

The Study of Performance Evaluation of Logistics Centers

【作者】 李黎

【导师】 李胜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 物流管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展,作为“第三利润源”的现代物流业已在世界范围内广泛兴起,它在经历了几十年的发展后,目前正在成为全球经济发展的一个重要热点和新的经济增长点。现代化的物流在整个社会经济活动中的重要性日益突出。正是在这种背景下,我国的各级政府与企业都将物流提升到战略的高度,物流中心、物流园区开发建设的势头犹如雨后春笋。物流中心作为物流业重要的基础设施,对整个物流的顺畅运行有着关键性的影响。物流中心如何监督、控制和改进其物流活动?如何评价其总体效益?这已是摆在我们面前的重要课题。由于物流中心在中国出现时间不长,成熟的发展模式尚未完全形成,理论界对于物流中心绩效评价的研究较少。本文针对这一现状,对物流中心绩效评价进行了研究。全篇主要包括以下内容:第一章,绪论。该章主要介绍了本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法及研究框架。第二章,文献综述。该章从国外和国内两个方面讲述了物流绩效评价的研究现状,并指出现有研究理论、方法的不足和需要改进之处。第三章,物流中心绩效评价的基本理论。该章先介绍了物流中心的基本理论。接着介绍了物流中心绩效评价的定义和评价体系构成要素,为后面建立绩效评价指标体系奠定了理论基础。第四章,物流中心绩效评价指标体系。该章在介绍平衡记分卡和绩效棱柱理论的基础上,从财务、客户、内部流程,能力、外部利益者五个角度构建了一套物流中心绩效评价指标体系。第五章,物流中心绩效评价。该章介绍了目前常用的综合评价方法及其优缺点,根据物流中心运营现状,考虑物流中心绩效评价中信息不对称性,引入了完全信息及残缺信息情况下权重设定方法。最后采用多级模糊评价模型进行绩效评价。第六章,模拟分析。这一部分针对成都X钢铁物流中心,对本论文所建立的评价指标体系及所选择的评价方法进行了应用。本论文的最后部分对全文的主要研究成果进行了总结,并指出了研究中的不足和未来研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the economic globalization, as“the Third Profit Source“, the modern logistics industry has arisen worldwide. After several decades of development, it is becoming the hot subject and new economic growth resource. The importance of modern logistics has become increasingly prominent in the whole of the socio-economic activities. As an important logistics infrastructure, the logistics center has a crucial impact on the smooth operation of logistics. It has being an important topic for us how the logistics center supervises, controls and improves its logistics activities, how the overall benefit is assessed to promote its healthy development at high speed.Due to the short time of their emergence in china, the enterprise development model with prominent characteristics has not fully formed. There is almost no research on the performance evaluation of logistics centers. In respond to this status, our researches focus on the performance evaluation of logistics centers.This paper is mainly stated from the following parts.Chapter1, Introduction. The research background, significance, research methodology and framework related to the performance evaluation on the logistics center and capacity allocation problem of distribution process.Chapter 2, Literature reviews. From the foreign and domestic view, the status quo of study into the logistics performance evaluation and the shortcomings of the existing research theory and method which is needed to be improved are stated.Chapter3, the basic theory of performance evaluation of logistics. First, this chapter introduced the logistics center’s basic theory, such as the definition and fundamental processes of logistics center. Then, the definition and elements of the performance evaluation on logistics center are explained.Chapter4, the Logistics Center Performance Evaluation Index System. On the basis of introducing the theory of the Balanced Score Card and the Performance Prism, a set of logistics center Performance Evaluation Index System is constructed from the five perspectives: finance, customer, the internal process, the capacity dimension and the external stakeholders.Chapter5, the Comprehensive Performance Evaluation on logistics center. The commonly-used comprehensive appraisal method and its disadvantages and advantages are introduced. Then the two method of setting weights under complete information and incomplete information status are introduced. Finally the Fuzzy Evaluation Method are used to evaluate the performance of logistics CenterChapter6, Simulation Analysis. In this part, it is simulated that the Index System established in this paper and the chosen evaluation method are applied.Finally, the main research results are summarized and concluded, and the shortcomings and limitation in study are pointed out.
