

To Deliberate Cherubino’s Creation Characteristic and Sing Style in the Mozart’s Opera of Le Nozze Di Figaro

【作者】 陈玉琳

【导师】 刘明健;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 沃尔夫冈·阿玛德乌斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756~1791),一名音乐伟人,一位旷世奇才,他的名字大家耳熟能详,他的作品人们有口皆碑。他的创作几乎涉及所有音乐体裁,而他每一种体裁的作品都被认为是时代影响力的典范,特别是他呕心创作的22部歌剧作品,提炼了德奥的歌剧精华,添置了高超的歌剧技巧,安排了妥帖的歌剧布局,呼出了时代变革的歌剧精神,将他的艺术事业推向了顶峰。如果说音乐的执着开拓了他勇攀高峰的视野,那么挑战的精神则成就了他永垂不朽的乐绩,他为后人树立了歌剧创作的楷模,同时也吸引着人们沿着他的艺术人生道路去探究歌剧艺术的奥秘。

【Abstract】 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is well-known all over the world as one of the music genius, whose works are widely transmitted. All music types can be seen in his creations, every of which is considered as the model of music having great influence on the development of opera. Mozart had composed 22 opera works with his utmost effort embodying the elite of German and Austria Opera, containing perfect opera techniques with proper arrangement, exerting opera spirit of reform era, which represents the top of his career. His persistence for music creates his perspective of music pursuit and his challenge spirit makes him achieved immortal works. Mozart, as the model of opera creation, inspires other artists to explore the opera art following his art steps.

【关键词】 莫扎特凯鲁比诺创作特征演唱风格
【Key words】 MozartCherubinoCreation CharacteristicSing Style