

【作者】 安良

【导师】 梁忠民;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 立法是一个关系国计民生的重大问题,立法的成败直接关系到广大人民的切身利益,关系到国家发展的千秋大业。为了应对广泛的社会管理事务和各种具有专业性的行政管理事项,更好地体现依法行政,现代社会中的政府都享有较为广泛的行政立法权。地方政府立法,无疑是我国立法体制中不可或缺的重要组成部分,为完善我国的法制建设起到了重要的作用。近年来,随着经济社会的发展与公民权利意识的不断提高,“开门立法”,让公众更广泛地参与到立法过程中来已经成为民主法制建设中不可逆挡的历史潮流。我国各级地方政府立法顺应了社会发展的趋势,开展了各种各样的公众参与机制与实践。立法机构扩大立法过程的公开、透明度已为很多法律、法规和文件所认可,也为社会公众所关注,这是社会发展的一个必然趋势。本文运用公共行政学、行政法学、立法学等多学科中的理论和方法,深入探讨了公众参与立法的理论基础,通过了解国外在公众参与立法方面的经验,以及新中国建立以来公众参与立法的历史发展与现状,分析了我国公众参与立法中存在的主要问题,对在当前条件下如何能够更好地让公众参与到立法过程中,最大化保障公民权利的实现,提出了完善的对策和途径。本文认为,虽然我国地方政府立法取得了明显的进步,但也存在着不可忽视的问题,主要包括公众参与主体的平等性与自主性、公众参与的时效性与程序等等。为此,应通过建立制度、完善程序等措施予以解决。

【Abstract】 Legislation is a major issue for a country, because its success or failure not only has a direct bearing on the vital interests of people, but also related to the development of the country. In responding to a wide range of social affairs and all kinds of professional administrative management, as well as embodying the law-based administration better, the governments have broad administrative legislation in modern society. It is no doubt that local governmental legislation is an indispensable part of current legislative system and play an important role in perfecting China’s legal system building. In recent years, with social development and the enhancement of civil rights awareness, "open-legislation" , which allows the public to participate in legislative process more widely, is becoming an irreversible historical trend in democratic legal system building process. In order to go with the tide of social development, local government at all levels in China carried out variety activities for public participation in legislation. It is approved by many laws、regulations and documents that the legislature should expand the publicity and transparency in the process of legislation, which will also raise the public attention. This article will take this as an opportunity to discuss public participation in local governmental legislation. By keeping abreast of current public participation experience abroad, as well as the character of domestic practice, this article will analyze the current situation and existing problem in public participation and put forward ways to improve it, historical trend in democratic legal system building process. In order to go with the tide of social development, local which will not only protect the civil rights but also make sure the public could participate in law-making process better.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】D920.0
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】256