

Research on the Risk Management of Virtual Logistics Enterprises

【作者】 翟铭勇

【导师】 胡正华;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化、市场动态化、需求个性化的时代背景下,物流市场的竞争愈来愈来激烈。虚拟物流企业作为一种新的物流模式,通过整合外部物流服务功能,使整体具备适应市场需求的综合物流服务能力,以实现对市场机遇的快速响应。其独特的组织、管理模式以及复杂的内外部环境,决定了虚拟物流企业同其他任何一种组织形式一样,有其固有的缺陷和各种与生俱来的风险。本文选取虚拟物流企业中的风险作为研究对象。虚拟物流企业风险是指企业在其运作过程中,由于系统内外部不确定性因素,使其正常运作受到影响、偏离预定目标,从而受损的可能性。研究工作主要从三个方面展开:首先,运用解析结构模型(ISM)系统全面地识别风险因素,将虚拟物流企业中的风险分为环境政策风险、经济金融风险、市场风险、能力风险、协作风险、道德风险、战略风险,分析各风险因素的产生根源及其后果;其次,选取具体的指标将虚拟物流企业风险量化,给出风险的评价指标体系,构建基于BP神经网络的风险评估模型,以此用来分析虚拟物流企业的风险状况;最后,具体阐述各类风险的处理方法,用来反馈、修正风险管理实施过程。通过这三个方面的研究初步建立了虚拟物流企业风险管理的理论框架,为虚拟物流企业进行风险的识别、评估、防范提供思路和借鉴。

【Abstract】 In the time backdrop of economic globalization, market dynamics, and requirement personality, as a new logistics model, the virtual logistics enterprises can integrate the external logistics services, and make themselves have the ability to adapt the market demand of integrated logistics services, so as to realize the rapid response to market opportunities. At the same time, because of the unique organization, management and the complex internal and external environment, it is objectively decided that, with any of the other forms of organization, virtual logistics enterprise has its inherent flaws and kinds of inherent risks.This paper treats virtual logistics enterprise in the risk as the study object. Virtual Logistics enterprise risk refers to the feasibility in the course of its operation, due to the uncertainty factors of internal and external system, that affect the normal operation and deviation from the intended target, which can bring damage. The research work mainly from the three aspects: First, a comprehensive risk identification of system, dividing the risk of virtual logistics enterprises into the market risks, the ability risk, manage risk, the risk of moral hazard, strategic risk, and analysis the risk factors’causes and the aftereffect. Second, select specific indexes of virtual logistics enterprises risk, given the risk evaluation index system, build the risk assessment model based on BP neural networks, so as to analyze the risk of virtual logistics enterprises. Thirdly, expatiate on various aspects of risk management method, that use to feedback and correct the implementation of the risk management process.Through the study of these three aspects, the paper tries to establish the theoretical framework of virtual logistics enterprise risk management, for providing ways and examples for the virtual logistics enterprises risk identification, assessment, control.
