

Study on the Calculation of Ecological Footprint and the Analysis and Assessment of Ecological Risk in Yulin District

【作者】 靳慧芳

【导师】 李团胜;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 区域土地生态状况是自然条件和人类活动共同作用的结果,土地生态安全是区域社会经济可持续发展的重要保障。榆林地区位于陕西省北部,地处毛乌素沙漠与陕北黄土高原接壤的干旱半干旱地带,降水稀少,土地沙化、土壤侵蚀十分严重,自然灾害频繁。同时该地区又是北方农牧交错带上重要的能源矿产资源富集区,是我国新兴的能源化工基地。伴随着大型能源化工企业在该地区的投资建设,人类经济活动强度显著增加,资源开发与生态保护的矛盾日益尖锐。自然与人为两方面的压力使榆林土地生态环境日趋脆弱,面临着能否可持续发展的严峻考验。在此情况下,对榆林地区土地生态现状及存在的风险进行分析和评价,提出相应的土地生态保护和建设措施,是保障该地区可持续发展的重要基础和途径。本文以地理学和生态学的相关理论为基础,首先依据生态足迹的相关理论和方法,测算榆林地区1997年、2001年和2005年三个时间序列的生态足迹分别为1.047946hm2/cap、1.165550hm2/cap、1.866326 hm2/cap,生态足迹呈现增长趋势,且增长幅度越来越大(1997年到2001年增长11.22%,2001年到2005年增长60.12%);而全地区生态承载力呈现逆向变化,三年的生态承载力分别为2.036859hm2/cap、1.977902hm2/cap、1.807088hm2/cap,共降低11.28%;1997年和2001年全地区尚处于生态盈余状态,1997年生态盈余0.988913hm2/cap,2001年生态盈余0.812352hm2/cap,但到2005年全地区生态盈余消失,生态赤字0.059238 hm2/cap。在生态盈亏分析的基础上,又对榆林地区存在的生态风险进行定量的分析和评价。以榆林地区12个县区为单元,选择干旱、洪涝、土壤侵蚀和土地沙化四个自然因素和煤炭开采、石油开采、天然气开采三个人为因素作为风险源,借助地理信息技术,在单因子生态风险程度分析的基础上,利用加权和法进行综合风险程度分析,将全地区土地分为四个生态风险区域,极强风险区包括神木县和府谷县,强风险区包括靖边县和定边县,中度风险区包括榆阳区、横山县、子洲县、吴堡县和佳县,弱风险区包括米脂县、绥德县和清涧县。针对榆林地区土地生态现状、变化趋势及存在的风险,提出榆林地区土地生态建设措施:(1)开发整理后备土地资源,调整土地利用结构,优化资源配置;(2)转变资源利用方式,建立资源集约型经济发展模式;(3)严格控制人口增长,改变消费习惯,建立节约型社会;(4)加强土地生态建设,改善土地生态环境。

【Abstract】 The ecological state of a region is the results of influences from human being and nature together. The ecological security ensures to a region’s sustainable development.Yulin district is situated in the north of Shaanxi province,which boundaried between Maowusu desert and loess plateau.As a result,the precipitation of the region is rare,vegetation being rare,soil being eroded and the natural calamity happening frequently.Meanwhile,the district locate in the argiculture and the animal husbandry crisscross area,where the natural resource is benefical.In recent years,the industrialization course of Yulin is accelerated with the construction of the energy and chemical industry,the increasing human activity have given a great influence on the ecological environment.The contradiction between the economic development and nature protection has become more and more acute.Under the pressure from huaman and natural ,the district’s ecological environment become frailty and face the sustainable development problem.Therefore,study on the calculation of ecological footprint and analysis of ecological risk in Yulin district and put forward corresponding measures are very important to protece the district’s sustainable development.This thesis based on the geography and ecology theory,make use of the ecological footprint method to calculate the ecological footprint(EF in short) of Yulin district.The resule shows that EF in the year of 1997,2001 and 2005 are 1.047946hm2/cap、1.165550hm2/cap and 1.866326 hm2/cap.The EF is growing up year after year and the extent increase more and more(from 1997 to 2001 increase 11%,2001 to 2005 increase 60.12%);Meanwhile,the ecological capacity(EC in short) shows the opposite rule:in the year of 1997, 2001 and 2005,the EC are 2.036859 hm2/cap、1.977902 hm2/cap、1.807088 hm2/cap.From 1997 to 2005,the EC decrease 11.28%;There was ecological surplus(ES in short) of 0.988913 hm2/cap in 1997 and 0.812352 hm2/cap in 2001.But the ES disappeared in 2005,and the ecological dificit is 0.059238hm2/cap.Based on the calculation of EF, analyse the ecological risk(ER in short) in Yulin district.Making the 12 countries as object, arming at drought,flood,soil erion ,desertification,coal mining,oil exploitation and gas exploitation,use the historic record、survey date and geographical information system to evaluate the single-factor ER.By means of weight average method to evaluate the whole district’s ER,and classify the district to four area:the most risk area include Shenmu county and Fugu county,the more risk area include Jingbian county and Dingbian county,the normal risk area include Yuyang county、Hengshan county、Zizhou county、Wubu county and Jia county,the lighter risk area include Mizhi county、Suide county and Qingjian county.According to the current ecological state,trend of changes and exist risk,propose measure and suggestions for the land ecology construction to Yulin district: (1)exploit and arrang the reserved land resources,adjust the land use structure and allocat the resource;(2)chang the natural resource utilization,set up the resource intensivism modle;(3)control the population growth strictly and chang the consuming habits,build a resource-efficient society; (4)strengthen the ecology construction,improving the ecological environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期