

The Designment & Realization of the Railway Passenger Travelling Information Service System on Mobile Phone Platform

【作者】 付月朋

【导师】 严余松;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路旅客出行信息服务系统是铁路信息服务建设的一个重要组成部分,目前我国铁路客运旅客服务水平相对国外普遍比较落后,旅客在出行过程中获取信息方面存在各种问题,为旅客的出行带来了不便。因此为了提高旅客出行整个过程中获取信息的准确性、方便性,提高铁路服务的水平,建立一个基于手机平台的铁路旅客出行信息服务系统,使旅客在任何时间任何地点都能通过手机来查询出行信息有着非常重要的意义。该系统采用手机平台作为旅客在出行过程中获取信息的方式,其根据目前铁路部门的作业方式,旅客输送组织的流程及旅客在出行过程中信息需求,建立了旅客出行信息服务系统。论文首先通过需求分析确立旅客需求的信息及获取信息的手段,确立了手机平台为获取信息手段的旅客出行信息服务系统。然后对系统的整体设计,确立了实现系统的基本框架,系统开发的软件开发环境和运行的硬件环境等,根据整体设计的基础进行详细的设计及实现。在该论文中建立了基于手机平台的两种方式实现旅客出行过程中出行信息的查询:建立短信息平台,为旅客在出行的过程中使用手机发送短信息通过该平台查询信息;旅客可以使用支持JAVA程序的手机下载应用程序来完成信息的查询。铁路旅客出行信息服务系统实现了旅客需求信息的采集,管理的自动化,提供信息方式的多样化,为今后铁路旅客服务提供了有益的探索。

【Abstract】 The Railway Passenger Travelling Information Service System (RPTISS) is one of most essential components of Railway Information Service construction.Comparing with the travelling information service in foreign countries, it lagged behind in China which made it more inconvenient to get sufficient information during their trips. Therefore, It has been so vital significant to establish the RPTISS based on the interface of mobile phone that the passengers can easily get more accurate information during the entire travelling, no matter what time and wherever.This kind of information system is functioned by the method of mobile phone for the passengers to get the information during the whole travelling with the RPTISS. The building of this service system was according to the working arrangement of the railway department,the process of passenger transport with the information requirement ,and the method of getting the information by the passengers. The author makes further demand analysis in this thesis which builds the RPTISS helping with the mobile phone for the information service. Following then, the software development environment and the hardware for the system running are established and realized in detail according to the overall system design. In the thesis, it has elaborated that there have the following two means designed to link with Mobile phone, one is to build SMS platform for passenger to query look-ups on mobile phone when travelling, and the other is to download Mobile Phone Application Procedure into the Mobile phone to get more information with JAVA Procedure support.The purpose of the RPTISS is to realize the information collected, automatically management, and also explore more benefits for railway passengers’ service in future.
