

Research on the Competitiveness of China Construction Bank

【作者】 王玮

【导师】 张迎春;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和金融一体化日趋发展的今天,金融是现代经济的核心,金融的强弱无疑是决定一个国家经济是否强大的根本要素。要使我国成为经济强国和金融强国,立于世界经济金融强国之林,银行业的发展至关重要。2006年末我国加入WTO金融业务全面保护期结束,中国金融业全面开放,中国银行业至此置身于一个更加开放和竞争更为激烈的市场环境之中。回顾过去5年过渡期,虽然我国商业银行尤其是国有商业银行在这五年间取得的成就和进步是显著的,但当前剧变的金融环境,外资金融机构越来越强的扩张和攻势,对我国商业银行的发展提出了更高的要求。毕竟,外资银行的挑战,使我国商业银行面临的不仅是发展的问题,更重要的是生死存亡的问题。因而,我国商业银行如何在激烈竞争的金融市场中获得综合、持久的竞争力以适应并应对中国银行业市场变化及其带来的新挑战,是中国整个银行业面临的十分重要而紧迫的课题。因此,立足现实,着眼未来,客观评价和分析当前中国银行业的竞争力态势,分析具体银行竞争力之强弱,对于我们可以科学客观地认识我国商业银行的现状,制定竞争策略、提升我国商业银行竞争力,维护金融业健康发展至关重要。这也是本文研究的出发点和归宿点。目前,我国学术界中,很多专家学者已经对我国商业银行的竞争力进行了较为系统的研究。但研究对象多为整个银行业,单独以股份制商业银行或者四大国有商业银行为研究对象的研究就少了一些,而具体针对单一商业银行的竞争力研究就更少。研究对象数量过多容易导致研究无法深入与细化。同时,以银行群体为研究对象的竞争力分析主要针对商业银行共同拥有的特征和状况加以分析,而单一商业银行所具有的特色的竞争力,往往可能被忽略,从而无法准确的评价商业银行的竞争力状态。因此,本文选择我国四大国有商业银行之一的中国建设银行为研究对象,试图构建完整的单一商业银行竞争力评价体系。从2004年开始,中国建设银行先后进行了股份制改造、剥离不良资产,以及H股上市和A股上市,已经基本建立起了现代金融企业的架构,银行的市场竞争能力和整体的盈利能力和管理水平发生比较大的飞跃与提高。中国建设银行不仅代表着股份制改造后的国有商业银行,更代表着在中国市场上处于领先地位的全国性股份制商业银行。本文构建的中国建设银行的竞争力评价体系,遵循着具体问题具体分析的原则,全文紧紧围绕中国建设银行这一个体,不仅运用SWOT分析法,将中国建设银行各主要的优势、劣势、机会和威胁等列举出来,对中国建设银行所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的表述,同时,在分析中国建设银行竞争力的构成要素时,强调从建设银行自身内在的角度进行分析,挖掘形成建设银行竞争力的深层次来源。在国际上主流的三类竞争力理论中,本文选择了以基于能力的企业竞争力理论为指导。基于能力的企业竞争力理论从企业内在成长的角度对企业竞争力加以分析,认为企业竞争力是一个能力体系;企业的能力的差异是企业持久竞争优势的源泉。同时,能力是企业有效使用资源,并使其相互作用,从而产生新的能力与资源的能力,其本质是企业的知识要素,是确定资源组合的生产力;企业能力理论认为企业中蕴涵着一种特殊的智力资本,确保企业以自己特有的方式更有效的从事生产经营活动。依据这一理论,本文将商业银行竞争力构成要素分为以下两个大类:组织能力要素和知识要素,即商业银行竞争力是一个包括组织能力和知识的综合系统。组织能力是商业银行实现其竞争优势的源泉,是商业银行竞争力的主体和外在表现。本文大体将商业银行竞争力的组织能力要素分解为四个方面,即组织盈利能力、安全管理能力、流动管理能力和组织发展能力,并分别从上述四个方面对中国建设银行的竞争力表现加以评价分析。这些要素是商业银行在市场中与对手竞争所体现出的决定性的能力差异,决定着商业银行能否在当下的条件下生存和发展。而知识要素则是确保商业银行具有持久竞争力的根本所在。作为隐藏于商业银行内部对商业银行的表层要素发挥着决定和支撑作用的深层要素,他们包括战略管理能力、公司治理能力、业务体系及创新能力和人力资源等。这些要素的共同特点都在于运用知识来实现其功能,他们决定着银行未来的发展前景和可持续发展状况。本文以基于能力的企业竞争力理论为主要理论基础,围绕商业银行竞争力构成要素这条理论主线,将组织能力要素和知识要素细分为若干个子系统,每个子系统反映银行竞争力的一个侧面,采用多级评价,比较分析的方法构建中国建设银行竞争力评价体系。全文采用了实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法进行论述,对数据采用动态分析与静态分析相统一的处理方法。具体而言,组织能力要素分析中,本文选取了我国五家在《银行家》杂志排名前列的商业银行,作为与中国建设银行进行比较分析的对象,通过反映商业银行组织盈利能力、安全管理能力、流动管理能力和组织发展能力的财务指标的比较,力图揭示中国建设银行在组织能力要素方面与其主要竞争对手的优劣,以明确中国建设银行在当前竞争中的优势与不足。知识要素分析中,本文分别通过波士顿矩阵法、股权结构分析、业务贡献率分析、人力资本结构分析等方法完成对中国建设银行的战略管理能力、公司治理能力、业务体系及创新能力和人力资源等知识要素的衡量,以揭示建设银行的竞争力的来源与持续能力。最后,通过总结分析当前中国建设银行竞争力中存在的软肋,提出相应的发展策略,为进一步提升中国建设银行竞争力提供努力的方向。文章共分为四个部分。第一章,导论。从中国银行业全面开放和中国金融改革和发展的背景出发,分析了当前研究这一课题的现实意义与目的、研究方法并简要介绍本文的研究框架与内容。第二章,商业银行竞争力理论与分析方法。这一章既是本文分析的起点,也是本文的理论基础。首先,本文简要回顾了国内外企业竞争力理论,阐述了企业竞争力基本概念和特征,并且详细分析了商业银行竞争力的内涵,进一步明确了商业银行竞争力的特殊性。在明确商业银行竞争力定义的同时,对构成商业银行竞争力的要素进行分析,为商业银行竞争力评价体系的构建提供理论支持。其次,对当前国内外商业银行竞争力分析方法进行回顾和简要点评,总结了当前研究的状况和主要的分析思路。最后,构建本文的中国建设银行竞争力评价体系。第三章,中国建设银行竞争力分析。这是本文对中国建设银行竞争力进行具体分析部分,是本文的重点。首先,是对中国建设银行进行简介和SWOT分析,深入剖析中国建设银行所面临的机会、威胁和自身所具有的优势与劣势;第二,运用最近三年的财务数据资料,将构成中国建设银行竞争力的组织能力要素与中国建设银行主要的竞争对手相比较,具体分析建设银行当前的竞争力状况;第三,从战略管理能力、业务体系和创新能力、人力资源等方面,明确中国建设银行在知识要素竞争力方面的优势与不足,以揭示其竞争力的持久力,最终实现对中国建设银行竞争力全面准确的衡量。第四章,中国建设银行竞争力提升的策略。这是本文对研究结论的引申。根据前一章对中国建设银行竞争力状况的分析,论文总结归纳了建设银行在当前竞争中的不足,并据此,提出意在提升其竞争力的发展策略。

【Abstract】 Today with the spreading and deepening of the economic and financial globalization, finance is the core of the modern economy. The estate of the finance is the fundamental indicator to evaluate whether a country’s economy is strong or not. In order to develop our country into a country with strong economy and finance and being one of the biggest economies, the development of banking is very important. While China entered into WTO and the period of protection against the foreign financial business expired, the whole Chinese financial industry is open, Chinese banking industry was in a more opening and more competitive marketing environment. Review the past 5 years interim, Chinese commercial banks, especially the state-owned commercial banks have achieved notable successes and improvements, but it is not good enough while facing the continued expansion and offensive from foreign financial institutions. The challenge from foreign banks is not only a problem of development, but also a problem to be death or life. Thus, how do Chinese commercial banks acquire the integrated, continued competitiveness to fit to the new challenge in Chinese banking market is an very important and pressing project for the whole Chinese banking industry. So based the realism, having the future in mind, we should evaluate Chinese banking industry competitive situation impersonally and analyze the specific bank’s competitiveness. It will be vital for helping make competitive strategies and maintaining the healthy development of the financial industry, and it will also has a nation wide impact on the deepening of financial reform.At present, a good many experts and scholars have conduct systemic studies on Chinese commercial bank’s competitiveness, but the objects of most studies are the whole banking industries. There are little studies which take the state-owned commercial bank or joint-stock commercial banks as objects. Even worse, the studies which set the specific bank as object are much less. The overabundance of study objects would result in the failure to deepening the studies. Meanwhile while taking the bank colony as the object, most studies just focus on the common characters or problems but some specific and distinctive competitiveness were ignored. Thus, this thesis selects China Construction Bank (CCB), one of the state-owned commercial banks, as the study object and tries to build a feasible system to evaluate a single commercial bank’s competiveness. Since 2004, CCB has successively gone through the transformation from a state-owned enterprise into standard joint-stock company, striping the bad assets off, IPO on Hong Kong stock market and China A stock market. CCB has established a modern financial corporate system. The profitability and management of CCB has been improved greatly. Now CCB is not only presents the new state-owned commercial bank after the joint-stock system transformation but also presents the leading nationwide joint-stock commercial bank. Based on the principle of the concrete analysis of concrete conditions, this thesis concentrates on CCB, this single object. We apply the SWOT to list the CCB’s strength, weakness, opportunities and threatens to form a entire systemic picture of CCB. And while analyzing the component elements of CCB’s competitiveness, this thesis try to dig out the potential source of its competitiveness from CCB internal angle.In the three main international competitiveness theories, we selected the one based on capability as guidance. The competitiveness theory based on capability considers the enterprise competitiveness as a capability system; The difference between the capabilities are the sources of enterprise’s competitive advantage. And the nature of these capabilities is the knowledge. This theory think there are one special intelligence capital inside the enterprises to make sure the enterprises running more efficiently in their own manners. Based on this theory, this thesis divides the commercial bank’s competitiveness into two categories: organizational capability elements and knowledge elements. The organizational capability elements are the source of the commercial banks’competitive advantage, the main body of the commercial banks’competitiveness. And the organizational capability elements include organizational profitability, risk management, liquidity management and development capability. These are the crucial capabilities which decide whether the commercial banks would survive in the sharp market competition. The knowledge elements are the vigor and vitality of commercial banks competitiveness. These elements concealed inside the commercial banks are supporting their outside performance. They are: stratagem management, corporate governance, operation system & innovation capability, human capital. These elements rely on the knowledge to realize their function and decide the banks’future development.Based on the competitiveness theory of capability, this thesis takes the commercial bank competitiveness elements as the theory master stroke and divides the two elements into several subsystems which will reflect a profile of banks’competitiveness. The whole thesis applies the normative study method and empirical study method to discuss and use static data and trend to evaluate the performance of the commercial bank.The thesis is divided into four parts, the main contents as follows: The first chapter is introduction. It introduces the writing background and purpose, research methods. The second chapter analyses the theories of banking competitiveness. First, it reviews the enterprise theory at home and aboard to expatiate the basic theory and character about enterprise competitiveness. Second, it introduces the connotation of commercial banks’competitiveness and gives the definition of it. After this, based on the competitiveness theory of capability, it explains the elements which composes the holistic bank’s competitiveness. Third, it summarizes the current studies on commercial banks’competitiveness and points out the shortcoming. Finally, it builds up the China Construction Bank competitiveness evaluation system. The third chapter is the nucleus of the thesis, which discusses about the present situation of CCB. It uses SWOT method to picture CCB competition position. Then, the author makes an empirical analysis to the CCB’s competitiveness, by comparing several financial ratios between CCB and its main competitors. Meanwhile it also applies the Boston Metrics, stock structure chart, human capital structure to look for the latent competitiveness inside the CCB. The fourth chapter makes the conclusion of this paper and proposes the suggestion for CCB’s future development. It’s mainly about facing the weakness, how to improve the competitiveness of CCB.
