

Research on the Tactics of Sichuan Province’s International Aviation Logistics Development

【作者】 黄宇慧

【导师】 谢凤燕;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国际物流作为国际贸易的基础和必要条件,是国际贸易的载体,而国际贸易的快速发展,则进一步对物流提出新的要求,要求其具有更高的安全保证和经济效益。对于内陆城市而言,国际物流与对外贸易发展的联系尤为重要。充分发展国际物流有助于开发内陆城市的国际市场,改变外贸投资环境,促进其国际化,同时还能促进内陆地区外向型经济发展,缓解内陆地区与沿海地区经济发展不平衡问题,增加其国民经济和外汇收入。因此,四川省的国际航空物流发展策略问题具有较高的研究价值。论文正文共分六章。第一章论述四川省发展国际航空物流的必要性。自改革开放以来,四川省的对外贸易一直保持上升的状况,为四川省国际物流的发展提供了很好的机遇。然而由于四川特殊的地形因素,四川省主要的铁路—公路运输网络近年来无法保持与四川对外贸易同步的发展速度,建设和运输周期长、危险度高,提速难、货损货差率较高、附加成本高、无法适应出口商品结构转变等瓶颈效应日益暴露;且随着四川省进出口贸易结构的升级,初级产品在进出口总额中不断下降,工业制成品在进出口总额中迅速上升,所占比重越来越大。“重、厚、长、大”型的产品结构逐渐向“轻、薄、短、小”型的产品结构转化,单位重量产品的价值上升,促使四川省的运输结构发生相应的变化,航空等新型运输方式的需求发展迅猛,尤其是电子通讯和精密机电等产品,越来越多地选择空运作为其承运方式,因此为了适应四川对外贸易的发展现状,发展航空物流是是很有必要的。论文第二章是对四川省航空物流的发展现状的研究。航空运输是发展国际航空物流的重要基础,近年来,四川成都双流国际机场各项生产指标均保持高速增长,航空运输业呈现出加快发展的良好态势,其运输业务量列中西部地区之首,在全国范围内也仅次于北京、上海虹桥、浦东、广州、深圳机场,位居全国机场第六位,为四川省发展国际航空物流奠定了必要的基础,且中国进入WTO以及西部大开发的推动,促进了四川省对外贸易的飞速发展,产业结构不断调整和完善以及政府主管部门的相关支持为四川航空物流的发展提供了良好的发展环境。尽管如此,目前四川的航空物流还存在众多不足之处:航空运输网络不健全、运力的缺乏及配置的不合理、航空货运价格政策调整滞后于市场供求关系的变化、价格形成机制不完善、运输代理规模偏小以及海关及口岸联检单位的运作效率较低、程序复杂、有效工作时间短等原因己经明显的阻碍了四川省航空物流的发展。论文第三章通过运用实证分析,对四川省国际物流未来货运量的需求趋势进行了精确预测,得知未来几年四川省航空物流的需求旺盛,四川省航空物流增长潜力巨大。论文第四章是其他国家与地区发展国际航空物流的战略模式的分析,在借鉴国内外一些发达国家和地区航空物流的发展经验基础上,论文第五章指明了四川国际航空物流业发展空运物流的道路,总结归纳出适合四川对外贸易发展的航空物流发展模式:建设基础设施完善、功能配套的国际性枢纽型航空物流园区以整合资源,形成货运枢纽空港;航空物流园区的运营上采用“专营权”模式;航线网络布局上采用依托双流国际机场为中心,以此中心辐射西部的模式;运输网络上采用以航空运输为主、多式联运进行辅助的模式;信息系统方面采用建立高效的航空物流信息系统贯穿其中的模式。论文第六章是对支持四川省航空物流发展的基本条件分析。在政府与政策方面,要求政府根据四川的经济环境、市场环境、技术环境的变化,及时出台有关政策与法规,以宏观指导和规范,支持、引导新兴产业的发展;同时四川政府对本省尚处于起步阶段的航空物流的发展应进行必要的扶持和鼓励,特别是在贷款、税收、航线经营和运价等方面,更应采取导向性倾斜政策,加以扶植。在有关物流法规方面,应完善其体系,包括物流企业的界定和市场准入退出;纳税、通关、单证格式、各种运输方式管理及内外合资合作等方面均应做出有关规定,以营造现代物流发展的良好环境,推动四川省航空物流的快速发展。此外,在行业技术规范与标准方面,也应尽快整合,要普遍推行航空运单标准条形码的应用,以加快航空物流公共信息的共享。除此以外,还要加强航空硬件设施建设,加大高新技术产业的比重,引入多方投资者共同投资物流设施,加强航空与其他物流枢纽的衔接,加快完善地面交通体系,发挥四川省航空物流的优势,使之在与铁路,公路等主要运输方式激烈竞争中得以生存;并且要注重航空物流人才的引进和培养。本文的主要观点是:随着四川省对外经济贸易的快速增长,铁路—公路交通运输网络的已经无法满足需求了,需要开辟和发展航空物流领域来适应四川省对外贸易结构的改变。四川省要进一步发展国际航空物流,可以借鉴其他一些地区和国际的经验,选择适合自己的发展模式:运营上采用“专营权”模式;航线网络布局上采用依托双流国际机场为中心,建设基础设施完善、功能配套的国际性枢纽型航空物流园区以整合资源,形成货运枢纽空港,以此中心辐射西部的模式;运输网络上采用以航空运输为主、多式联运进行辅助的模式;信息系统方面采用建立高效的航空物流信息系统贯穿其中的模式。而实现这些模式的运作则需要双流国际机场、航空公司及当地政府三者共同支持,如制定相应政策,规范航空物流市场,完善航空物流硬件软件建设以及进行相关人才的培养。本文的主要创新点是:首先,本文将研究对象视为一个体系,系统地研究有关促进四川省航空物流体系形成与发展的理论与方法,从而寻求整体效果的最佳;其次,本文采用了实证分析法建立模型,对四川省发展国际航空物流的趋势和需求进行了预测;第三,针对四川省现行国际航空物流的发展现状,明确提出了适合四川省发展的国际航空物流模式;第四,结合四川省实际情况以及文章的分析指出:在实践中,航空物流发展主要取决于政府和企业两个方面的作用,提出要建立多种价位的航空价格体系,建立动态联盟战略等建议。

【Abstract】 International logistics as the basic and necessary conditions for international trade is the carrier of international trade. Meanwhile, the rapid development of international trade raises further and new demands for international logistics, asking them to hold higher security assurances and economic benefits. For inland cities, the links between international logistics and the development of foreign trade is particularly important. Full development of international logistics helps to explore the international market of inland cities, changing foreign trade investment environment and internationalize it. Furthermore, it can also promote export-oriented economic development of inland area, relieve the disequilibrium between the economy level of inland area and coastal area and increase its foreign exchange earnings. Therefore, the development strategy of Sichuan international air logistics has high research value.The text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is about the necessity of the development of Sichuan International Aviation Logistics. Since the reform and opening policy, Sichuan’s foreign trade has kept on rising and this provided a good opportunity for the development of Sichuan International Aviation Logistics. However in recent years, Sichuan’s major railway - highway transportation network is unable to maintain the synchronizing pace with the development of foreign trade and many bottleneck effects exposed increasingly. Moreover, the promotion of Sichuan’s import and export structure drove the structure of Sichuan’s transportation to change accordingly. Especially those products on electronic communications and precision electromechanical devices have begun to choose air freight as its carrier manner gradually. Therefore, in order to meet needs of the development of foreign trade in Sichuan, the development of aviation logistics is very necessary.The second chapter is the research on the current situation of Sichuan aviation logistics development. In recent years, the production targets of Sichuan Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport maintained a high growth rate and the air transport industry showed a good momentum of development. Furthermore, China’s entry into the WTO and the western development promoted Sichuan’s foreign trade to develop rapidly. Constantly adjustment and improvement of the industrial structure and the relevant support of government department have provided Sichuan aviation logistics with a good environment for development. Nevertheless, there are still many deficiencies for the current Sichuan Aviation Logistics. The Sichuan aviation logistics needs to be improved.Chapter III used Substantial evidence analysis to forecast the demand trends of Sichuan International Logistics precisely and come out the result that the next few years the Sichuan aviation logistics has a strong demand and a tremendous growth potential.Chapter IV is the analysis on the strategic models of the International Aviation logistics development of other countries and regions. By Using the development experiences of some developed countries and districts as reference, Chapter V points out the development road for Sichuan international aviation development and summarizes the Aviation logistics development model which is suitable for the development of Sichuan foreign trade.Chapter VI is the analysis of basic conditions which support Sichuan aviation logistics development. In the aspect of government and policy, require the government to publish relevant policies and regulations timely and to support and guide the development of emerging industries with macro conduction and standard. In addition, we must also strengthen aviation hardware infrastructure construction, increase the proportion of high-tech industries, and introduce multi-investors to invest on logistics facilities, enhance the connection between aviation and other logistics hub and speed up the improvement of ground transportation system.Furthermore, we should focus on the introduction and cultivation of aviation logistics personnel.The main point is this: With the rapid growth of Sichuan foreign economic and trade, railway - highway transportation network has been unable to meet demand and the development of aviation logistics is in need in order to adapt to changes in the structure of external trade in Sichuan Province. In order to get a further development for international air logistics, Sichuan Province can draw on a number of other regional and international experiences and choose its own development model: operating on a "franchise" mode; route network can take this mode: taking Shuangliu International Airport as center, building an aviation logistics park which owns perfect facilities and complete functions as international hub of to consolidate resources and taking the center to radiate the western area .Transport network is taking air transport as main part and taking multimodal transport as a supplementary .Information system is required to establish efficient aviation logistics information system which runs through the model. However, to realize the operation of these models would requires of jointly support by Shuangliu International Airport, airlines and local governments, such as formulating appropriate policies, standardizing aviation logistics market, improving aviation logistics hardware and software construction training related personnel.The main innovation is: First of all, this article takes the research objects as a system and study the theory and method in promoting the formation and development of Sichuan aviation logistics system in order to find out the best overall effect; Second, this article used the substantial evidence analysis to build model and made a forecast On the trends and demand of Sichuan international aviation logistics development; third, in view of the current situation of Sichuan international aviation logistics development, pointed out the international aviation logistics development model suitable for Sichuan Province ; fourth, on the basis of actual situation in Sichuan Province and the analysis in this article, pointed out: In practice, aviation logistics development depends primarily on the functions of government and the companies and calls for establishing a multi-level air price system and establishing a dynamic alliance strategy, and so on.
