

【作者】 韩小鹏

【导师】 孟庆红;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 县域经济是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,在我国当今经济发展的过程中,扮演着越来越重要的角色。县域经济不仅与占我国总人口70%的农村人口息息相关,更承担着我国的“三农”问题的关键。所以在新的历史时期下,很有必要的去研究县域经济问题。作为身处全国西南的云南省,县域经济的发展一直都不是全省的强项,而位于云南省西部的大理州,除了大理市之外,其它县是县域经济的发展都比较弱,所以本文就选取了这个方面为研究对象。本文主要研究大理州下辖的12个县市的县域经济问题。文章第一部分对本文的研究方向和目的进行了说明,而后介绍了县域经济在国内和国外理论上的发展状况。第二部分将县域经济理论的各个方面进行了广泛地介绍和分析,使整篇文章有了理论的根基。第三部分则先运用县域经济的基本竞争力评价体系来简要地分析全国、全省的县域竞争力的大致状况,而后采用比较准确的县域经济综合竞争力评价体系来着重详细的分析大理州内各县市的县域竞争力。第四部分从大理州各县市的经济结构来分析,如产业结构、城乡梯度结构,接下来是三大产业的分析;第五部分从大理州的县域经济空间布局方面来做一些探讨,将大理州的经济发展规划为四个圈层,分别为核心层、轴线层、发展层、外围层,整体上依照的增长及和点轴式开发理论,并对各个圈层的功能进行了定位。第六部分对大理州当前县域经济的发展进行了若干思考,包括以县城为经济中心的发展模式、发展以现代农业为主要内容的农村经济、县域的城乡统筹发展、县域经济的可持续发展、政府职能转变的若干思考等五个方面的内容。总之,经过以上的分析,可以明显得到县域经济的发展在大理州所处的重要地位,因此能及时地对大理州的县域经济有所分析、研究和探索,无论成效能有多大,都感觉收获颇丰。

【Abstract】 The county economy constitutes an important part of our national economy and is playing a more and more important role in the development of national economy. The county economy not only relates to the rural population which accounts for 70 percent of the total population, but also is the key point in the resolving the problems of agriculture, countryside and peasantry. Accordingly, it is essential to research on the problems of county economy in the new historic times. Yunnan province, in the south-west of China, has been weak in the development of county economy except Dali city which locates in the west of Yunnan province. The rest counties of the state are all relatively weak in the development of the county economy, so chooses Dali as the research object in this paper.This article mainly research on the economy of the 12 counties under the rule of Dali state. The first part makes a discussion on the scope and purpose of the article, and then introduces the development of the county economy at home and broad theoretically. The second part introduces and analyzes all aspects of the county economic theory extensively. The third part, analyzes generally the situation on the county economic competitiveness of the whole country and Yunnan province using the basic competitiveness evaluation system of county economy, and then analyzes the county competitiveness of each county in Dali state using the accurate integrative competitiveness evaluation system of county economy in details. The fourth part focuses on the model of the development of Dali state, which is analyzed from two aspects. First, it is analyzed from the economic structure of each county in Dali state, for instance, Industrial structure, differential structure between cities and counties, and the following is the analysis of the three main industrials at length; Second, we make some discussions on the county economy planning, which divides the economic development of Dali into four circles, which are the circle of core, the core of axis, the circle of development, the circle of periphery, according to the theory of increase and axis in the whole as well as the position of the function of each circle. The fifth part explores the economic development of Dali state, including the sustainable development of the county economy, construction of the new socialist countryside as well as transformation of the government functions.In conclusion, as analyzed above, it is obvious to understand the important role of the county economy plays in the development of Dali state. So we can analyze, research and explore on the county economy of Dali state timely. And no matter what the results are, we can make some achievements anyway.
