

Management System for Mountain Highway Geological Disaster Arose by Earthquake in the High Intensity Seismic Mountain Area

【作者】 黄小琴

【导师】 姚令侃;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 川藏公路通麦至105道班段公路位于西藏林芝地区境内,是川藏公路上典型地质病害最多,危害最为惨烈的路段。通麦至105道班段公路是上世纪五十年代,人民解放军在一面进军,一面筑路的历史背景下开始修建的。它地处雅鲁藏布江大拐弯地带,属于欧亚板块与印度板块的缝合部。沿线岭谷高差悬殊,山体松散破碎,地震活动强烈,加之雨水丰沛,充分具备了多种地质灾害的孕灾、成灾条件,各种地质灾害种类齐全、暴发规模大、频率高、危害严重。如何在公路的运营中,对沿线的泥石流、滑坡进行有效的管理,对灾害进行预测和预防,以及在灾害发生后,进行及时有效的抢险救援我国西藏地区公路建设和运营面临的重大课题之一。本文采用GIS技术对公路运营防灾管理系统及地震信息管理系统的建立进行了探讨,并将其应用到对通麦至105道班段公路的管理上,为公路的安全运营提供决策支持。主要研究工作包括以下几个方面:(1)建立了通麦至105道班地质灾害及地震信息管理系统的技术结构框架,提出了该管理系统应具备三个主要功能,即:对各个泥石流、滑坡工点的管理分析以指导工程设施的施工和维护,对地震及断层信息进行管理,和如何在灾害发生后进行及时、有效的减灾辅助决策;(2)在对通麦至105道班公路沿线地质灾害调查的基础上,综合通麦至105道班段公路线路、沿线滑坡、泥石流、地震信息等各类空间地理信息和各种文字、图片、录像等其他资料,对通麦至105道班段公路地质灾害及地震信息管理系统的需求进行了分析,并据此完成通麦至105道班的地质灾害及地震信息管理系统总体设计,包括系统数据组织与数据库设计、系统功能与构架设计、界面设计等;(3)采用ESRI公司的ArcGIS和MS VB开发语言开发了通麦至105道班地质灾害及地震信息管理系统。它开发了各种泥石流、滑坡、地震信息、断层信息的查询接口;实现三维可视化模型,三维场景功能,可以了动态、可视化方式显示泥石流、滑坡以及整体线路和周边地形;该系统实现了对泥石流、滑坡的稳定性分析;以及对高烈度地震区进行减灾辅助决策支持。除此之外,还提供全线泥石流、滑坡,等专题地图功能。本文研究的创新点在于:(1)本文提出了建立高烈度地震山区道路地震信息管理系统的技术结构框架,和该系统应该具备的一些基本功能。(2)提出了高烈度地震山区公路在发生地质灾害后进行抢险救援的模式,为其提供决策支持。

【Abstract】 The expressway Tongmai to 105 Daoban is situated in Linzhi region in Tibet.This section of the highway has the most typical geological disasters,and it is also the most dangerous segment. The road was built by soldiers in the 1950’s .On the one hand the soldiers built the road;on the other hand they had to march.The road is located at the corner of Yalu Tsangpo River ,it belongs to the suture of Eurasian plate and Indian plate .Because of the considerable height difference along the Range-Gorge, the loosening and crushing mountain body,together with the strong seismic activity and powerful rainwater,there are various geological disasters along the road. Various geological disasters which has all kinds of type,high frequency and large sale of breaking out brought serious harm for the life and property of people. Therefore, for the sake of safety, effectively management and prediction the debris-flow and landslide alone the highway is really necessary. Aslo it’s important to practice emergency rescue timely and effective when geological hazards occurred. Such task is one of the greatest problems of management and construction of montane expressway in the west of China, especially to the Tibet expressway.This paper employing the GIS, discuss the technological structure of management system for hazard prevention in expressway and management system for seismic information of mountain area. The system has been used on the management of Tongmai - 105Daoban expressway, providing decision - making supporting for the safe operation. And the main work is introduceted below in detail.(1) The management system for hazard prevention in expressway and seismic information of mountain area based on GIS is built. This system has three chief functions. The first is directing engineering facilities’construction and maintenance by managing and analyzing the debris flows and landslides along the freeway. The second is managing the fault infomation and seismic information. The last one is practicing emergency rescue timely and effective assistant decision-making when geological hazards occurred.(2) The overall design, including the database organizing, function, architecture and user interface design , of the hazard prevention thematic GIS are performed based on the following work: First, the field investigation of the geological disasters alone the Tongmai-105 Daoban expressway. second, collecting various kinds of relative data, such as the field records, words, pictures, videos. Third, analyzing the requirements of the thematic GIS.(3) The hazard prevention thematic GIS is developed by the ESRI ArcGIS and MS Visual Basic. This thematic GIS privedes various landslide、debris-flow、seismic information、fault infomation and emergency materials information query interface. To give a dynmatic, vusual view of the landslide, debris-flow, and entir expressway and its adjacent terrain, the function of 3D visualization models. The method for computing the stability properties of landslide and debris-flow in this system, as well as providing decision support to the emergency resue. Apart from these, the thematic mapping of the debris-flow, landslide and rainfall along the expressway can be made by this system.The major innovation of this thesis can be summarized as following two aspects:(1) In this paper, a management system for seismic information in expressway of high seismic mountain area based on GIS is built. And araising some chief functions in this system.(2) The mode of emergency resue for expressway of high intensitymountain area when geological hazards occurred is built. It is very helpfull to make decision analysis.
