

The Research on Anti-Money Laundering in Banks of ShaoGuan

【作者】 潘振宇

【导师】 许朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 洗钱是指隐瞒或掩饰犯罪收益的真实来源和性质,使其在形式上合法化的行为。为了遏制洗钱犯罪,世界各国的专家学者开展了大量的研究和探索,从各国反洗钱研究的成果和实践经验来看:银行业金融机构是洗钱犯罪活动的重要渠道,最易为洗钱犯罪分子所利用,应进一步加强银行业的反洗钱工作,促使银行遵守反洗钱法规,正确履行反洗钱义务。本文从洗钱犯罪与反洗钱的基本定义出发,通过辨析容易混淆的概念,阐述了洗钱的危害,分析了洗钱的基本过程和主要渠道,结合了韶关市茗苑开发置业公司贷款诈骗案件、韶关市地下钱庄与澳门赌场利用银行洗钱案件以及韶关市某银行工作人员利用网络从事非法集资洗钱案件等几个典型案例及其启示,重点考察了韶关银行业反洗钱工作的现状,针对当前韶关银行业反洗钱工作存在的主要问题,剖析了其原因,然后通过研究分析发达国家如美国、英国银行业反洗钱的经验,得出对韶关银行业反洗钱工作的启示,最后从韶关的实际出发,提出了进一步加强银行业反洗钱工作的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Money-Laundering, refers to conceal or disguise the true source of the proceeds of crime and the nature of its form of legalization. In order to curb money-laundering crimes, experts and scholars around the world for a lot of research and exploration, from the Anti-Money Laundering research results and practical experience: banking financial institutions, money-laundering and criminal activities is an important channel for the most vulnerable to money-laundering by criminals Use, should further strengthen anti-money laundering work of the banking sector, prompted the banks to comply with anti-money laundering laws and regulations, the right to anti-money laundering obligationsThis article from the money-laundering crime and the basic definition of money-laundering through Discrimination easily confuse the concept of a money-laundering on the harm of the basic process of money laundering and the main channel, combining the development of Shaoguan City Mingyuan home buyers loans fraud cases, Shaoguan Urban underground banks and Macau casinos use of the banking and money-laundering cases in Shaoguan City, a bank staff use the Internet for illegal fund-raising money-laundering cases, and several typical cases and Enlightenment, focusing on the banking industry in Shaoguan inspected the anti-money laundering work of the status quo, at present the banking sector in Shaoguan Anti-money laundering work of the main problems, analyze its causes, and then through research and analysis developed countries like the United States and Britain against money-laundering banking experience, draw on the work of the Anti-Money Laundering Banking Shaoguan Revelation, the last from the reality of Shaoguan, to Further strengthen the banking sector of the anti-money laundering measures proposed.

【关键词】 金融管理银行业反洗钱
【Key words】 financial managementbankinganti-money-laundering
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】141