

The Research on Marketing Policies of Natural Traveling Scenic Area in Our Country

【作者】 王晋

【导师】 叶红;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为旅游业的核心要素、旅游产业中心环节的旅游景区承载着我们“旅游强国”的梦想,也直接关系着我国社会经济的长远发展。而自然类旅游景区是我国旅游景区的主体,数量占到我国景区的三分之二以上,由于其具有的惟一性、不可替代性、不可再生性等特点以及相对其他类型景区营销管理的滞后性,本文以我国自然类旅游景区作为研究的主体。从研究现状来看,旅游景区的营销策略研究尚处于起步阶段,相关研究成果非常少,著作成果大多以“旅游景区管理”或“旅游市场营销”研究中的一部分(章节)呈现,而论文方面,营销策略的系统理论研究成果则更为少见。旅游景区营销策略研究现状已严重落后于景区开发建设管理的实践需要。研究我国自然类旅游景区的营销策略有着重要的意义:一方面,旅游景区之于不断加速发展中的我国旅游业有着重要作用,而作为旅游景区主体的自然类旅游景区发展到今天,机遇与挑战并存,发展与威胁同在。伴随着我国旅游市场的不断发展与成熟,旅游景区尤其是自然类景区间的竞争也越来越激烈,特别是对于大多数资源并不突出的自然类景区更是如此。“优胜劣汰,适者生存。”而市场营销——旅游景区创造价值的根本所在以及景区所有经营活动的核心轴线;它是实现旅游者消费意愿及景区收益愿景的惟一途径;它是旅游景区持续生存和发展壮大的根本保障。自然类旅游景区若想在激烈的市场竞争中生存与发展,参与市场蛋糕的切分,就必须吸引旅游者、降低营销成本,在景区营销管理上大做文章。另一方面,营销策略是我国自然类景区营销管理的重要环节,已有研究成果显示,企业营销失败的第一要素是策略,其次才是战略。①我国自然类旅游景区经过了近30年的快速发展(从改革开放转型开始算起),其管理体制逐渐完善、管理方式日臻成熟,取得了令人瞩目的成就。但是,我们也需清醒地认识到自然类旅游景区发展至今已处于相当脆弱的状态,营销实践中也面临着种种问题与挑战:营销产品趋同、景观变化乏力,价格不断攀升与社会压力加大,促销费用增加但效果不甚明显等等。其实越来越多的事实表明,当下我国自然类旅游景区营销所面临的问题并不仅是简单地调整旅游景区的产品结构或单纯进行渠道优化就能迅速解决的,而是要通过系统观念对旅游景区整个营销策略进行重新审视及创新选择。因此系统地研究我国自然类旅游景区营销策略的重要性不言而喻。本文在广泛阅读、参考前人的相关研究成果基础上,通过作者亲身体验、老师朋友同学咨询及网络查询等手段,归纳总结出我国自然类旅游景区营销策略的重要影响因素,分析出自然类旅游景区产品特点,然后与自然类景区的三种类型进行合理匹配,进一步指导景区营销策略建议的提出。在我国自然类旅游景区营销策略建议方面,本文利用传统4Ps理论框架,融入服务营销的人员、过程、服务展示要素,系统地提出策略建议。本文试图融合产业组织学相关理论与旅游景区营销学结合研究,例如运用产业组织学的博弈理论对景区门票定价问题进行分析,得出我国主要自然类景区门票上涨的原因及趋势,并给出门票上涨的相关建议等。本文的主要研究成果在于:(1)在前人基础上,形成科学合理的我国自然类旅游景区的定义;(2)首次提出并归纳我国自然类旅游景区营销策略重要影响因素;(3)首次系统分析我国自然类旅游景区产品特点并分类;(4)在景区渠道研究中,分析认为景区自身条件及景区目标市场条件是决定景区渠道类型的最关键要素,并通过两极点碰撞二分法将景区渠道分为四个类型,然后与产品类型匹配提出渠道选择策略。本文的具体内容分为四章。第一章为前言部分,从旅游业的高速发展,到旅游景区的重要作用,再到自然类旅游景区的主体地位,无不彰显本文研究自然类旅游景区的重要意义;再通过由表及里的系统文献综述发现本文的理论研究价值。本文研究主要建立在Butler旅游地生命周期理论、旅游景区可持续发展理论及市场营销学理论的基础上。第二章是定义阐释部分。对自然类旅游景区定义的系统理解有助于更好地廓清本文的主要研究对象。本文在回顾前人对旅游景区概念研究成果的基础上界定所研究的是狭义旅游景区,并给出相应的定义;然后通过旅游景区的分类综述得出本文是通过景区的资源属性得到的自然类旅游景区概念。本文认为自然类旅游景区是指具有审美观赏价值,自然类旅游资源(地理、水域、岩溶、气象、森林等)比较集中的地方开发而成,具有一定规模及范围,可供人们游览、休息或进行科学文化活动等,属于自然状态下不可移动的自然景观及组合。第三章是对策略原则及营销影响因素进行研究。研究制定自然类旅游景区策略的四项原则:可持续发展原则、多方效益结合原则、营销策略适度超前原则及关注竞争者原则。另外主要对自然类旅游景区营销策略的影响因素进行了归纳整理,包括:区位条件、景区资源、景区发展阶段以及营销目标,这将与下章自然景区产品分类进行匹配。第四章为本文主体,为本文的策略建议部分。首先分析自然类旅游景区产品特点,然后将自然类旅游景区产品进行分类整理,并结合上章的策略影响因素进行产品分类匹配,然后将匹配结果贯穿于价格策略、渠道策略及促销策略之中,形成科学的营销策略建议。在产品策略建议中,本文根据策略影响因素及产品特点给出各类景区开发建议;同时就景区产品开发中应注意的其他方面进行了思考。在景区定价策略建议中,本文首先通过景区与景区间、景区与旅游者的博弈分析得出我国自然类景区门票将呈普遍上涨的趋势,然后再对此趋势结合产品类型进行具体探讨。在渠道策略建议中,本文先介绍了渠道层次及渠道密度,然后通过景区自身条件及景区目标市场条件两个极点(关键影响因素)碰撞将我国自然类景区渠道分为四个类型,结合景区产品类型分别提出营销渠道策略建议。在景区促销策略建议中,结合产品类型提出景区促销策略组合要素包括广告、营业推广、公共关系、人员推销及网络营销,并分别给予相关策略建议。本章是按照传统4Ps框架但在其中融入服务营销的人员、过程及服务展示要素进行的营销策略建议;同时在策略建议中加入了多角度的分析思考,以期使策略建议更具科学性及可行性。

【Abstract】 As tourism’s core essential factor, traveling scenic area contains us the dream of "traveling powerful nation". It is also directly relating our country social economy’s long term development. The natural traveling scenic area is the main body of our country’s traveling scenic area, the quantity occupies above 2/3. Because they have uniqueness, and may not vicariousness, not renewable on the characteristic as well as lags of marketing management. This article mainly research on our country’s natural traveling scenic area.From the present research situation, marketing policies researchs on the traveling scenic area are still at the start stage. The correlation research results are extremely few, the work achievement mostly is a part or one chapter in the research of "the traveling market marketing" or "the traveling scenic area management". Marketing policies system fundamental research achievement then is rarer in the paper. The marketing policies research on the traveling scenic area is seriously behind the practice development demand of scenic area construction management in our country.Studies on the marketing policies of our country’s natural class traveling scenic area have some vital significance.First, if natural traveling scenic areas want to survive and develop in the intense market competition, they must attract tourists, reduce the marketing cost, greatly makes the issue in the scenic area marketing management.Second, the marketing policies is the important part of our country natural scenic area marketing management. Some present searchs results demonstrate: the enterprise marketing defeat’s first essential factor is policies, next is the strategy. Through nearly 30 years fast development in our country’s natural traveling scenic areaa, they have gained amazing achievements. But, we must also realize they have quite serious condition and have to face sorts of questions and challenges until now. Therefore, systematical studies on the marketing policies of the traveling scenic area are very important.This article summaries the direct influence factors of marketing policies of natural traveling scenic area, analyzes the characters of its product, then carries on the reasonable match with the three types of natural scenic area, furthermore, instructs proposing of the marketing strategy policies.In the aspect of marketing policies suggestion, this article uses traditional 4Ps marketing mix frame, melts into the service marketing factors: the personnel, the process and the service demonstration, systematically puts forward the policies proposal.This article’s main research results lies in: (1) with the foundation, sciencely defines natural class traveling scenic area in our country; (2) proposed and induces the important influence factors of marketing policies of the natural traveling scenic area for the first time; (3)firstly analysis our country’s natural traveling scenic area product characteristic systemly and classify it; (4) in the channel research, find out the scenic area’s own condition and its goal market condition are the most primary factors to chooses the channel, and divide four area types with the channel, separately proposes the channel choice.This article divides into four chapters. The first chapter are the foreword, mainly guides the significance on which this article studies. This article mainly established on the traveling life cycle theory and the sustainable development of traveling scenic area theory and the marketing theory.The second chapter for this article simultaneously induces the concept of traveling scenic area and the natural traveling scenic area.The third chapter contains the research on the policies principle and the influencing factor. This part mainly induces the formulation principle of natural traveling scenic area policies, as well as the direct marketing policies influencing factors of natural traveling scenic area. It will carry on the match union in the under chapter with the natural scenic area product classification.The fourth chapter is the policy suggestion part. Firstly it analyzes the product characteristic of the natural traveling scenic area, then classify the product, then match the result with the influencing factors and the classification.At last, using the matching result into the price policy, the channel policy and the promotion policy, forming the scientific suggestions of marketing policies.
