw the conclusion that only the contractor of construction project contract enjoys such priority,including sub-contractor of the project.In practice,the contractor’s advance consolidated into the project should be concluded into contract price and be the subject matter of priority of compensation.If the owner fails to pay contract price under agreement,the contractor may exercise its priority and apply with the court for auctioning the project.(4) Determination of rank if priority of compensation of construction project contractor conflicts with other rights.Ⅰmainly discuss the cases that priority of compensation of construction project contractor conflicts with claim secured by mortgage or with rights of forward purchaser of marketable housing.Ⅰam of the opinion that,on one hand,priority of compensation of contraction project contractor ranks ahead of claim secured by mortgage,but it is necessary to introduce a registration system for supplement to balance the relationship between the two kinds of priority,on the other hand,the conflict between priority of compensation of construction project contractor and rights of forward purchaser of marketable housing should be determined according to various circumstances,but the right of consumers should be protected in priority.(5) Consideration about how to perfect the system of priority of compensation of construction project contractor.Ⅰwill advance proposal of perfecting the system of priority of compensation of construction project contractor.During the process of composing this essay,Ⅰmainly study the issues related to priority of compensation of construction project contractor by the method of comparative analysis.Omission,error and unadvisable points are inevitable owing to limitation of my knowledge,of materials and of time,Ⅰsincerely welcome all your comment and correction.

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