

【作者】 朱露明

【导师】 卢正惠;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 主导产业是在产业经济系统中处于支配地位的产业。一个区域的经济发展往往是由一个或几个主导产业的高速发展带动起来的。主导产业还具有某种程度上的动态性,某一时期具有比较优势的主导产业,随着外部条件的不断变化,可能优势不再,必须在现行主导产业行将出现衰退迹象时,选择培育新兴产业部门,使之成为新一时期的主导产业,以替代过时的主导产业,从而保持区域经济持续、快速、健康的发展。本文首先阐述了主导产业的基本内涵以及相关概念,对以罗斯托的主导部门理论为主的主导产业相关理论进行了回顾,并且系统总结了我国学者关于区域主导产业选择原则及衡量指标等方面的研究成果。然后介绍了主要的区域主导产业选择基准与评价模型,并指出了当前区域主导产业选择实证研究中存在的不足以及误区。本文构建并完善了区域主导产业选择与培育模型的四个阶段:区域分析阶段、定量选择阶段、政府培育阶段、评价与调整阶段。本文认为主导产业的正确选择只是完成了第一步,更重要的是主导产业的培育。同时本文指出了政府在主导产业的培育方面,应怎样制定和实施主导产业培育与扶植政策,明确了政府在区域主导产业培育和发展过程中的职能和作用。本文以楚雄州为例,并按照区域主导产业选择与培育模型的四个阶段进行实证研究。首先分析了楚雄州的经济概况,选出了可能成为主导产业若干候选产业。然后通过数据的收集整理,对这些产业进行了选择指标的量化分析。并运用了层次分析法选择权重,通过综合计算得分选择确定了楚雄州主导产业。最后,给出了对于当前主导产业发展以及新兴主导产业培育的具体政策建议。

【Abstract】 Leading industry is the industry which in the controlling position of economic system. An area’s economic growth is promoted by one or several leading industries’ speeding development. Leading industry also has the dynamic to some degree, with the ever-changing external conditions, the leading industry which has comparative advantages within a certain period of time which has no more advantages than before, so when it has the signs of recession, nurturing another emerging industries and making them become the new leading industries, which can replace out-dated ones, that keeping the continuing, speeding and healthy development.Firstly, the thesis illustrates some basic meanings and concepts of leading industry, and overviews the related theories of Rostow theory and sums up Chinese scholars’ research works which concerned with the topic of "principles and measures of regional leading industries" and ect. Then, the author illustrates the bench mark and model of regional leading industries. This thesis constructs the four perfect periods of choosing and nurturing in the regional leading industries: regional analyzing period, rationed choosing period, governmental nurturing period, assessing and adjust period. The author believes that the right choice of the leading industries just finished the first step, how to implement and carry out leading industries’ nurturing and help policies defines the government’ s functions in the process of zone regional leading industries’ nurture and development.This thesis takes Chu Xiong City as a model, firstly, it analysis the general view of its economy, and chooses several industries as the candidates which will become the leading industries, then does the quantitative analyses through collecting and compiling of the data, which chooses weight through wielded step analysis, and confirms the leading industries of Chu Xiong City through the overall score, at last, this thesis gives the detailed suggestions to the government in the period of nurturing, assessing and adjusting.
