

The Investigation of Role Consciousness and Role Behavior for P.E. Teachers in Jiangxi Urban Secondary School in the Idea of Teacher Specialization

【作者】 何云霞

【导师】 谢彬;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师专业化是教育界孜孜以求的目标,也是自有教师职业起就一直努力的方向。本论文以江西省11个设区市的部分中学体育教师和中学生为研究对象,进行调查研究,系统分析了在教师专业化背景下江西省城市中学体育教师角色意识和角色行为。研究发现:体育教师基本情况中男女教师比例存在失衡现象,高层学历及高级职称的体育教师稀缺,教师继续再教育方面还应加强;对体育教师角色意识调查中大多数体育教师认为体育教师掌握体育类的知识和技能比掌握教育类方面的知识和技能更加重要,对专业技能类知识更注重较实用的健身保健与康复方面的知识,部分体育专业重要基础课程知识的重视程度比较低,多数教师认为自身的创新知识不够,对学生的特点把握不足;对体育教师角色行为调查中绝大多数学生对体育课感兴趣的原因是因为体育教师自身的因素,对体育课不感兴趣的最重要的原因是没有自己喜欢的体育项目,而不是因为体育教师,体育教师对于教学方法的应用还不灵活,还应做进一步的改善,学生对体育教师综合评价中更注重教师责任心、师德的高低、上课水平及对待学生的态度方面;体育教师对自身角色行为定位从学生角度考虑较多,从自身角度方面进行考虑较少。在此研究的基础上,本论文提出了一些建议,为提升江西省中学体育教师的角色意识和角色行为提供了一些新的思路。

【Abstract】 Teacher Specialization is the assiduous goal of the education sector, but also the working direction since there is teacher vocation. In this thesis, the students and P.E. teachers in the secondary school in 11 cities of Jiangxi province were investigated in the questionnaires. Role consciousness and role behavior for P.E. teachers were analyzed in the idea of teacher specialization.The research found that: In the basic conditions of P.E. teachers, imbalances exist in the ratio of gender to teachers, scarcity in the teachers of high-level academic and senior titles, teachers continue to re-education should also be strengthened; In investigation of role consciousness for P.E. teachers, the majority of P.E. teachers think that it is more important to master physical education knowledge and sports skills than educational knowledge and skills, practical knowledge of health and fitness rehabilitation of knowledge are paid more attention, the degree of attention about part of professional important foundation knowledge courses to be considered relatively low, majority of teachers think they lack knowledge innovation and know less to characteristics of students; In investigation of role behavior for P.E. teachers, many students are interested in physical education is because P.E. teachers own factors, having no interesting is because there is not their favorite sports but not because P.E. teachers, teaching method is not flexible, it should be further improved, comprehensive evaluation of students about teachers pay more attention to accountability, the level of morality, classing levels and the attitude of treating students, larger perspective are considered from students about the location of role behavior of P.E. teachers and less considered from their own point of view.Based on the study of this thesis, some suggestions have brought forward so as to provide some new ideas for upgrading of role consciousness and role behavior for P.E. teachers in Jiangxi province.

  • 【分类号】G633.96;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】365
  • 攻读期成果