

【作者】 刘家伟

【导师】 石磊;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 和谐是当今社会的主旋律,强调的是不同利益主体之间的相互协调、相互配合、共生共荣。企业是最基本的经济细胞,企业的和谐关系到整个社会的和谐。企业的和谐包括三个方面:一是劳动关系的和谐,指的是企业与员工的内部和谐;二是企业与股东、其它投资者、政府等相关利益者之间的和谐;三是企业与外部环境的和谐。在这三个方面的关系中,劳动关系的和谐是实现其它两方面和谐的基础和保障。本文所研究的对象是企业这一个大家庭中,为社会和经济发展做出了巨大贡献的、极具活力的,但存在诸多不和谐因素的民营企业,研究的重点是民营企业中和谐的一个方面:劳动关系的和谐。论文运用了理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法。首先,通过对中西方管理理论及其演进的研究,结合现代人的行为和心理特征,根据人本管理理念,提出了企业劳动关系和谐管理的体系构架,为构筑民营企业劳动关系和谐管理体系奠定了理论基础。其次,以问卷调查为主要方式进行了民营企业劳动关系现状的调查,结合大量企业劳动关系管理案例的实证研究结果,提炼总结了民营企业不和谐的主要表现和成因。主要结论包括:资本与劳动的矛盾是劳动关系不和谐的根源;以“家族”为主要特征的企业文化固有的不兼容性和排他性恶化了劳动关系;企业的薪酬制度、激励制度、用工制度、员工职业发展制度等经营管理制度的不健全、不合理强化了劳动关系的不和谐。在此基础上,运用企业劳动关系和谐管理的体系构架,创造性地提出了民营企业劳动关系和谐管理的系统解决之道。民营企业劳动关系和谐管理是指在企业整体战略目标的统领下,通过机制、制度和企业文化三条保障线的建立,实现企业与员工关系的合作性、稳定性与一致性,达到动态平衡。其中,机制保障是指以平等协商为基础构筑劳动关系三方协调机制;制度保障就是构筑企业与员工双赢的,以薪酬制度、激励制度、用工制度、职业发展制度等为重点的战略性人力资源管理与开发制度;企业文化保障是以人本理念为核心构筑企业文化体系。三条保障线不是相互独立的,而是相互作用、融为一体的,共同推进民营企业劳动关系的和谐。很多专家学者均从不同的侧面加强了对民营企业的研究,但在全面构建社会主义和谐社会这一背景下,运用和谐理论来研究民营企业的劳动关系管理,具有更加重要的现实意义,也希望通过本文的研究为民营企业建立稳定的劳动关系,推动企业持续健康发展提供一些借鉴和参考。随着时间的推移,和谐的内涵将会不断丰富,和谐管理理论需要不断创新,管理实践也需要不断深化,因此,还有许多与和谐相关的课题待研究。

【Abstract】 Harmony is the major melody in the current society and it stresses the mutual coordination, mutual cooperation, co-existence and mutual prosperity between the different principal beneficiary parts. While enterprises are the most basic economic cells and the harmony between enterprises are part of the harmony of whole society. The harmony of enterprises includes three aspects: The first is the harmony of labor relation, namely the internal harmony between employers and employees; the second is the harmony between the mutual beneficiaries like enterprises and shareholders, other investors and government, etc.; the third is the harmony between the enterprises and external environments. Among the relationship of the three aspects, the harmony of labor relation serves as the foundation and assurance for the harmony of the other two aspects. The subject matter of this article is about the private enterprises among the big families of all enterprises, which have made great contribution to the social and economic development, full of vigor yet with many existing inharmonious factors. The focus of subject matter is one aspect of private enterprise harmony, namely the harmony of labor relation.This treatise has applied the combination of theoretical research and practical example. First, it lodges the systematic framework of corporate harmonious management of labor relation through the research on the western management theories and its evolution, combining the acts and psychological features of modern people and based on the human-oriented management philosophy. In this way, it has founded the sound theoretical basis for establishing the corporate harmonious management of labor relation. Secondly, it has conducted the survey of the status quo of labor relations in the private enterprises in the form of questionnaire, combined the survey results with the practical example study on the management cases of labor relationship in a lot of enterprises and summarized the principal factors and causes for the inharmonious labor relations of private enterprises. The main conclusions include: the conflict between capital and labor is the route cause for the inharmonious labor relations; the incompatibility and exclusivity inherent in the corporate culture mainly characterized by“kindred”have deteriorated the labor relations; the unsound and unreasonable operation and business management system, like the salary system, encourage system, employment system and staff occupational growth system, etc. of enterprises, have reinforced the disharmony of labor relations. On this basis, it applies the systematic framework of corporate harmonious management of labor relations, and files the solutions for the harmonious management of labor relations in the private enterprises as an innovation. The harmonious management of labor relations in the private enterprises indicates to realize the cooperation, stability and consistency of the relationship between enterprises and employees under the guidance of overall corporate strategic objectives and by establishing three guarantees of mechanism, system and corporate culture. Among these, mechanism guarantee indicates to construct the three-party coordinating mechanism on the basis of equal consultation; system guarantee indicates to constitute the strategic human resource management and development system with the purpose of win-win between the enterprises and employees and with the focus of salary system, encourage system, employment system and staff occupational growth system, etc.; corporate culture guarantee indicates to establish the corporate culture system with the core of people-oriented philosophy. Three guarantees are not independent from one another, but reacting and integrating so as to achieve the harmony of labor relations in the private enterprises. A lot of experts and scholars have reinforced their researches on private enterprises from different aspects. However, in the background of wholly constructing the socialist and harmonious society, it is more significant to research the labor relation management of private enterprises with theories. The writer also expects to provide some references for the private enterprises to establish the stable labor relations and push the sustainable and healthy growth of enterprises. As time goes on, the meaning of harmony will be enriched, the theories of harmonious management will be innovated constantly and the management practice will be further widened. Therefore, there are many subject matters related to harmony to be researched.

【关键词】 劳动关系和谐管理
【Key words】 Labor RelationsHarmonyManagement
  • 【分类号】F276.5;F249.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】429